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>by character from a movie
Why is Jow Forums sperging out over this story so much? I’ve never heard of the actor or the show.
>tyler durden
faker than the lynching
catch yourself up retard
>being this new
The brothers told police this nigger did it because people didn't take the letter seriously and (((they))) are already calling this (((a desperate cry for help))).
If the police don't find solid evidence that this nigger sent the letter, the media will turn him into a fucking hero for bringing attention to racism or some shit.
>mfw he resists arrest and runs
not gonna happen this time..
give them enough rope and they will hang themselves....
waste of trips
says jury is standing by
literally apparently
Smollet was already found guilty in 2007 of filing a false police report.
He was given 2 years probation for it.
>he is a repeat offender lmao
when the ellen page thing hit nobody really gave a shit and now that all this shit is happening in parts 2 and 3 and 4 more people are tuning in. its unfortunate & gay. but figure this out before blabbing anons
because it was created to pass a law?
it shows not matter how much money you give a monkey, it will always be a nigger.
this seems to be the real gist of what happened but finding collusion with Harris and Smollet will likely never happen.
its highly doubtful this nigger thought this whole thing out all by himself
>actors are all puppets to kike overlords
faggot nigger kike BTFO. this is maga country
This isn't like the other fake hate crimes, they went too far and overextended on this one. New legislation was written and lobbied with this as the rallying cry, every single media entity in print, video, or online championed the bullshit cause that collapsed with even a modicum of thought, then doubled and tripled down when confronted with proof of the contrary. Every single Democratic presidential candidate threw their unwavering support behind this, and now it is all collapsing. Fuck them all, I hope they burn.
You probably have 1% black DNA OP
Reminder that nothing will happen to him and this will all be memory holed.
nigger bump
Fuck I love this timeline. Learn to code you anti-white journalists.
I wish but there’s no chance. People that high up always have plausible deniability.
That white powder he mailed himself guarantees jail time. And he has priors. Dude is fucked.
those digits, fuck
all black people have priors
kek, then he will get his ass beat for real. would be a great live pd episode
Let's hope Chicago PD keeps him under 24 hour surveillance and protection so ((nothing happens)) before he can go lie in front of a judge and jury.
Honestly, I saw the TMZ TV reports on the story and it really didn't look like they believed it. They always couched it in terms of "he claims. . ." and such language, which I thought was odd for a Jew tabloid.
So what is the bets on his masters suiciding him. They all got caught red handed, only 2 ways this plays out. They kill him and then play up his "memory" to cover over the story or they let him rot in jail.
>its not even racist because its 90% true
I have a feeling the dude tries to OD on pills or something.
Naw, nothing is going to happen. They are going to say that it was staged, but he's going to walk. No charges pressed.
This. This is why so many shill threads.
Both Kamala and Booker make reference to a "attempted modern day lynching". The exact same phrase.
I really hope I am wrong.
rollling for this. he commited career sudoku and has no future at all
they are part of that same swamp creature cabal, only the lefty one not the right one. real spook type shit
One day we will shut their lying mouths
I'm 99% sure he "suicides" unfortunately.
Kamila Harris and Cory Booker used him to stage a race baiting anti white anti Trump false flag.
Trump curse is real!
no mor nigs
this whole thing is a HUGE redpill for normies
It was always the letter that would be his demise. I think he knew he was fucked bc of it so he staged an attack to try and prove it was real. He didn't expect the CPD to coordinate with the FBI. TL;DR bc Nigger
God is real.
If they were running against any other republican you know they would NOT use that in a campaign spot. Trump is going to plaster the airwaves with this.
>be Smollet
hire niggers that historically played apart in selling your nigger ancestors to jew-slavers
>to stage racist attack
>and make some point about white racist America
was he hoping for a race war?
>Empire of Justed
It's all so tiresome.
Kamala is fucked......
About a dozen search warrants have now been issued, including ones for Smollett's financial and phone records, and detectives are waiting for those records to come back.
Is this the original sin of negroes? Do they come out of the womb on probation?
That would normally be the case but that white powder through the mail guarantees jail time. Especially since he has priors for providing false information to law enforcement
they are convinced it will never come to that.
i wonder how wrong they are
TRUMP works for the kikes
he's so afraid he won't even say white
From limited experience with them they seem like the best reporters in the US
This 100%
>Kamala is fucked......
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [ many m's go here ] mmmmmm
Funny how circumstances turn one way or another isn't it?
niggers are getting used by jews, left and right
if only blacks knew
TMZ will literally report anything as long as there is something backing it up.
They are usually the first to break stories about celebrities bc they literally stalk them.
And almost everything they report about celebrities has always been true.
They have never been successfully sued for libel.
stole my post you beautiful portugese man of war son-of-a-bitch!
Because it's another case of Jow Forums being right, yet again and we love a chance to gloat.
When the story broke, there were massive redflags raise and the story sounded like bullshit from the start. THen the usually suspects like the blue checkmarks started virtue signalling and condemning the attack, Democrats used this attack to push a law, and most notably Ellen page went on a late night show and essentially blamed the attack on Mike Pence.
Now the obvious turn of events has occured and it's revealed to be a hoax, all these morons have egg on their face. Again.
Had Obama been in office still. He would have addressed the public. And ordered a federal investigation
they see way more shit than they ever publish. pure, unadulterated hollywood shit at that. they have no reason to take anything at face value.
kek and saved!
It’s what nigs do.
you could say the same for whites
Why do Americans love Jews so much? All I want to do is punch that face.
ahahaha and we're getting two terms no matter what any of you fucking silly faggots do from here
sweet, cheers user!
Can someone give me a rundown of what happened? What did he do?
I love happy endings
A metric defined as a measure of "do" that the "din" didn't self-identify as doing; exactly nil to be precise.
He'd already have shot himself twice in the back of the head with a shotgun had the Clinton's been paying him.
> (OP)
>>be Smollet
>hire niggers that historically played apart in selling your nigger ancestors to jew-slavers
>>to stage racist attack
>>and make some point about white racist America
>Get sold out by same niggers
Are they charging him with a hate crime? He tried to frame white people as the perps, why is that not racist?
Silly goy, you can't be racist to white people.
first off, he sent a terroristic letter to himself. that alone if they can link it to him carries a mandatory 20 years in prison at minimum. even though it was a hoax there is no provision in the law for "its a prank bro" - hes super screwed.
secondly, theres about 3-4 other charges hes facing along with obstruction for the "maga country" hoax.
if they just nail him on the maga country hoax then hes looking at mandatory prison sentence of 3 years.
if they get him for the letter, we'll never hear about him again in our lifetimes.
This. Good recap.
God damn I love this timeline
This. TMZ has been nothing but professional the past few years, despite being annoying vultures. They really got their shit together after their first few years.
Stop fucking trying to blackpill me you're killing my whitepill buzz bro.
Unlike the MSM, which is attempting to trick people by reporting falsehoods as the truth, TMZ is basically a glorified tabloid so they report everything with skepticism on instinct.
>why is that not racist?