Is it true women can orgasm from rape?

Is it true women can orgasm from rape?

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From what I hear from bitter redpillers women are actually more likely to orgasm from rape than regular sex, in aaggregate.

They take it as a reason to hate women, I take note and force my gf for great sex.

I dont hate women i just wish they wouldnt be so easily manipulated into beliving liberal propaganda. All that free spirit stuff and travel bullshit.

Yes, but you have to remember that the body's physiological response =/= a person's psychological response.

I've gotten a boner in situations where I wasn't comfortable, or wanted to be elsewhere.

True, confirmed

>force my gf

it's easier to force yourself on random girl you met at school, I tried with my gf but she could only act like she doesn't want it for like 30 seconds then she started moaning and it's fake af

>travel bullshit
What exactly is wrong with 'travel' in principle? I'm living now in my 6th country since birth, and every move has been a very education and horizon-exapnding experience; something you wouldn't get easilyl otherwise.

Ignore the trolls and the ignorant.

Rape is, by definition, sex against her will. Even if you imagine that a woman's body will respond to forced sex (which it won't), the anger and hatred of what is happening will overwhelm any physical responses.

Many women do have rape fantasies, but if examined closely they are really "loving, gentle sex from a stranger" fantasies

It's not rape if she has an orgasim

Wrong. Women only get psychologically damaged from rape because it social conditioning and being taught that their sexuality has a dollar value you.

>Wrong. Women only get psychologically damaged from rape because it social conditioning

No one can be actually that dumb to believe this.

This pretty much

Men can also orgasm from rape

A lot of people on this website are scared of other cultures and scared in general of anything outside of their parents' basement, so travelling for them is like one of the worst sins possible.

Lol you lot really haven’t been reading the news lately have ya? The reason why lots of people are wary about that kind of bullshit is because of stuff like what happened to those two girls in Moroccos or the other lass that went to New Zealand like last month.
Not all cultures are great and fascinating, especially those that lust for the death of the west.
I’m not saying this because I’m trying to sound like an edgy cunt, I’m just saying this because it’s the sad reality of this planet.

>Is it true that men can orgasm from rape?
Yes, a man raped by another man
can orgasm from prostate stimulation. This proves men like to be butt raped by men.

>The reason why lots of people are wary about that kind of bullshit is because of stuff like what happened to those two girls in Moroccos or the other lass that went to New Zealand like last month.
Yeah. Brilliant. In the US more than 30,000 people die per year as a result of a traffic accident. But you wouldn't rave on about 'bitches driving them cars', now, would you?
I've got the suspicion that you're massively jealous of people experiencing parts of the world other than their backwater hometown; because for whatever reason you never managed to make it happen for yourself. Just do it, dude. Take two weeks off, grab a ticket to Denmark and enjoy the scenery you fucker.

That's great if you move to a country and get a job there but there are millions of people out there getting into massive death just to visit another country, debt they have no way of paying and is going to slow down their lives and professional careers for the next couple decades

In nature women wouldn't consent, they would be forcefully claimed by the strongest man in the tribe. Women literally evolved to be raped, so it's their instinct to enjoy it. Even if their mind says no, their body is saying yes.

> But you wouldn't rave on about 'bitches driving them cars', now, would you?
I would. I'm Saudi.

I'm certified "not dumb," but I agree that rape is kinda blown out of proportion and I think that it is unfortunate that victims of rape and abuse fall into a pit of psychological disparity that society has constructed.

Haha. Explains a lot. They're allowed to drive on their own these days, though, aren't they?

>rape is kinda blown out of proportion

Hmm. Maybe it's just my morbid curiousity, but I'd be curious as to your mental state after a 250 lbs big black dude drugs you, and then takes you to brown town for an hour and a half. You know, choking, bleeding arsehole, all that stuff.

Well, that’s quite proportionate considering the fact that their population is over 300 million, narrow that down to actual accidents and the number becomes even smaller.
Even considering that, I’d feel much more safer there than going somewhere where the chances of me getting killed by locals are quite high.
But sure, carry on thinking every corner of the earth is great because of “scenery n stuff man”.
Denmark sounds like a lovely country, but I still would prefer visiting Sweden or Italy :)

Well I would outweigh him by 35 pounds. I cannot relate to the fear that some have. I have had bad things happen to me. Tomorrow is just another day. My childhood was really shitty but, that person really isn't me anymore. Rape ain't a good thing but its nothing to let your psyche go to batshit about. I can't begin to know what its like to be a female but it can't hurt to share perspectives in a civilized manner. Or with some effective disrespectful comedy.

you are more likely to get struck by lightning

People also die when they go to school in America and get shot in the face or when they choke on a muffin or slip on some ice or whatever.

You have to be pretty boring to not want to explore any of the world at all, like to be fundamentally against the principle of travelling altogether like so many anons are.

So if you got violently raped, you wouldn’t have any psychological problems?

>but its nothing to let your psyche go to batshit about
Where does this sentiment come from? Being physically violated and overpowered, undergoing essentially a form of torture - how would this not result in having your psyche go 'batshit'? How do people think an event like this is something you just 'shrug off'? It might be for people living in shitholes that experience trauma and violence on a daily basis, but not in civilized regions of the world.

So do other kids in less safer countries in the world, they get kidnapped by terrorists or shot because of some tribal bullshit.
I’m talking about oranges and you’re talking about apples, I’m not saying travelling is shit, I’m just talking about travelling to dangerous areas and doing dumb stuff because of all that “free spirit” nonsense.

Allowed? Yes.
Should? Another matter.

In fact most do during rape.
It is a very interesting subject because it is more common for women to climax during rape than during consensual sex.

We'll, I was eluding to some stuff about having a shitty childhood. Really can't say it has had much effect or that I ever think about it. Maybe guys are different. I have never heard one lament over such things. I'm just throwing it out there and hopefully, it could be helpful to some. Not trying to make it a contest or be disrespectful.

Because they're literally biologically programmed to feel more pleasure when being raped than through consensual sex. Science has proven this. Stay bluepilled you SJW cuck.

why did the other rape thread get deleted but not this one?

Lol they should just make the OP a banner for Jow Forums. This site is fucking worthless

>Science has proven this
DOI / link?

Jow Forumstheredpill

That's neither a link nor a DOI.

>New Zealand
>lusting for the death of the west.
lol wut?

Can tell you definitely they do, two of the three women I raped had an orgasm I could actually feel

This is not accurate. Women self lubricate to avoid damage to the vagina during rape. Women have evolved to survive rape so they can maximize how many babies they make. Not to enjoy it.

Female arousal and organism are so unimportant that 65 to 75 of women cannot organism from penetration. If women were designed for rape, they could all get off to hot dickings.

Hell, men probably cum at a higher % from anal rape. So by your own logic, men were built for being raped.

>Siddharth Sharma

He wasn't a Caucasian. Shit, some of the Maori here don't feel too good about western culture either. But yeah, surprise surprise it was a dude from a legitimate rape culture that also exploit/disrespect western values.

My ex loved rape fantasies, and was raped herself. I took her for a drive in the woods and raped her, brutally. I didn't like it really, but I did it for her.

I once met this tiny qt3.14 asian (just shy of 5') selling jewelry at a market, got her number and we met up later that night at the beach. We were making out in the ocean, a little drunk and eventually got naked. She was really into it but got all loyal to her BF at the last second. I'm 6'1 and full of lean muscle and it honestly crossed my mind that I could dominate her. I put my hand up to her neck firmly while kissing and palpated her heart - it jumped in rate and she got noticeably excited. In the end we stopped. I don't want to go down that road but every woman I've slept with, including my wife, absolutely enjoys being savagely dominated with just a little bit of sweetness.

>So yeah, if you're gonna do that, be caressing and shit.

>Well I would outweigh him by 35 pounds

lmao I hope you aren't saying you have no fear of being buttraped because you're obese

I am not fat. And I'm not worried. Laugh away. That shall contribute nicely to the conversation. I don't think this the appropriate thread for "lol"

>people not understanding the "liberal" "travel" progapanda
>on fucking Jow Forums
>"beep boop travel great, mind expanding, if not like parents basement"
thanks you npcs, merry xmas to you all, may I suggest a vacation in Mali or India! So empowering! :)

>And I'm not worried

we know you're not worried and you're heavy, you've been trying to establish how heavy and rape-proof you are since the beginning, sorry can't help but chuckling

It's ok ?bro? I can hide a beer can in my hand and my ass has a lot of hair. I feel sorry for ladies and squirrels. Always watching out for predators. I try to not even get near women unless my wife is with me. I can tell that I make them nervous.

In fact I hope some reading this will try to relax around big terrifying men. We may want to rape them but, most of us aren't actually going to do it. We're just people.

About 5% of women orgasm from rape. That’s just what the body does if you put it inside

I hope you guys understand that you're replying to my friend JD and he cant be disturbed by rape because of his special brain

Attached: ExLjRdX.jpg (460x692, 84K)

;) that's better. Now your funny.

This thread is fucking amazing. Serveral GUYS talking shit about something they know NOTHING about. Maybe 2 posts with anything worth saying

The short of it - yes they can. My ex gf was a little extra fucked up by it b/c she didn’t understand how it could happen and it screwed with her head for a long time after.

I don’t understand the rape fantasy thing but had 2 ex’s into it. Couldn’t go there. Dominant in bed? Yep, I like and it’s welcomed unless she’s feeling all alpha female and wants to be in control.

And you Saudi cunts can fuck right off. Lived in the ME and they way my wife was treated was disgraceful. Keep that shit in your little hell hole

but is your friend really "certified not dumb"?

More men than women are raped in America.

I can't believe that you can rape the willing. Where you heard that info?

His friend can speak for himself. My large size is caused by an abnormality in my brain and I have been tested several times and different ways under medical supervision. I am in the top one percentile.

That’s literally the dumbest thing I’ve heard all year. They let you out alone without a helmet?

well his test results say he belongs to the 1st percentile (there's 1% of the population that score below him). I think he actually looks happy with that result for some reason

But you told me that was like first place.

Well yes duh

You can also get a boner if the fattest ugliest dude forces you down and sucks your dick, youll just probably get some psychological damage from it. Thats the problem with rape, your body will react to it no matter if you like it or not and it will give you one hell of a personal crisis

Ponderous. Thanx user.

Someone coming into your house cutting off your hands and feet and stealing your shit is only wrong because society says not to steal and murder.

Ah so you mean everytime the gays get an accidental boner it is open game for the them too. Prison rape is natural. And men are by bature aggressive so they deserve being locked up and they are providers so they deserve to work hard labor jobs to support women. I see I see.

Give him some time to make a chart in paint real quick.

Do you think that if this ugly dude was going at it well enough, a straight man would have no choice but to finally spill his seed? I know it seems like a tasteless question but its a real one. This is a fascinating question you've caused me to consider. I haven't any willingness to experiment for myself.

It's only true if you count prison statistics.

Men are monsters. I fight and it means I like it, I scream, it means harder, I whimper and shake from fear of my death, it must mean I came.

I did, yes.

Rape isn't real. Women like "rape" because they eventually stop fighting back and submit to the raper, as is the natural order. Submission is biologically "hot" to the average woman. Mayhaps you were curious as to why rape victims feel guilty after the fact, it's because they know they gave in. And they felt great about it!

youre the guy that makes all those weird pornsite comments arent you?

>Major debt
Boston/NYC to most major European hubs is 275$ round trip.

You can do a nice week in Europe for $1200 including flight/room/spending money, stop being dramatic.
If people travel stupid expensive it's because they dumb not because traveling is frivolous.

You do realise the first girl was doing trauma reenactment to cope with the fact she was raped right?

Also consensual domination and surrender is not the same as the utter despair and terror of having an assailant that you know is physically stronger than you. And might kill you if you don't get away or cooperate.

Few women imagine being tackled to the ground, cut, get vaginal tearing or get savagely beat in their fantasies.

What you and they don't understand is that they are all ways in control in the fantasies. They control the scenario, the setting and the mate. There is a way out or a way to stop if they truly wanted.

Their fantasies sum up to: I desire you to the extent where I can hardly control myself. I will make you my woman, and show you how much you mean to me.

It's domination and submission play.

>Their fantasies sum up to: I desire you to the extent where I can hardly control myself. I will make you my woman, and show you how much you mean to me.
How painfully vanilla.

I am just kind of shocked that so many people seem to justify such psychologically damaging actions.
Thats fucking disgusting, I wish it wasn't real.

>into beliving liberal propaganda
liberal propoganda=things that hurt my fee-fees

Stellar logic.
I believe you.
Go back to Jow Forums.

>Is it true women can orgasm from rape?
There's a lot of men who come to their own conclusions about this, choosing to believe it's because women secretly enjoy it

Honestly though, I would figure having an orgasm while being raped would probably make the whole thing a hell of a lot more traumatizing and terrible.

I know several people including females who go to morocco quite often, the case with those girls seems super odd and not 'what happens when you go to morocco'
Dont paint it as some super hardcore warzone if youve never been there

All of Africa is a super hardcore war zone. No matter how safe the area its only a matter of time before a warlord notices how safe the area is and rides a convoy right in to take hostages for ransom.

This picture makes me sad. How can I make friends with pretty girls and not have feelings for them? Like, I want to be like other people, going on a vacation with friends, which also include girls. They can’t have lust for them, right? I want to be normie. What’s wrong with me? I’m not even ugly. I deserve to be with them.