Incel problems can be solved by plastic surgery with an instant

Attached: incel.png (950x695, 806K)

That guy still looks pathetic with that faggy ass 90s goatee

Attached: 83DB5DE0-D69B-4D79-AAB7-C83151514F46.jpg (458x596, 123K)

How much does this kind of shit cost?

It's more about how you act. It's men that are the visual sex.

Over $70,000, easily.

>its how you act

t. coping incel

>he doesn't know about mewing

does this change a 6" penor into an 8" bepis??

Just smack your kid when he breathes through his mouth, he'll thank you when he's not a chinlet

Sorry that’s only partially true. There are definitely women that expect a chad in the looks department. You can be smart, funny, and alpha as fuck but if you’re chubby, short, and have a weak jaw with a messy appearance no woman will want you.

Likewise you can work at fast food drive through, be uneducated, over 6ft, ripped with a strong jaw and you’ll get mad pussy anyway.

I’m 39, ive seen numerous successful good guys get rejected only for the same girl to date a loser and then proceed to buy the loser everything because he was broke lol

That doesn't even make sense, that would imply that I'm "rationalizing" being an incel (and I'm not even an incel) by claiming the situation is one that would make me MORE pathetic.

Act confident. Get a stable job. Hold your head up. You'll find someone who's interested.

Attached: Marilyn-Mason-without-makeup1.jpg (446x388, 47K)

You mean photoshop? duuuurp.

Attached: nicetry.jpg (455x512, 42K)

Protip: plastic surgery exists to fix uggos with money.

Also to make people with too much money extra uggo,

still fucked genetics

Horse Shit! That's may have been true before the women could get tons of gibs and needed a man to take care of them.
>omg, he's so confident. He must really have his shit together
Try the timeline next door

Attached: justbeyourself.jpg (1946x2400, 1.3M)

>chubby... messy appearance
Both of those are under your control.

>Likewise you can work at fast food drive through, be uneducated, over 6ft, ripped with a strong jaw and you’ll get mad pussy anyway.
Research has indicated that having a stable source of income that can provide for a family makes you more attractive to most women. I'm not saying women are completely non-visual, I'm saying it's not the primary determinant for them.

Also in so far as it does factor in, many elements of your appearance are under your control. OP's picture, for example, exaggerates the differences through things like the openness of the mouth.

It’s only true for girls under 23 I would say. I see daily beautiful woman with a non chad. Likewise for the chads too. Chads are loving the ugly bitches

Costs an arm and a leg and even then your prawl will inherint your weak ass chin. Better than not having a prawl if you can afford it thoe

>exceptions disprove the trend
Have you just missed all the "I'm a successful businesswoman/lawyer/whatever why can't I find a good man to marry" articles?

Women generally want to be with a guy who's of similar standing, or marry up.

>who's of similar standing, or marry up.
And is taller than them
And has a perfect jaw line and chin
And is younger than them
And is a billionaire named Gray
And the list is endless
If a woman herself is financially successful, the reason they
>can't find a good man
Isn't that men of similar status isn't available. It's just that those are no where near chad enough for the standards they've set
(until they've taken the other bog pill and used their financial success to fake their looks, like a woman, only they can't ever let her know)

Because your looks trump your wealth in the genetics department. Good looking people will always be able to procreate.