There is no recovering from this.

Attached: tucker-carlson.jpg (750x563, 242K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Millionaires funded by billionaires
>Millionaires funded by billionaires
>Millionaires funded by billionaires

>You're a millionaire funded by billionaires

you're fucking a fucking white maleionaire!

why are there so many shill threads about this guy today
what happened?

I like Tucker and listen to an audio version of his show during my commute every morning. But this was bad

Tucker should have pushed back harder and more articulately. I noticed this when he had on that feminist defending infanticide a couple weeks ago, and of course everybody remembers his Jon Stewart debacle. He's not very good in spur-of-the-moment emotional arguments that descend into personal attacks IMO. He's too personable and lets people talk over him too much. He's telegenic, intelligent, and has a nice speaking voice, but his written material and interviews are where he's at his best, not in informal debates with guests who obviously were going to be hostile. I get really frustrated watching him get frustrated and not saying the right thing

He should have pointed out that he rescinded his membership of the Cato Institute and hasn't identified as a libertarian for many years. He also should have said that economic populism is not a "bandwagon" that some Scandinavian on the other side of the planet decides admission to. He should have has said he is trying to pay respect to tax issues by giving a forum for those who advocate for tax reform, as he does almost every night.

But instead he just cursed and yelled really weak insults, justifying the guy's smugness. He got too emotional when the attack became personal, and he should be used to that by now.

>>Millionaires funded by billionaires
>>Millionaires funded by billionaires
>>Millionaires funded by billionaires

>I noticed this when he had on that feminist defending infanticide a couple weeks ago
That bitch had literally no argument, she just kept saying "REEEE YOU HATE WOMYN!!!!!!!"

Is it not true? What's Tucker estate?

t. discord tranny. SAGE

I can't stand it when white nationalists like Duke and Striker praise this asshole. There is no way a Zionist neocon outfit like fox would have him on and pay him millions of dollars if he was doing something good for our folk. Just a Jew financed safety valve to let the dumb goys blow off steam.

The BLONALD ZIONIST BLUMPF shilling wasn't effective now that everyone realized we're getting the wall, so they moved on to this.

They act with one brain.

Yeah sure ABSOLUTELY BTFO because he doesnt even let tucker respond to his shit, i mean this could have beeb a productive discussion if that guy wasnt such a faggot not letting him reply

Tucker does talk about all these things this guy was saying but he chose to go for a little personal win like a fag instead of having an interesting discussion

Imagine thinking this matters at all and that Tucker will not continue eating libs for breakfast.

>we're getting the wall
You're getting 55 mile of bollards lol

Why was he recording the conversation to begin with?
>Unaired Fox News Interview
Doesn't look like Fox News to me, it looks like some guy sitting in an empty, half shutdown control room filming a computer screen that shows some bald guy talking on phone. Just because Tucker works for Fox doesn't mean this was an official news broadcast like he's making it seem. Also, people aren't allowed to get angry? No one's perfect, who knew?
>bait person into getting angry
Pretty gay from both sides really, but this is the only reason anyone engages in debates anymore, make the other person angry enough to use adult language, then claim victory and tell everyone not to give the other person any of your time. I still don't know who this balding chode is, or even care, and I still don't watch Tucker Carlson.

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Shit happens. Every has their low point.

I still like Tucker and support him.

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>I will never watch Fox News as long a s Shepard Smith is employed there


I guess it's over
we lost

The dutch commie deserves a bullet

Ratings. Foxnews is destroying everyone in the ratings. We have social media and now the cable networks.

He needs to become a full on shitposter instead of letting the arguments effect him.

Liberals want to turn everything into emotions since that's what they are, playing along with it and laughing at them makes them look like the retards they are.

because Tucker unironically talks about the elite and how they are trying to ruin the US, the difference between him and others is that he gets too close to name the jew and say that white genocide is real

I watched the whole video, he never gets btfo, the other guy just starts attacking him personally and preaching for higher taxes. fuck nowthis

What a faggot douchebag "revolutionary." These retards really think they are fighting an uphill battle while they have all of academia on their side.
>Pic unrelated

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Why with all the resources they have available, are they so pathetically ineffective as consensus cracking and influencing opinion? Are these people hiring complete retards or outsourcing duties to India? What the fuck is wrong with these people?

This is pretty much true. I believe his heart is in the right place and he's intelligent, but I don't think he's very articulate when he goes off script.

If you tax the wealthy they will just pass the cost on to consumers or pick up their ball and go home-- i.e, just fucking leave for a different country because they have no loyalty to anything but their shekels.

behold the trumptard

>asked to be on a show to discuss topic X
>go on show, discuss topic X
>suddenly go on a rant of unsubstantiated personal attacks and attempt to poison the well without giving the proper time to respond
That is the interview equivalent of sucker punching your friend with a 2x4. To anyone saying he should've aired that interview, what's the difference between that and giving some lunatic air time on his show to call him a pedophile?

If you're on television you have money. This is not news.

>If you tax the wealthy they will just pass the cost on to consumers or pick up their ball and go home
Most corporations can't afford to lose the US market, plus the US has further influence abroad. Also if any corporation left the US market, they'd open themselves up for serious competition.

>1 post by this ID
>"you're a millionaire funded by billionaires"
>rachel maddow/anderson cooper are working class REAL Americans, you fucking nazis!!
If you have your own tv show, you're being paid MILLIONS, regardless of party. Don't like that? Take that up with the jews who pull the strings.

This is honestly why the left are utter and complete failures and why the right wing controls the whole fucking world. Actual leftists are too fucking busy trying to juggle a bunch of actual valid issues (free college/universal healthcare) while also giving pity sex to absolutely pointless shit: women's pay, tranny bathrooms, minorities who are less than 10% of the population, etc.

The end result is most rational people (conservatives) look at that and want nothing at all to do with any of the actually good policies if they're going to come with the baggage of all the other sjw shit.

if you idiot leftists ever want universal healthcare in this country, you need to drop/ignore all those other issues and focus JUST on universal healthcare, instead some fucking pointless pussyhat march that accomplished fuck all. Once you get all the important stuff done, then go ahead and be the party of trannies, bisexuals, transnationals, etc.

You do have to admit that the way he just froze up and had a meltdown simultaneously is a bit embarrassing.

He froze up because he was getting attacked at a personal level and being asked to respect the attack in good faith. It's no different than how your usual senator will not reward every crowd heckling comment with a reply. The guy was there for his epic stunt and he got it. In the long run this video will have little damaging power, just as Kavanaugh's "outbursts" did little to improve people's trusts of media who ran accusations for political purposes.


Dropped. Probably the most biased outlet out there, rivaling buzzfeed.

>Most corporations can't afford to lose the US market
This is surprisingly backwards thinking for a leftist, once amazon/netflix/google/etc. realize they can make more money from the untapped other 86% of the world population, they'll up and leave pretty fast, and make billions off of poos and chinks. They're probably already planning it with places like steam and google trying to work with china to provide their services. White-centric anything will be passe soon enough.

When it does happen, it's going to be a domino effect and none of these corporations will any longer give a shit about the 10% wealthy/90% dirt poor united states/canada/europe/australia.

He can only beat the most feeble opponents his producers can find. If they accidentally let someone competent on he gets his shit pushed in every time.

that historian is a smug ass

>Millionaires funded by billionaires
a/k/a the Democrats
a/k/a the Republicans

he takes money from jews, fuck him.

>Rutger Bregman promotes a more productive and equitable life based an three core ideas which include a universal and unconditional basic income paid to everybody, a short workweek of fifteen hours, and open borders worldwide with the free exchange of citizens between all nations.

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imagine being obsessed with this glow in the dark dandy boarding school closet faggot, who sucks the globalist cock for his salary and is ordered to divert your low IQ attention span away from his puppetmasters

Some annoying wanker that doesn't care about the serious issues. Gas that piece of shit.

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literally never heard of this guy and who the fuck is Davos

There is nothing worse than northern euro commies espousing their political and economic ideology to those experiencing vast migrations under the presumption their ideas are contextually independent objective truths. This "historian" had no response to the irrelevancy of his comparison to tax rates of post-war industrial US to the present.

They recorded it on both sides. Tucker didn't air his.

>billionaires waste money on their enemies

>He's telegenic, intelligent, and has a nice speaking voice, but his written material and interviews are where he's at his best, not in informal debates with guests who obviously were going to be hostile.
kek. Tucker was literally a debate champion in boarding school and at Trinity College. He's rattled in this interview because he was rope a doped and body slammed by this based Dutchman WITH FACTS. Tucker knows everything this guy said is 100% true

Found the Davos video, you can see them become more and more uncomfortable

Tucker is a deep state agent and so is his dad.

Nah, Tucker just lost his cool when he was insulted. No one paid the 70%, 80%, and 90% tax rates. See
The guy's fucking retarded.

I guess that's true. Tucker suddenly dropping f-bombs at him seemed a bit over the top for an innocent guy though. In the ultimate analysis I do agree with you.

Tucker is controlled op.
>Defends circumsicion
>Defends regime change wars
>Ran out crying because Jesse Ventura said 9/11 was an inside job

More recently where was LE BASED TUCK when Trump signed that fucking amnesty bill which basically banned the wall? Meanwhile Tucker is talking about some irrelevant Faux news crap?

Shills realized Tucker gets more respect here than Trump

heh, that was funny

>I noticed this when he had on that feminist defending infanticide a couple weeks ago

to be fair to tucker, when you are arguing against someone so blatantly insane it can be hard to form a coherent argument to something to obviously fundamentally wrong.

All GLOBALIST need to be murdered.
Shot with rifles to the wall.

>we're getting the wall

They are the enemies of real human beings.

Fox News is the only MSM channel that is doing decent in ratings thanks to Tucker, who is basically carrying the network. So of course backers of other (((MSM))) conglomerates are upset by this fact and pay people to shitpost in order to discredit their opposition.

t. someone who was paid $300 a week for a 3 month contract to shitpost about Trump being a rapist pussy grabber during the 2016 election

Its easy money even if you don't believe in the cause and it happens WAY more often then you think.

>he chose to go for a little personal win like a fag instead of having an interesting discussion
that's the single best description of Tucker's entire pundit personality that I;ve ever heard lol

>because he was rope a doped and body slammed by this based Dutchman WITH FACTS. Tucker knows everything this guy said is 100% true

Tucker is ultimately pushing the Faux 'News' agenda. As I say, he talks a good talk about 'globalists' sometimes but ultimately where does he advocate anything solid? He also didn't say a single thing about the bill last friday, which was objectively the biggest story of the Trump admin and the darkest day of it as well. Meanwhile only Coulter had the balls to call it out while everyone else was talking about some bullshit

>realize they can make more money from the untapped other 86% of the world population, they'll up and leave pretty fast, and make billions off of poos and chinks.
Revenue vs profit.
You need to understand the amount of disposable income, and credit, that Americans have access to versus the rest of the world. I'm not saying that can't change in time -- look at Europe and how economically overall its grown up -- but it ain't changing anytime soon.

It's far more cost effective, and profitable, to go after ultra rich nations like the US, Australia, Canada, and select Euro-zone countries.

No way, it's totally normal for a guy to have primetime slots at CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News while also being a Cato fellow. kek

I mean, you can't just record an off-air interview, act like a dick to someone, and then act like you're the victim and "you slayed in the debate" when it wasn't even a "debate" in the first place, but a pre-show interview (Which is what this is).

The guy who posted this is supremely dishonest and the people who are eating it up and saying "wow this looks bad for Tucker" are just typically stupid people.

It's also perfectly reasonable to call someone a "tiny brained moron" when they level baseless accusations of corruption at you.

You mean reality?

I’d probably get mad at this smug commie. But attacking someone because they have a higher income, typically because they frankly are worth more is pretty pathetic.
Its not about how many sheckels a guy has, its about what gets him those sheckels, how he spends it, and more importantly what other assets he has that can’t be quantified in money, such as influence, inteligence, prognostications, and connections.

>He also didn't say a single thing about the bill last friday, which was objectively the biggest story of the Trump admin and the darkest day of it as well
He appeared to be out of the studio as everything felt recorded. That other douche was doing live stuff about it.... I might be wrong though. Still disappointing there's no coverage. Then again, the screaming rush to initial black pill coverage was totally shit.

Bregman is a far left crazy guy, god only knows why he was invited to Davos and then praised all over for his standard nonsense. Tucker should have looked bit more into him.

How do I become a shitpost mercenary? I have literally no morals I will post anything for anyone.

Does Tucker Carson post his tax returns?

Hey Rutger here. You mad Jow Forums?

Because he's the ONLY person in the mainstream media calling out the bullshit going on in this country on a daily basis.

Sure, he may be controlled opposition, but these JIDF faggots, liberal fuckheads and overall leftist shitheads don't know any better and they take it at face value.

Either way, it is refreshing to hear someone call all the other journalists out on their bullshit and lies.

Tuck = Cucked

>because corporations just dump existing markets in which they have virtual monopoly statuses for hostile markets where they have no real standing
>because Asian markets have similarly few limits on competition like the US/Yoro ones
>because Asian markets don't have their own giants already
And you call me a retarded leftist.

>There is no recovering from this.
theres nothing to recover from really. just 2 dudes arguing with each other

I can tell from the Youtube comments that most of his fans are /leftypol/ tier.
He didn’t even really try to argue, he just said his talking point, then attack Carlson for being wealthy. Bergman seems like the kind of person who thinks strife will exist until every person has exactly the same assets.

>when they level baseless accusations of corruption at you
which thinktank pays you to post this bootlicking shit, faggot

Jews hiring niggers, spics, Arabs, and faggots to control the reins of their movement is always going to be a trainwreck. It's absolutely pathetic lmao. You can't use a white man as the figurehead for destroying white civilization, but they're the only ones who can lead the kind of social revolution the Jews are trying to foment.

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It's not a personal attack when someone rips the mask to reveal the jew money behind him and koch funded broadcasts nation wide. He intentionally made the bit unairable, because it touched his bottom line, his benjamins. How can you honestly believe the jew conspiracy stands behind every MSM big and small, but koch bros and corporate think tanks aren't behind the most blatant propaganda outlet there is?

Just consider what he said. It's absolutely true that fox news for decades has worked on the american people to support lowering taxes on the rich, it's not even deniable. Tucker carlson is not the solution because he decides to talk about tax avoidance one evening. How do you get mad at someone saying you take dirty money and only manage to call him a moron? Because even he knows where his career is coming from.

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If Tucker Carlson is really against the globalists like he says he is then he should be willing to call out Trump for an objectively globalist move to cuck out on the wall and give what's in effect a big amnesty. If he's a journalist that's what he should do. Doing anything else tells me he is pandering to his audience at best.

See this video too, he walked out the room when Jesse Ventura started talking about 9/11 being an inside job apparently.

>The guy who posted this is supremely dishonest
it's not dishonest, it's a fucking video. It happened. You can call him a snakish little cunt all you want, but tuck lost his shit and looks like a little faggot. Everyone has these moments, it'd be a lot less awkward if you tuck bootlickers just acknowledged its a bad moment for your gay little prep school san fran faggot hero, because... that's literally all this is. I agree, it's not the end of his career, but it is on video, it is a conversation that happened. You can;t act like just because it wasn't broadcast live it doesn't mean anything. That's your boy, in real time, being himself, and lookin like a faggot having a tantrum. Period. Again, it's not THAT big of a deal, but the more you tuck worshippers defend it the gayer tucker looks

He is controlled op, it's FAUX NEWS for fox's sakes. Having said that,

>Defends circumsicion
Is that so?

>defends regime change wars
Oh you mean like with Assad?

>guy takes talking points off of Jow Forums constantly
>usually within a week to within days of it being on Jow Forums

Shills are so fucking retarded they act like we don't even fucking come here.

>Works for fox news.
Why exactly is this surprising?

and a long-time (((cato))) fellow

Discord trannies hate him because cis white male with money and influence. Discord trannies are also super butthurt about Jussie Smollett today.

>I have literally no morals
Then join the chair force / navy, serve a tour (you're guaranteed to NOT see any real action), and afterwards join the CIA or become a PMC.

Yes, he was unprepared, and responded impulsively, however the context of the situation(which is visible even with the careful fromework of NowThis) clearly demonstrates Tucker as being beset, and looks more like one of those "feminist corner male RAPIST" videos where the perpetrator looks more obnoxious than the subject.

This is why modern media leftists do gotcha comedy worse than they used to. They're clearly so into their own tricks that their character shines through their stunt, even when they succeed. People despise dishonesty.

Circumsicion was this segment I saw someone post on here recently where he was basically laughing at 'some craaaazy leftist' for saying it was genital mutilation.

Tucker was good about Syria, but in the past he supported regime change during the Bush era and more recently wants regime change in Venezeula.

>you jumped bandwagon
Lmao is this so sort of leftist purity spiraling?
Of course they would like to the only ones to be talking about these issues. They know that national socialism is more popular than libshit socialism

Yah, I agree with your ultimate point, it's not THAT big of a deal. That said, him raging like a little prep school twink queen sorority president when he got cornered was gay as fuck.

That's literally all this is -- it's not career ending, it's not gonna tank him, it's not something "Tucker will never recover from!" it's just... a video of a famous dude acting like a huge pussy, the more people defend it the gayer tucker looks

lmao he turned redder than a tomato.


The tuck was not cucked.

Being on corporate media means your incorporated into their zeitgeist. Your long post for so little revelation. Nothing you typed challenged what I said. Media types ignore performative stunts.

based and redpilled

>now this
lmao try again

Nah he did as good as anyone could. He invited that guy in good faith to discuss issues, but as for any other leftist shill if you are not globo homo you are not good enough.