God Bless Trump as a Straight Man

I support the rights of my gay brothers and sisters. I SUPPORT HOMOSEXUALITY and think Trump is doing a great thing.

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>I support the rights of my gay brothers and sisters
what about the rights of straight people?
what about the rights of people that aren't old enough to be sexual?

They already have their rights protected

so do lgbt people because that's how american law works, all people.

This is about countries where being LGBT is illegal! Like IRAN. Iran and Zimbabwe.

Funny how the only fault people can find with Trump is that he is not racist, homophobic, or antisemitic. Sounds like 4 more years to me.

No one sees fault in this?

Burn in hell. You and your kind are the reason this world is going downhill.

fuck off pedoenabler.

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>how can the jew elites be so degenerate.

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America deserves to be the first and last place this actually becomes publicly accepted.

all faggots are pedos. not just the jew elites

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Sodomites will hang


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I don't.

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isn't it ironic that the very people screaming "discord tranny" are now shilling for tranny rights world wide? really makes you think huh

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>72% obese.
At least they are thinner than the average american.

>> still believing in pedo = gay meme

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>Trump's gonna own the libs with his progressivism

Do you have any idea how fucking pants-on-head retarded you are? Stop thieving oxygen and kill yourself.

Y’all are gay

try harder faggot

>Homosexuality is good. We need to spread it around the world!
Kek. Cope posting at its finest.

I really don't get this talking point. I know the glorification of faggots in the media is annoying, but heterosexuals just aren't facing some existential threat. No one is oppressing you for not being a faggot. There's a difference.
>Inb4 fuck off, faggot
I think this is a stupid move. Forced decriminalization is not "forced homosexuality," but other countries' laws aren't Americas business. If they want to kill faggots, alright.