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Vietnam was ran by a socialist leader who studied the west and fought many wars against them. Whilst being armed and aided by USSR. Venezuela is isolated ragtag military that we can shoot missiles from the USA and take out half of their infrastructure. We dont even need boots on the ground when we can just arm rebels to do it.

Save those worth saving, kill Socialist, have Jungle Pussy thrown at me?
Sign me up, Sarge

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Ironically, I don't think anything will start until Trump returns from Hanoi. Maybe he'll learn something while he's there.

in The Park,
You'd think it was The Fourth of July.

Kill all socialists!

>yes goy. Fight more wars! More blood and treasure for the chosen tribe!

You should sign up first to be on the frontlines.

Gee whiz.

and then come all the refugees pouring up to the states and there will be all the more demand for allowing migrants in, especially since we'd have an added duty and responsibility for bringing war on their country. Nah, hard pass.

The Wall.
Build eet.

Attached: 92d.jpg (211x239, 5K)

Gonna be a Helluva ride.
Strap in, Lads.


putin would never declare war for venezuela. all he would do is supply them weapons and arms.

magapedes are now for refugees settlements, neocon wars, and open borders.

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Thats simply not plausible.

Get ready for every MSM host to push this 'moral duty' you have too. Yes that includes Faux 'news'.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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>pushing faggotry worldwide
and it's beautiful

Comin' for your Masters, Hippie.

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don't forget that war criticism will drop leading up to it and during the conflict by pushing the "we're all on the same team so don't demoralize the effort!" narrative that they used for iraq. why the fuck aren't leftist freaking out over another 2 wars about to happen?

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That's the best satellite images we have? This is 1980's tier.

Already started.
People get accused of being subversive for opposing it on here, basically like getting called UNAMERICAN for not wanting to invade Iraq after 9/11.


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is that seriously not an edit? that horsey fellow did that in 2012?

How's this?

Attached: one two freddies comin' for you.jpg (1800x394, 86K)

Im ok with taking refugees

Russian mercenaries are already there protecting Maduro.

horsey comics are mostly libshit comics that are usually an edit or 2 off. once in a while he accidentally makes a comic on point like pic related

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probably some top secret crypted transmission satelite or some shit

russian mercenaries aren't protected by international rules of war. you can engage them without any precussions from their home country. americans and russians have even fought each other in syria.

Checked and correct.

yeah, implying those aren't (((mercenaries))) like the unidentified soldiers which occupied Crimea in 2014

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that one is less surprising, and funny as fuck, too. just very surprised even in 2012 he would call anything out connecting israeli influence on foreign policy

Also this

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The most Russia could do if we killed every single green man was cry to the UN. Neither they nor China have the logistics to supply either an invasion or a successful resistance in benisuela

That's true, but China is technically siding with Russia on Venezuela.

>Only Russia uses mercenaries
Read up, nigger. The US even has the habit of "pulling out" and instead replacing soldiers with mercenaries because it's cheaper in the long run, and if they decide to massacre a bunch of civilians as they do every now and then, the US military didn't do it.

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The support for this Venezuela bullshit on here is so plainly artificial it's hilarious.

>Godda go get dem gommies son

Fortunately most of us realise this is just a war for
regime change to install zog compliant puppet and get dat oil and Venezuela's gold mines.

Now I want it to happen, just to show you how good we've gotten since Vietnam, Iraq, and Syria. Urban war zones are now our specialty.

This will be over in 2 weeks.

Nigger where did i say only Russia did it ? I know everyone does.

I fucking wish Russian veteran mercs give your GI's hell

Doesn’t matter either way.

Point being, socialism doesn’t work. Venezuela used to be the crowned jewel of Latin America, now it’s a joke.

Is that the US fault that Chavez and Maduro ran their own country into the ground?

If the US did similar and became a shithole disaster, you can be sure other countries would loot and pillage us too. That’s the natural order of things.

You’re either a winner or a loser.

I've seen kingdom hearts fanfics that were more plausible

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My only true experience is desert warfare, I am curious to jungle warfare...Should I re-enlist bros?

In Vietnam the North Vietnamese were fighting for what they considered the true independence movement, because the US had ignored Ho Chi Minh requests for help against the French and was propping up a corrupt military dictatorship with constantly rotating leaders.

Meanwhile in Venezuela we could just bribe our way to everyone's hearts with burgers and I bet if we just dropped a ton of weapons into downtown Caracas the people would shoot Maduro themselves.

Who the fuck writes stuff like this

I dunno but I screencapped it

who the fuck doesnt know The Prophecy?

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its funny because the people that are rioting often and quite upset at the way things are going are the children (generally sons) of the prosperous middle and low-upper classes. they sort of resemble the old hacienda system and are generally "castizo" in makeup if you want to use that term. they're fukken pissed that they don't have the lifestyle they used to and they fukken hate the mestizo poor class so they go out and riot after drinking at the bars.

the poorer classes won't really be willing (as much) to fight tooth and nail, nor be equipped to do so. at least compared to vietnam, anyway.

>Arm Rebels

Good luck trying to start a draft in America when everybody is pissed off at each other. Nobody is going out to fight jack shit when we're on the verge of civil war

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The only people who seem shocked by it are the stormniggers and shareblue.
Pinochet poasters are lavishing in the chance to btfo commies in LA again.

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Youre saying we should arm the rebels?

Gringo will burn.

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Mujado will drown.

after watchin gthis video it shows trump talking normally with putin but wheres the translator they had to use in their secret meeting? was they checking to see if the translator is a spy?

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lol no, we will fucking slaughter them all like we did in Syria in the battle of khasham

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That's basically TLAM + decoy bait. SAMs are just a speedbump, nothing more.

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s-300 is worthless shit, just ask syria


Implying s-300 missle launchers fucking matter

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Dude, they'll be massacred without top-tier Russian rocket artillery for deep-strike missions on air-bases.

Basically it'll be the same thing as Syria.

Reminder that this stupid fat fuck has completely ruined Venezuela's future and any hopes of fixing the country, he enslaved Venezuela to China by borrowing 70 Billion from them and now Venezuela has fallen behind payments and cannot pay back the loans, and now as payment the Chinese are demanding control of Venezuela's natural resources. Venezuela will never see the profit from those resources, and the workers will all be Chinese and Venezuelans will not even get the chance to work extracting those resources like in Africa

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>implying 400's aren't there as well
>implying Russia would leave them out on a tarmac for the cianiggers to photograph


If we invade the only refugees coming from Venezuela will be low-IQ fucks(criminals, maids, day laborers) that will continue voting for gibs. All the high-IQ fucks (doctors, lawyers, businessmen) have already fled to other Latin American nations. Eh if war comes Army standards are gonna be lowered so maybe I can be accepted. I wouldn't mind killing commies and raping favela and jungle sluts. Fuck imagine being on 2mg of xanax and south american heroin killing commies and fucking mutts all day. Please God bring war.

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If artillery yes. Hard to tell in any jungle type geography. Also hard to tell if Venezuela has any anti-amphibious operations. You guys have excellent aquatic intrusion, but Bay of Pigs and Navy Seals are very prone to psychopathy (not good kind)

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>implying 400s matter


Sounds legit.

>*draft happens*
>*protests in the streets and gets ready to draft dodge*

The millenial generation doesn't know what real state vs state war is. It will be bloody and many will die. Yall better hope that shit doesn't happen.

Don't fool yourself; Putin speaks flawless English among other languages as well. Translators are just symbolic.


not our problem. fuck off

Good. We're all old enough to make some money this time.

AFV's setting up to gun down protestors and "Aid Convoys" attempting to cross from Brazil this Saturday.

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Would not recommend

You're only a lil gud when you work with foreign traitors. An even then you get BTFO an lose Hundreds of thousands of millions..

FUCK you an fuck your false pretense administration...
Almost obama

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Is the oil really going to pay for it this time?

Closing in.

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No, but the Gold and Rare Earths will.

They ain't gonna do shit nigga. They can't even oust Assad.

Clash of The Titans Incoming.

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Armyfag here, I'm ready. We were hyped for Korea last year but I really hope this one takes off.

Spook inb4source had this news out a few hours ago.

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Oh shit!

Should be really interesting to see S-300VM in action, it is optimized against ballistic and cruise missiles but can shoot down aircraft