Here we go
Shooting in VA Get in here faggots
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do it!!!
Who cares. People forget there are an insane amount of people in the United States, shootings happen everyday
Liberal supporter gets caught faking a hoax. On the same day a shooting happens to distract people form it. Are they even trying anymore?
mr. virginia is doing extra-curricular activities.
how quaint.
>On the same day
the hoax came out 2 days ago.
black if true
Inb4 black drug dealer or false alarm - it was actually power fuse explosion
Yawn wake me up when 50+ people are dead
Did the Globgoglabgalab's kid come out of the closet?
Are they active shooters?!
Shooting in the best state of the Union?
Color me surprised.
this is a lot of cops for some low key happening
>The Academy is an alternative school in the Henrico County School District.
>There has been no official confirmation from police of a shooting.
>Virginia State Police said they were initially called for support, but that call was later canceled.
>Police are currently setting up a media staging area.
>A statement from Henrico Schools says police received a call about a possible threat to the school and are going room by room to ensure students' safety, but have not received word of any injuries or of anyone believed to be a threat.
hate to say it but it sounds like a false flag distraction
VA. Democunt central. Don't care.
>UPDATE: We are on scene at Virginia Randolph investigating reports of an active shooter. At this time there are no reported injuries and no confirmed reports of gun fire. We are continuing to investigate. Family Reunification Area at St. Peters Baptist at 2040 Mountain Road.
these niggers are just yelling FIRE! in a crowded movie theater
What you're saying is, most veterans dont know the difference between gunshots and faulty electricity
They banned guns tho
>Family Reunification Area
you know what this shit is? its the police equivalent of a flash mob
Where is the live stream you niggers
Shoot. I just woke up. I saw VA and thought veterans affairs, not Virginia
Is it the inspector general's turn or chief of staff?
its the area everyone can meet up in.
what happened about that nigger that shot 5 people last week? they stopped reporting it?
I live in Henrico. This is normal.
A belligerent female customer at my job literally called Henrico police saying I sexually assaulted her because she didn't like that I refused service to her unruly ass. Five cruisers showed up.
Every traffic stop is at least 2. Every wreck is like 8.
Designating your town as a Family Reunification Area is a trick used to keep black people away without seeming racist.
Justifying their budget, in other words.
>inb4 niggers shooting niggers and it's only reported because they think it's a (((white))) kid
got enuff cars?
Just in time to get Jussie off the headlines. It's like clockwork.
He can't keep getting away with this!
and there are a shit load more you can't see off to the right
Last shooting (((they))) dropped immediately because a bunch of cops got killed and the shooter was a nog, I guess the budget is running thin and they're not employing their best anymore.
I was really hoping for something exciting. these cops are making a IRL HAPPENING! shit post
I'm changing my mind about this being a false flag. That school is a "troubled" nigger storage box. School shootings only happen to rich white kids.
This is probably some form of chimping out. Some dumb nigger called in a report of gunfire to get out of taking a test.
It works though. I actually feel very safe in Henrico
Yeah, I still wouldn't want cops to be my only protection.
be on the lookout for masons
is this a happening or nah?
I guess we'll have to wait and see. Their making a big circus of this though over a questionable phone call
But they're just admiring to it today.
>More than six dozen officers are assigned to this call, according to those sources.
it's a nigger
Worry when they are shooting under it. Keep us informed ok
Henrico cops alway overreact. always.
They know this and still are actively trying to disarm the people.
It's as if they want defenseless people harmed by criminals
that's the final straw we must give them out guns like the jews gave hitler.
Almost as if, yeah.
I believe this is just dogpiling for that overtime, or the chief is a nervous nelly who activated all the cops in his precinct for no reason.
Aw, is wittle antifag upset?
Cute gif.
Are you retarded?
Okay, who didn't care about the optics?
We just had a cunt call in a fake gun scare last week in Tampa.
is there ever an inactive shooter?
>Sources tell @jonburkettcbs6 they do not think there was an active shooter at Virginia Randolph, but officers are doing a room-by-room sweep as a precaution.
if I had to guess id say it was a police exercise masked as a real world happening. They get the best of both worlds - live shooter training and the media circus
Definitely upset.
police seem to do this a lot
People panic when they're retards who are glued to cable news.
That shit was from 1991 and could have been performed yesterday.
2 dead
His driveway just flew over my house
No. The suburbs of Richmond and a majority of the states actual native born citizens are heavily Red. Only shit areas in the cities and the occupied counties of NOVA are dems.
Virginia is for snipers
Please be nigger lefty
It's Virginia so it will be at least one of those.
T. I live here.