An 11-year-old Florida boy was arrested this month over his refusal to participate in the pledge of allegiance at his school.

The incident began when the boy refused to stand up for the pledge, and a substitute teacher insisted he do so, even though students are allowed to opt out of reciting the pledge.

“I’m upset, I’m angry. I’m hurt,” his mother, Dhakira Talbot, told Bay News 9.

The boy said he would not stand “because the flag of this country was racist”, and said he considered the national anthem “offensive to black people”.

The teacher responded by asking the child why he didn’t leave the United States if things were so bad.

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link or fake.

good, he was probaly a kike

If only this was real


Nah nignog.

He was arrested for talking shit and refusing to leave class when ordered by the school resource officer.

Id get if if he said "I dont stand for flags of Israeli puppets".

Good, fuck this little faggot. This is white land, and you do not have the freedom to commit treason.

Nobody in this story is in the right. I hate this fucking country

It’s not like he’d be pledging allegiance to America anyway, it’s Israel first at least until the economy collapses.

>headline: boy arrested for refusing pledge of allegiance
>article: boy arrested for creating a disturbance

I hate journalists.

The subtle way of feigning a connection. Slimy fucking enemy of the people

>He was arrested for talking shit
t. bootlicker

Pretty much. Nigs can’t do anything without aggression and violence but the media does everything to cover up their true nature. If people only realized how aggressive nig culture is by default they’d want to restrict them.

im with you bro

Fucking Journos

>implying white rights extend to niggers

If you want these fucking monkeys going around your country and screaming at or picking fights with your people I’d gladly send them all to Mexico.

Itt People dont read the story.
Honduran Sub tells nig to stop calling everything racist

>says other people didn't read the story
>immediately gets it wrong
She is Cuban.


is she, dare I say, honorary?

>11 year old screeching flag is racist and national anthem is offensive to black people
Im tired and want off this ride even if he is a nigglet

She's probably fucking hot

Fake news.
He was arrested for disrupting the class and making a scene for over 40 minutes.

>“To be clear, the student was NOT arrested for refusing to participate in the pledge; students are not required to participate in the pledge of allegiance.”

every last lying kike/ journo should be rounded up and publicly executed

When I was younger I also opted out of standing for the flag and putting my hand over my heart. Blind allegiance to anything is evil, I considered it the root of Nazism and Communism alike. Over time I learned about patriotism and why our country truly is great, and one of those reasons is because we have the freedom of speech, which allows us to NOT stand and NOT pledge our undying allegiance to the state. The irony of having a child arrested for exercising their rights is palpable.

>Teacher asks you to stand for pledge
>Teacher asks why not
>provide your opinion
>Teacher tells you to leave the class
>I am going to miss assignments
>I am going to get marked absent
>I am going to get a detention and possibly suspended
>pic related
>get escorted from classroom by campus cop
>get arrested

He's going to lawyer up and get enough money to pay for at least a masters degree now. Hell his story writes itself for the entrance essay to Yale.

Attached: Stand your ground.png (445x441, 114K)

Nuff said.

If we could ever become so free that the prison industry could arrest and enslave us for literally anything they want... The American dream.

Attached: freedom3.jpg (565x506, 72K)

What about the kid who got arrested for farting in class? Seriously, do you people get arrested for literally everything?

Attached: slavery.jpg (597x784, 68K)

make him pray to jesus too.
and brainwash him to believe capitalism is the only viable system of civilization