France YES!

Attached: Screenshot (3).png (891x556, 493K)

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Inb4 his approval rating shoots back up (((Mysteriously)))

They truly never learn. I celebrate ever more censorship and criminalization.
Kikes, remember Russia in the early 20th century?

They really just can’t help themselves can they

Attached: 5E330309-2A60-4023-A6DB-B85C531618F8.jpg (500x500, 30K)

>a literal jewish banker

End times are coming, get right with Christ before the Zionists take over. They're going to make anti semitism punishable by death and run the world out of Jerusalem openly after they shut down the UN.

Macron is kickass for this. I didn't like him before and still prefer lepen but this goes a long way

And then they ask why our gracious Reich laid claim on Elsaß-Lothringen

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Good, finally someone understands there’s no difference between being an anti zionist or an anti semite.

They definitely remembered it considering they starting holocausting ethnic Russians as soon as they rose to power during the ((((October Revolution))).