
The brothers who say Jussie Smollett hired them to stage the alleged attack were caught on surveillance camera buying a bunch of items they used during the incident.

The video -- first posted by CBS2 in Chicago -- shows Ola and Abel Osundairo at the checkout counter as they pile up the items, which include ski masks, gloves, bandanas, sunglasses and red hats.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wonder if the shopkeeper submitted this to the police as soon as it happened.

>have video evidence
>have confessions
>cancel their grand jury testimony minutes before it's due

he's jewing his way out of this somehow isnt it

It feels incomprehensible that he even thought this could work and he would get away with it. He has some high tier narcissism combined with huge stupidity.

>sellers face when two negros come to store to buy ski masks and gloves

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probably going to say the brothers mustve done this all on their own

If he gets off scott-free, there's going to be thousands of Americans who are going to ACTUALLY try and hang this nigger.

Interesting times...

tfw niggers can't even do nigger right, useless

all three looking at the pile of paraphernalia like "it's exactly what it looks like"

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Yeah he'll never work in USA so expect to crop up in your country as a songwriter for some Muslim rights agency

Didnt they claim their was no video of them at the hardware store? But here it is...

>sellers face when two negros come to store to buy ski masks and gloves
And rope, don't forget the rape

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Make no mistake, this is niggers' first foray into false flag kikery.
It will work next time, even niggers learn

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unless theres a paper trail. if any conspiring is in writing he's fucked.

>yes, 2x robbery starter kit pls

how did this guy not have jew walking him through babby's first false flag

I never forget the rape, user


He is a jew.

The store's not under oath when they talk to the media

>Actually paying for the items instead of pulling a gun on the clerk.

You can tell these are not real Chicago niggers.

You know, thinking about it, this might be one of the Chicago pd's super secret ways of tracking down their dumb nigger criminals.

the exact opposite, if he gets off there will be a 2nd metoo where every nigger in the country comes out with that time they were attacked by whitey but to scared to come forward.
although i would find it hilarious if these to Nigerians go to prison for white supremacy and everyone being cool with it.

probably his credit card or bank statement alone will fuck him there

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Why are the police investgating this so hard? You'd figure in a Dem stronghold like Chicago they'd push it under the rug.

Why do you think he refused to turn over his phone records? They showed calls to the two silverbacks

I mean, I get your thought process there. But honestly, the scale is almost fully tipped at this point. This nation is hanging on by a thread and sooner rather than later, the thread is going to snap and this nation is going to go full 14/88 and it will be a real-life purge that sweeps the nation in a years-long civil war.

>Why are the police investgating this so hard?
too publc. plus there's the federal shit

>father Joel Smollett
why must it be every fucking time

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police are often at odds with the political machine since they're the ones who have to clean up the messes made on a daily basis. This isn't always the case but seems to be what's happening here

One can only pray that there's a cop out there who thinks this whole thing is fucking gold

Unless it's some sort of city pride bullshit so rahm Emanuel can come out and say "I knew the citizens of this city were better than that"

That, or too many people at the police department knew about EVERYONE was talking a bunch of shit about how screwed this guy was going to be. If it's one detective, they can make it go away, when the guy blabs it to the entire department, they know they can't make it go away at that point.

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I knew it was fake the second he claimed he was attacked after he was recognized by two MAGA-hat sporting attackers.

What random mystery rednecks would recognize a black C-list actor from some mid-level black soap opera? Not even white liberals who claim to watch this show know who he is. You're not Denzel Washington, Smollett.

That's like if a gang boomers beat up one of the singers from One Direction.

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I don’t see coco butter lotion do you?

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>Not crafty enough for this beaver Jussie

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They couldn't have an Amazon gift card and anonymously ordered that online?

Look up "Operation Greenlight"

Pick one

No fukin way? Really?

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Did they arrest the man in green for slipping the lipstick in his pocket, too?

lol half way through dude like maybe i should be all subtle like.

a different kind of crafty

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It won't happen as long as we have our bread and circuses. Get rid of EBT and easy entertainment and we'll see some shit.

This is nearly as good as the zimmerman trial, not gonna lie

I knew it was fake the moment I read the story. And I knew it was 2x niggers the moment I had a glimpse on the single webcam photo of them walking down the streets. it didn‘t even matter if they had masks or hats on

Blacks have literally no concept of "the future" without white men to teach them so it's only natural that the thought of investigation in the future would elude them.


>And I knew it was 2x niggers the moment I had a glimpse on the single webcam photo of them walking down the streets.

To be fair those were just random pedestrians who happened to be somewhere near it. But yeah, their gait and clothing looked black.

It’s almost as if the cops were doing their jobs and not leaking shit in order to get nigger fags confidence so that he’d dig himself deeper. Just like subpeonaing the phone records without tipping him off.

Hopefully we just have another Carrington Event. That will fix everything by destroying everything.


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>Why are the police investgating this so hard?

>Racism! Cops don't investigate crimes reported by black people

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ur blind bro, sry to tell you, but you gotta go get some glasses cuz that dude 10000% put that WHITE lipstick bottle back and its clear as day YIKES

I've worked at ace hardware. If you buy a knife then the CCTV timecode will be bookmarked.

>being named rafer weigel

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My progressive from Zenni are still in the mail. Sorry :(

dis gon b gud

Because the only thing the police hates more than getting shot at is some motherfucker lying to them about a crime making them look like complete fucking retards on national TV.

deep fake video created by Russia to divide the country

putin is playing us again, just in time for the 2020 election season


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This has become a moder day lynching. How you guys can’t see he made a simple mistake now the whole Chicago PD after him. Smh.

It's a hundred times better than the Zimmerman trial because the cataclysm to redpill normies is to make them understand that false flags are real. Especially politically moviated false flags, which is the direction this is taking.

Well that escalated quickly

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The only way this could get stupider is if there's video from an ATM of Smollett and the brothers withdrawing the money to pay them for the hoax and Smollett keeping the receipt


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It wasn't randoms. The whole point of them asking for phone records was too see what he would omit if he didn't fully cooperate. The records were already subpoenaed the moment he mentioned that his only corroborating evidence was a phone convo with his manager. They then took the records he gave redacted, figured out who's numbers were redacted from the full carrier record and then looked into those individuals. They then used their ride share records(all your app data collection at use) to put them as the two people there at the time of the video in question. It was really rookie level shit he tried to pull assuming that people wouldn't care.

You should see when they try to count! I will guarantee this is what got them busted! Didn’t have the cash to cover all items so they were trying to reverse engineer sales which nogs can’t do... go stand in line behind them in wallmart! Better yet, Don’t!!!!

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Well, he is half jewish, so there's a big chance he did indeed keep the receipt.


What would be hilarious if a senator or congressman put him up to it and he tries to flip on them. There was some anti lynching legislation, as if it's not already fucking illegal, that Kamala Harris was trying to get passed. Similar legislation has been around for like a decade but never got any traction due to the sheer redundancy of it. After this happened the shit passed with flying colors. If they weren't involved, this was all one hell of a (((Cohen)))cidence.

Which is exactly why Tucker went so hard on political false flags yesterday, exposing people to things they've overlooked in all the years they've dismissed the very notion of a false flag.


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You’ll find my sides orbiting Neptune if this ends in him hanging himself

Look at the guy in the background. Picks up two of whatever the fuck he's handling, puts one back, nonchalantly slips the second into his pants pocket and strolls off.


Well, he should have some leftover rope.

Like No shit! He was always a suspect!


Here's what I think happened:
The Nigerians were approached with a deal to get some costumes and shit, that they were going to get paid to kick some guys ass with Jussie's knowledge. "Wut? They are paying us to kick someones ass?" So they go in, in getup, kick the guys ass for real, the media goes all over this that he was brutally attacked, but further investigation finds that it was staged, but the beating was real, the reason Smolletts was pissed off afterwards was because the ass kicking was genuine.

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That would be comfy as fuck. A Carrington event would trigger the Day of the Rope and start the Great Race War for sure. In the end, it'll be the sun that would BTFO the Saturn worshiping kikes and solve the JQ once and for all. It's going to be absolute kino.

>inb4 he checks himself into rehab/mental clinic to play the victim card

@0:20 when this dumbass puts the hoodie over his head when he realizes how stupid they look buying these items all in one go hoping to avoid the security camera that already captured their faces.
> too stupid to send someone to buy the items
> too stupid not to be them in separate locations using cash.
> too stupid to buy them separately

> Literally does everything the wrong way

Tranny Mike railed that faggot how many times???!!!

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stop making us look bad

>the ass kicking was genuine
Did you see his "wounds"? I've had worse cat scratches. That nigger did not a take a beating, let alone one big two big ass bodybuilder nigerians.

He had one scratch in his face, most likely self inflicted with a fingernail.

PR being retarded mutts as usual.

This account I follow on Gab says Corey Booker and Kamala Harris were involved. (Apparently they had an anti-lynching bill in Congress and Jussies FF was supposed to help them get it passed) Hanging is a legit punishment for high treason or whatever so they fear that rope. But how can we connect dots or find out? I think it goes higher than three fagnigs trying to blame whitey.

They are all in on it! Please inside faggits, out these fukers!!!

Lol @ buying all of that at one store.

al sharpton would like to have a word with you.

side note, I really like how as I was typing phrase "al sharpton tawana" into google to remind myself exactly how to spell tawana's name the google autocomplete completely cuts out once it realizes what i'm trying to type.

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If you think Jussie Smollett couldn't have made a worse false flag, just wait because it gets worse. The attack was orchestrated to take place in front of a security camera. They didn't estimate correctly the angle of the camera so it failed to capture the attack but it was intended to happen, they thought they could get it all on film and it wouldn't be traced back to them. Notice that brothers are buying gloves and ski masks so they could pretend they were white. Not only did they fail to capture the attack on camera like intended, they made a mistake and walked in front of ANOTHER camera without their disguise

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He was on Ambien.