Should the US regime change Venezeula?

I made a poll, it's a yes or no question.

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Wtf its their own fucking decision to choose their leaders.

War with all of south america soon.
So glad we have draft dodger Bolton telling other people to die for his wars.

Jews need Trump to take action to force in their Jewish leader

Not according to murica.

They aren't paying their required quota to the international banking clan

posting this in /ptg/
fuck you all

What happened to no being policemen of the world ?

Millions of refugees to vote for the Democrats. End of the United States. Build the fucking wall right fucking now.

You're posting it in your artificial project Alamo raid thread to tilt the results to be pro neocon? What a shock.

Slightly different. Russia and China both openly causing shit on purpose to get a foothold on the continent.

That was campaign Trump.
Pres Trump has a different approach :^)

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This. Can we finish being bombarded with Syrian refugees first? For fuck sake.

Why the fuck would we care what is going on down there. Let shitskin latinos do their own work. We need to focus on our country and our problems but ye the JEWS always use the U.S to invade a country for profit.

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you are all going to HANG soon
are you nervous faggot?

Bill Kristol tier propaganda. At least based Ron Paul calls out this disgusting behavior. Bolton came right out and said it, it's a war for the oil companies.
The Saudis are actually running low on oil, this is obvious when you view their oil production numbers over the last 70 years. So factor that in.

>look at me i such a redpilled nazi, uncle adolf would be proud
You litteraly spouts antiamericqn kgb propaganda from the cold war
Is that why you call it the RED pill?

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If you don’t vote yes, you’re not a true MIGApede and you don’t belong here on /ptg/. Turning your back on the literal GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE has its consequences too.

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You can't handle the truth which is why you're acting like I'm an enemy for posting the truth.

Bolton, Pompeo and Abrams are anti American traitors. The neocons are all trotskyites who want to bring about the one world government, that's what their agenda is and that's what the Project for the New American Century was about.
The PNAC had a direct hand in the inside job of 9/11.

>Written before the September 11 attacks, and during political debates of the War in Iraq, a section of Rebuilding America's Defenses entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" became the subject of considerable controversy: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

Now, consider the fact that the US is not, and should not, be a democracy. It is a constitutional Republic. So when you hear Trump and Bolton or anyone on the MSM telling you about 'making the world safe for Democracy' ask yourself why they are saying it?

"Democracy is indispensable to socialism." - Vladimir Lenin

Food for thought.

Now look at Citgo.

Now do you understand why the USA, the UN, the EU, and every multinational corporation and big bank wants to regime change this tin pot country? Now they want to regime change Ortega, so they're planning a multiple approach across the South American arena.

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so based

We got conned Memeth.

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>kgb propaganda

How about you burger fucks just leave other countries the fuck alone? Why are you even interested in Vene..... oh.

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No. We should be focusing on America first

Most of us don't support Trump it's just the /ptg/ boomer wageslaves trying to MIGA through conquest

The Saudi one is fake now, they've been hyping up their oil reserves more than they actually have. They're in trouble which is why the Saudi connection to pushing for war in VZ cannot be overlooked

I guess Brazil is safe.

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So far 80% of Jow Forums has voted 'no'.

we must "liberate venezuela" if you know what i mean

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>20% seething boomer MIGApedes


>Why the fuck would we care what is going on down there.
Because commies need a spanking off the side of a helicopter.

how many burgers out of 10 would get that geography joke?

>to destroy the commies we must become troskyites
wow great logic there, surely a winning strategy

In this case it wasn't
Maduro is Chavez's successor not anyone democratically elected

evangelicals who don't know the history of their overseer are sent to hell

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A dead commie contributes to society by not destroying it.

This isn't the 1960's
Let the retards blow themselves up and then start over when their ready to move past communism

>Is the left
>Is the commies
>Is the Mexicans
Shlomo you are getting stale.

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Imagine believing that John Bolton cares about helping society.

Now the poll starts getting infiltrated by project Alamo as they try to change the results artificially.

Perhaps Venezuela will be remembered much like Libya? After we change it's leadership many other countries in the region will be destabilized. They provided free or low cost fuel sources, bought bad debt, provided ongoing financial aid throughout the region. Ending this will bring a domino effect of misery, ie mass migration north.

you do realized the end of the cold war proved we don't need to invade communist countries and that they would just collapse on their own? your probably proud to call yourself a troskyite

>not wanting accelerationism and WW3

Faggots. If you thought Iraq and Afghanistan were bad, wait until troops get bogged down in the uncharted jungles of southern Venezuela. It'll make 'Nam look like a paintball fight, mark my words.