Diagnosed sperg getting with a fun/cute girl who loves him and enjoys his company

>diagnosed sperg getting with a fun/cute girl who loves him and enjoys his company
Does this ever happen, or am I being incredibly naive for thinking it could?

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Only happens in anime. Cute girls are getting hit on by high tier men multiple times a week, what makes you think they're gonna wanna be with someone who sucks at communicating?

Blind optimism. A reason to wake up in the morning.

It does happen. Some girls really like guys like that

If you aren't naturally charismatic or tall and handsome your only option really is to become extremely rich.

Im a neet and I have a hot gf who's crazy about me. She is depressed and stuff and also I think Im just incredibly lucky, but it does happen man. There's a lotta people out there, plus you can always try to change yourself, even if just a little at a time

Hm. I don't know if I'm that attractive, but I'm a girl that gets hit on very often. My boyfriend is a quiet game developer whos crazy good at maths, often acting quirky, fixated on everything being symmetrical with a tiny group of friends from work (other programmers). Def not a diagnosed aspie but a legitimate weirdo. His face is not even my type, but I love his personality and it impresses me how smart he is. I enjoy how he tells me about stuff I don't know, and I love how enthusiastically he listens to me when I tell him new things. I enjoy our dynamic of quiet nerd/ extravertic girl. Point is, he is a very calm, genuinely good guy, super caring and very sweet, hates yelling, and most guys I would describe as "aspie" I know are pretty egoistical, inconsiderate and mean at times and that is what is throwing me off (and other girls).

So: be yourself, just be good! :>

which movie/tvseries?

what you wrote sounds like a fantasy of both guys and girls, there are probably some truths to it (just that every characteristics have been exaggerated)

Of course, it's hard to sum up the whole relationship in one small post. I've just written about stuff I found relevant and I wanted to encourage people here. We have our problems and I wish he was a bit more sociable around my friends but I still adore him for who he is :)

It does happen, I must admit it. My boyfriend is quite a nerd too and I fucking love it. He loves symmetrical things, art and anime quite too much sometimes, he is into philosophy and I was just the generic highschool-cutie every guy had a crush on. Jesus christ I love him so much for what he is, I dont care about any other chad-shit that is going on, I dont care about other girls talking about my back etc.

Every guy drools over me but my focus is only on him, for what he is.

>>most guys I would describe as "aspie" I know are pretty egoistical, inconsiderate and mean at times and that is what is throwing me off
>tfw you've been here way too long to remove these things from your personality

I'm fucked, aren't I

Well, why do you want to be with someone if you don't want to be good to them? I've been on Jow Forums since 2006, spent most years on /b/, still manage to care about my bfs feelings.

Niave. No one wants that.

How did you hook up, how did he approach you etc

Most girls don't have the awareness to even recognize your "tendencies".. most of the time they will find you a bit weird or goofy. To answer your question, yes you absolutely can find someone exactly like this, don't focus so much on your faults and find ways to express your strengths. If it's really such a big problem when you meet a girl you feel is right then be upfront with her about it, either she dumps you or you have a stronger relationship because of it. If you really are a sperg you probably obsess over these things but you really need to try your hardest not to, you will be surprised how natural things can feel with the right girl

No, and you shouldn't settle either. The world doesn't need your tainted genetics.

Yes it is possible. I am living proof. Never been diagnosed but definitely exhibit textbook sperg symptoms. Though sometimes I think I got really lucky, but it is possible.

How tall is he?

I just got interested in him the second he talked into the group. It just flowed naturally then, he was shy and awkward at first, he did giggle and blush while talking to me in the beginning - later it disappeared and we dated then.

Tall, but so am I, he is maybe 5cm taller than me.

>talked into the group

>It just flowed naturally then

How? How does this shit happen?

Am diagnosed sperg with friends and go outside a lot but am 100% KHV because relationships between me and girls never "flow naturally". I've never had a girl display interest in me

Best friend (qt asian waifu material) married somebody on the spectrum. His only lacking abilities are social, otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell.

If you are an 8 or more girls will ignore some reaaaal serious character flaws.

I donno your extent of sperg, but if you are top notch in every other field you should be fine

btw this is not me saying: "chad can get away with it" this is me saying if you are the best you there is then your downfalls could be easily overlooked.It's just a simple fact of life. it's a weigh of pros and cons

If I slim down, bulk up, clear my skin, and dress well, I might be able to achieve a 7. And I could realistically only maintain a 6. A girl only liking me for my looks sounds like a fake relationship anyway.

a) how do you know? Have you tried? there are some legendary 10s who look like dogshit in their later years because they let themselves go you don't know how far you will reach without trying.

Hell look up what the actor who played Nevil in harry potter looks like now.

b)Your looks are the visual culmination of all your life decision, as well as the first indication that someone cares about themselves and their health. There's nothing shallow about visual attraction because your body is inevitably a reflection of yourself.

c) Besides visual improvement you can do personal improvement. You should still be kind, nice to hang around, and preferably entertaining to be with.

d)What girls you want to aim for? Would you aim for a girl that won't love you no matter how you improve? The girl in the picture seems just fine, especially if you can learn to take good care of yourself.

>tfw balding.
What's better, shaving your head, wearing a hat, or both?

I might be able to achieve 5 max considering this, up from a 3.

2 words
Johnny sins

permabaldy gets more pussy than most men on earth

Pretty sure there's a fetish out there for women over bald Jow Forums men

Any tips for not looking like a nazi while being bald/bearded?

Yeah, don't wear a classic bomber jacket+combat boots+ jeans+suspenders combo. There are bald people fucking everywhere and none of them get branded as nazis. Don't dress like a skinhead and you wont get confused for one

>boyishly attractive at best
>7 inch dick, decent girth
>had a gf for 3 years
>very mild autism, noticeable when talking to me for a long time but I am very social for an aspie
Is there hope for me anons

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don't know anything about skinheads
I know a ton of bald dudes that don't get called nazis pretty much dress like a normal person and not like someone with a statement and you'll be fine.

Who's the girl?

she's a beauty

i meant her name but sure