If you watch Netflix you are a subhuman

Daily reminder. No one is pushing racemixing as much as Netflix today.

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OP is right. Jow Forums like to pretend they are against the subversion of white culture even though the majority here give the Jews a monthly paycheck

What about you then? Sure you don't have a (((Playstation))) at home?

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I only watch The Office on there

You clearly don't watch cable television

I un-subscibed from netflix when I realised that "orange is the new black" & all the original content was 100% propaganda by (((them!))) T

They seem to be targeting women heavily & they seem to be soaking it all up!

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>naughtydog = playstation
TLOU was good though. No interest in the 2nd one or the DLC.

So you are an enemy of the white race, an ally of the Jews and should kill yourself. Good to know.

I unsubscribed when that fucking white helmets documentary released. Pure propaganda from terrorists, and they gave that shit an award.

Yes, Naughty Dog belongs to Sony/Playstation, retard. lol

I bet 99% of Jow Forums actually directly support them and their agendas without even knowing. You guys are such brainlets.

>muh veeveeo gaymez

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Try watching their show Sex Education. Takes place in rural England and yet almost every relationship in the show is either interracial, gay/lesbian, or both, and one of the main characters is gay and cross dresses. Not a terrible show but man is it weird to see this shit so forced.

>Not a terrible show but man
It's pots like this that make me give up on Jow Forums and America as a whole. You literally give (((them))) money and say a show like that isn't bad. Are you a 12 year old girl? No way you are a man.

My god... I hate you disgusting freaks. Why couldn't you have fucked off back then and let us save this race? You fat disgusting Jew puppet disgraces. I hate you so much.

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Ya got me. I didn't know they were a subsidiary. But again, TLOU was their only game I played and it was pretty good.
Uncharted looked cool, but I can't justify supporting almost any game series with 4 or 5 direct sequels.

>PlayStation - individual content purchases allowing you to not fund faggot propaganda
>Netflix - forced to buy all of the faggot propaganda
There's a difference

I only watch based animes on Netflix, and based shows like Breaking Bad.

The other day i was watching a Samurai Champloo episode where they joked about a character being gay, and the girl character acting somehow disgusted about it. Based japs.

I only watch better call saul and there are almost no niggers in the entire show. And almost all of the main cast is white aside from a few spics.

Doesnt matter what you "only" watch. Every penny you give them goes toward making more interracial porn

>paying for kikeflix

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It's pretty bad, but my roommate wants it so I might as well watch it

Fairly, I don't give a shit. Every visit you make to Pornhub and the like does that tenfold.

>still supporting jewflix

Daily reminder that if you can't watch propoganda without being influenced by it you're weak.

have a bumpstock

As long as I can remember, I've been disgusted by seeing this kind of shit. Even as a little kid. On a deeply instincual level I've always found it repulsive. Always trust your gut instincts. We have them for a reason.

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I have Netflix and 95% of what I watch on it is The Office and Star Trek TNG reruns. Occasionally I'll watch a movie or a documentary. I avoid Netflix original programming like the plague.

>supporting Netflix
Stopped watching TV when Stargate was canceled.
At that same time, Internet was good enough that if I wanted any media, I didn't need to pay for it out side of the internet bill.
Paying for netflix sounds like a simply shity idea.
>Fucking horrible controlled content
>Paying for said content.
all for the sake of laziness.
Being lazy is expensive and degenerate

I too gave up the netflix jew

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I stopped using Netflix when they stopped sending me dvds

>. I avoid Netflix original programming like the plague.

Geez do I really have to explain this? You are financing all the anti-White shit!!!! Netflix doesn't give a shit if you don't watch original programming! They're getting your money to further White genocide!
For fucks sakes I can't take idiots anymore....I just can't!

You're an idiot

I thought this scene was so fucking pointless and cringe. Just gratuitous shit. Too bad because it was actually a decent flick. The bear in the room scene was grade A+ creep the fuck out.

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I only see anime there. It is wrong if I do that?

That is a fake quote.

Hershlag isn't white.

why don't you just subscribe to Funimation or Crunchy Roll?

They're not pushing anything. Interracial couples are becoming more popular, so the demand is there. How many young white healthy couples do you see these days? Not many, I rarely see white guys with anything. Its either a white chad that has casual sex, a white semi beta with an asian girlfriend, or a white incel guy.

Netflix unironically seems close to religious status for young women and millennial women who (for some reason I can't fathom) still think they're young.

They have no personality or interests besides work, wine, yoga, cats, and netflix

Do. Not. Support. Crunchyroll.

Certainly seems that way sometimes.




Marc Bernays Randolph, Co-Founder and CEO of Netflix

It was actually a really good movie.

t.someone who thought they were going to hate it for pushing nonsense.

thanks for the info

why? not arguing, just sincerely want to know.

>still watching tv shows

Like havent we seen every larp existence ever known to man, to know that there is literally nothing left to tell? Its all so pathetic.. Looking back at all the garbage I watched as a kid, and into my early teens, it makes me shudder becuase it was such horrible story telling.. You literally cannot develop a character in a story line in a 2.2 hr movie.. Likewise, tv shows are recycled crap.

All you need to know about Netflix is that the Obamas, Soros, and Susan Rice are all on their Board of Directors. Netflix exists solely to spread their propaganda. Why even let that filth into your minds? Use your time on something more fulfilling like reading or exercising or a creative hobby.

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i can't stand sandra bullock so i'll probably never watch it but i did watch annihilation and it was actually pretty good

this chick who was cutting my hair told me she had binge watched a netflix series instead of watching the superbowl.

>what show did you watch?
>dear white people.
lol wtf. how far gone are they? she thought this was a great show.

Kek Europe is twice as left as we are in regular society. US Neocons in Europe would be considered to the right of Hitler.

>listening to spotify
>see this thread
>see this ad

It's all so tiresome.

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the book was a lot better (and different, they left so much out and changed a lot) the whole Southern Reach Trilogy is pretty good.

This is pretty based.

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This starts out like an sjw training aid, but turns out to be a story about the importance of family... I thought it was fairly red pilled for the audience that would be attracted to it.

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you can see the evil in his eyes

good I cancelled this marxist shitfest