WAR INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!

WAR INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!

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yfw 3rd world war is going to be in south america

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USA will try it's best to ignite whole world. ME, SA, Koreas, China's sea, India - Pakistan, Russia - Ukraine.

>no wall
>suddenly various brown shitholes right next door to the US start producing rapefugees en masse
where have I seen this before

i gues thats a strategy, where is russia bro going to be when shit starts? venezuela or ukraine or china?

wtf? What are doing in Nicaragua now?

At home, defending our borders

Reee's of a dying empire. Don't worry.

population replacement not going fast enough, needs more pedros


>south america only
oh my sweet child

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so venezuela is fucked

ho not just nicaragua ZioTrumpenstein also called out Cuba in that discourse you gonna have to get ready to die for the chosen one

>The three men are leaders of a rural movement opposed to an inter-oceanic canal that the Ortega government proposed to build with Chinese help as a rival to the Panama Canal, a project that has gone nowhere four years after a symbolic ground-breaking.

Small presence in Syria will remain, though. But defenetly not Venezuela

>Mfw all you niggerfucks think the US is going to war and that it isn't us that will be supplying the neighbors of said countries either logistical and material support like we have already blatantly stated many times for Venezuela
Please kill yourselves, your homelands will be better off without you

Nicaragua is a prime example of a Nation subverted by Jews

Attacking farmers is African tier
Cut off the nations outside food supply until they go beg the farmers to help them.

>it's real
i can't fucking believe it


>Regime change in Venezuela succeeds - USA is flooded with misplaced latinos
>Regime change in Venezuela fails - USA looses face and it's downfall is accelerated rapidly
I don't see much minuses here.

Joining the navy in a few months, I hope those Jewish warmongering globalist fags give me the chance to train before I kill some Venezuelans

you're going to war again retard like it or not

Nothing will happen , you russians should do some serious shit this new cold war is becoming boring as fuck

Its so nice to have a new war not in Eurasia where we live. Hope we not getting involved and Americans go full recession after this.

Prepare to die in China's sea, mutt

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don't worry goy, your people will be given safe passage and a new opportunity in america.

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>venezuealans are going to leave this country because they are scared of not being under communism anymore
oh no!

I can't wait to invade your frozen shithole. I've been wanting a slav war bride for the longest time now.

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As long as I can take a chink with me

Get ready to die slav shit

Bolton has $HABBO$ tattooed on his scrotum you just know it

No one wants to invade your shit hole, Vlad.


how will magapedes twist this around? a third country targeted for invasion by his administration? surely this is all a chess move right?

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You mean Lopez "mexican citizenship for migrant caravans" Obrador?
Lopez "Maduro is not my friend! i swear!" Obrador?
Lopez "Fucking Conservatives" Obrador?
Lopez "We signed UN Migration Pacts because Mexico its a country of migrants" Obrador?

>It's just like hitler and the nazis all over again
>We'll get greeted as liberators
>Maduro is gassing his own people
>If we don't fight em there we'll fight em here
>They hate our freedom
>The war will be over in a month

>Monroe's doctrine, our backyard!
It's already started

>I can't wait to invade your frozen shithole. I've been wanting a slav war bride for the longest time now.
Skip it. They have the best AIDS.

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Speak for yourself, blood thirsty cuck. Vlad is implying that would be the end of the world war...literally the war to end all wars.

how many years did james fields get again?

Thank god I was getting tired of desert wars. We back in the jungles boy

A poll asking this question (sort of)

How about this fag Trump free his own supporters from leftist oppression? People are having their fucking bank accounts closed.

People getting deplatformed, attacked in the streets by antifa, losing their jobs, and Trump does nothing.

Oh boy I can't wait for all the fucking refugees, actually just send them to canada

He starts great bantz on tweeter

based guardian of zion

Operation Condor II?

I will gladly fight and die for the American Empire.

> People are having their fucking bank accounts closed
Please elaborate further. Thank you.

They only have the aids problem because of their propensity towards faggotry. Please don't ruin my slav wife fantasies.

>he thinks its an american empire
stupid crayon munchers, their is no heroin in Venezuela to inject

>best AIDS
that would be Thailand
the very best Aids

How can people be free if they will be invaded by a foreign power?

How can people be free if the parliament for which they vote has a several years long term during which nothing can be done to it? Same applies to the president

You're already involved. The little green men are already there

It’s gonna be pretty kino and aesthetic I’ll tell you that much

These fucking kikes are losing it. Some patriot do the right thing please.

That meme is really fucking great

Wait Trump said something about the Niggerangutan people? I missed that. Are we just out right claiming south america at this point? Can any anons spoon me a qrd on Niggeraqua I literally forgot it was a country, didn't know there was something to be concerned with there.

Soooo we're wanting to fuck with Nicaragua, Cuba AND Venezuela??? Damn it Trump you nigger, I voted for you specifically to get out of wars... I don't give two flying fucks how other dictators are treating their people, even if they are commies. Just build the wall and keep them out! The most you should do is send secret death squads or arm their militias. BUT DON'T SEND A SINGLE SERVICE MEMBER ANYWHERE NEAR A WARZONE.


Fuck off fag

What if I don't?

What the fuck are you talking about? Do they even have any Jews in the country? Now they're being attacked by the most Jew-controlled country on earth, the U.S. Why? What's the logic?

Do you autists understand that this is gonna be game over if the US is blood/oil thirsty to actually invade ANOTHER country to prop up its economy??

We're gonna nuke our fucking atmosphere off over fucking oil and the bullshit fractional reserve shadow-puppetshow that's taken up the job of running western civilization. Best and least likely scenario the conflict stays in the southern hemisphere and we carpet bomb the Amazon into a fucking parking lot. The species wont survive this war, fuck the PLANET wont

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>its another "decade of regime change politics to secure foreign country resources" episode

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Not to mention China can just throw men into the conflict forever and the US won't be able to do anything. They could run down the economy for an indefinite period, just keeping the proxy war running.

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shit eating shills promised war in Syria
shit eating shills promised war in North Korea
shit eating shills promised war
and yet nothing happened except more shit eating shill posts


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>there was no war in syria

The biggest shit eating shill of them all promised to build a wall, drain the swamp, and put America first.
None of those things happened.

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Thank God we'll get to see all Latinos interned simply for existing. Fuck Latinos.

my question is, what do our israeli masters have against south america all of a sudden? is this about generating a "syrian refugee"-like migrant crisis or what?

This is like 1954. The CIA probably shot the activists. Must be some clog in the drug pipeline.

550 years? A bit over kill??

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Its all about securing resources to fuel the empire. Any country that doesn't give tribute to the ZOG empire will face their wrath. They hate sovereign nations that want nothing to do with the U.S

The empire owes more debt then it can ever pay off with normal means so the only option they have is pillaging countries of their resources. Rome befell the same scenario.

just imagine for one second Boltons motives are in good faith and he's not just being a politician and saying what sounds good, but he actually means what he says here

you know there is a possibility of that being true, right?

hey shit eating shill, you promised war, even a nuclear one, why are you still shitting up this board?

>you know there is a possibility of that being true, right?

:^) Is that so?

>everyone who disagrees with GOD EMPEROR BLOMP is le shill

pic related

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last cold war was way more fun