Why have anime and anime accessories largely becoming hated and associated with degeneracy on imageboards these past...

Why have anime and anime accessories largely becoming hated and associated with degeneracy on imageboards these past few years?

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people here like to link everything with the yidden. sure, a lot of our degeneracy is because of them, but the degeneracy of certain anime is just japs being retarded, not because of the Jews.

see /mlp/

Because we can actually interact with you backward tweebz

filling your room with plastic figurines is a bit tasteless imo. so much clutter too and all just vidya and anime merch. it comes across as depressing too. like, what hole are these people trying to fill in their lives?

Every weeb ive met irl has been a smelly, reclusive, social awkward slob who gives off strong child molester vibes. They’re grown men whole watch cartoons, do faggy cosplay and have brain problems. Watching cartoon porn depicting children being fucked is degenerate to say the least, yikes.

What if you only have a handful and keep it that way?
The decent ones don't wear their interest on their sleeves.

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It's senseless materialism.

They've always been associated with degeneracy, you just never noticed before. Now that it's glaringly obvious to everyone that anime is degenerate, you can't hide from this realization.

It's time to give up the anime tiddies, boi.

Boomer infestation from 2016.

Anime has always been associated with degeneracy. There was a huge influx of newfags these past few years, so this degeneracy that was accepted here before is now in the full view of "normies".
Collectors/Hoarders have always been viewed negatively. HOWEVER, the attraction to perfect skin and bit tits is normal. It's just degenerate because the attraction is with something that isn't "real".

Because weebs are disgusting degenerates. Worse than foot fags. worse than flat earthers and worse than the trap/nigger love crowd. Weebs are the worst thing short of being kikes. A kike weeb is the absolute worst.

No I fucking refuse. The majority of the medium is redpilled and you know it.

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because you are degenerates

Like God in the background while the left go on and on, the anime people are substance seers in the usual dealing with a beast system. Lesser living receiving attention as the bulk of it.

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probably because their money is going to japanese businesses and not american. I blame the boomer infestation.

Heaps of anime is degenerate, it's not exactly hard to see why, sexual exploitation of minors with high school girl harems is a common theme in many modern anime.
However, there's still loads of good shit (loads of bad shit too) and anime is still rather niche, at least here in the US and I doubt it won't not be considering anime is largely accessible and still not enjoyed by the mainstream.
So long as it's a thing enjoyed among us nerds and stays that way, the degeneracy won't spread, rendering anime relatively harmless.
Also watch Fist of the North Star.

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That's a cute statue and no one would fault you for owning it. If you have a dozen statues like that though and an interest in hot gluing, people will start to take issue with your interests.

all fag, tranny, poison hair, stronk girl shit came from animu
it's brain cancer

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Who knows? I buy them, wear anime shirts, etc. If you're good looking, white, and buff you can get away with a lot more than an unkempt, fatty with zero social skills. This applies to literally every hobby ever, though. That being said, I've only ever met one other weeb type that wasn't cringey as all hell, and in general I prefer not to associate with the type.

Anime doesn't promote faggotry like that though.

yes it does and it did way before Western animation did
US d//ubs used to censor blatant fagshit back in the 90s and there was a lot of it even in mainstream animu

I always wondered if figma collectors ever realized they are essentially like old ladies collecting Hummels,

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Have you seen the shit the nips produce?
I'm not going to pretend I've not regularly gone looking for some of it, but there's a threshold. After a point, Jap porn becomes legitimately degenerate, and makes anything the West produces look quaint in comparison.
Still love the magnificent gook bastards and their animu, but they have issues.