AOC is going to attack every single Democratic presidential nominee for "not being left-wing enough." She really is going to ensure Trump wins a second term. We must elevate and amplify this quixotic goblin. If you disagree with AOC and you vote for Bernie, you're a white supremacist.
She doesn’t want to have the establishment end her
James Thomas
This. I had a feeling Bernie was gonna try to pull AOC in to his campaign. Funny to see that old spineless kike get rekt before it even starts.
Samuel Wilson
lmao the fix is in again. 10 bucks says the DNC already has their candidate picked.
Brody Thomas
AOC will pull a Warren and only endorse the winner
Kayden Bennett
>AOC is going to attack every single Democratic presidential nominee for "not being left-wing enough." AOC is under fire from the left for being too moderate.
The left loses because it's too moderate. AOC is a burden to the left because she's too moderate. The more radical leftist politicians are, and the more they refuse to back down, the more loyalty they will receive from leftists, and the more they will inspire others.
Isaiah Long
I'm a Democrat and sadly I agree. Nah, not her style. She'll have an axe to grind at some point during the primary.
Dumb headline. She just said "I'm not endorsing anyone right now, the election is next year"
The media really doesn't want Sanders to win
Jaxson Russell
who cares if Trump wins if he's virtually turning into a Dem? This is how the left operates, they never compromise and instead just push further and further left
Aiden White
Does this woman not realize that she will be having a reelection in 2020?
Camden Walker
Ok I was skeptical at first, but she has to be a plant at this point. Or is KEK still with us.
Xavier Rodriguez
>"I'm waiting for one of the candidates to offer me something in return for my support." Learn to politics guys.
Aiden Sanchez
They gave their money. hopes and dreams to a life long jew political operative, He did not sell them out. He did what he does.
Logan Nguyen
Fake and gay
Jaxson Kelly
>socialist >communist >jew OK, can someone explain the difference once and for all?
Jeremiah Gray
She's Jewish also so they are all the same but if you want to get technical "communism" is the utopic theorized outcome of the long term implementation of socialism an economic theory. They need socialism to begin to implement communism which consisted of 5 "planks" as they are known. They need complete state control of the economy to begin to wear down the quality of peoples lives enough to accept communism.
Nope, he's a white male. The nominee must, above all else, be "the first ___ president". They will double down on identity politics.
Justin Sanders
Bernie "No refunds" Sanders.
He will get torn to pieces in most debates for selling out his base in 2016.
Connor Rogers
hes a pied piper, he is a hype man, he just gets the plebs on board.
Henry Wood
>ensure Trump wins a second term
Literally just look at the candidates with funding/strong fundraising
A loser. Had charisma, appealed to white conservative women and flipped them from creepy cruz's category, made an easy race into a tough one for an incumbent, infinite cash-raising potential. Still fucking lost. Also a blatant leftist, people forget Obama won as a moderate and just see a younger politician with a skin-tone like Obama's and think "this is the guy". Literally wants to ban all guns. Nope.
Commie. Lost in 2016, licked Hillary's feet hoping that if he was a good boy they'd give him another shot.
Appeals to academic type liberals, especially the Northeastern ones. A dumb goofy cunt.
They don't call him Creepy Joe for nothing. His entire draw is that he's supposed to be Trump if Trump was a Democrat, and he was Obongo's Vice-President.
Horrifying for everyone involved since she will likely win the primaries if Biden doesn't get involved. Stupid as fuck, has a weird platform that ranges from "tax cuts for the middle class" to "ICE is racist and shit". Not clearly left or right, just dumb in general like most Californians and Mexicans.
Hillary 2.0, with the added negative that Hillary doesn't like her and no one likes Hillary.
Other candidates might as well not exist because they lack the exposure and funding. Overall the Democrats do not have a single good candidate.
Oliver Myers
Governor of California has endorsed Kamala, Texas is a super-Tuesday state and there are two candidates from Texas (Beto and Castro) who would split the delegates. Meanwhile Kamala gets all those Californians. The delegate math simply favors the candidate from California, but if more than 2 candidates stay in after February the race will end up being a contested convention anyway. But because Warren polls ahead of Kamala and so does Sanders they have no reason to drop out, but Kamala has california (super tuesday state) in the bag so SHE has no reason to pull out. The result is that super tuesday will split too many delegates and make it unlikely that any one candidate will claim a majority.
Lucas Sanders
In America that won't work so well
Zachary Cooper
It's a time old proven strategy. Demographics have and will continue to change though, careful you don't make the same mistake the Democrats did and promote an outlier which actually has the capability to win.
Matthew King
Good analysis
Luis Howard
>outlier with the capability to win
Obama was a conservative/moderate on social issues in 2008, the race was basically fought on young black guy versus old white woman grounds back then. In 2016 Hillary was a moderate on social issues (even if her base was liberal) and lost in a white woman versus white man contest.
The reality here is the Democrats don't have the capacity to elect a moderate/conservative white male with the immigration and economic policies to appeal to the radical moderate/conservatives that Trump managed to win over from Obama's 2008 voterbase, so the Democrats will see their share of whites continue to be stagnant as has been since 2012.
Jackson Johnson
Real variable is to see if dems can maintain black/hispanic votes
Lincoln Bailey
Is AOC paid off by the GOP to sabotage the Democrats? It sure feels that way.