Every day until he is President

Every day until he is President

Attached: download.jpg (200x252, 7K)

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Bernie is controlled opposition and that's why he has an army of shills spamming his bullshit. This is why he keeps using bullshit words like racist, homophobic, xenophobic etc etc etc. This is why AOC didn't endorse him.

pretty sure he's dual-citizenship and it's against the law for him to occupy the office tbqh

Attached: 1503815958159.jpg (879x881, 189K)

So you mean forever

>Every day until he is President
Why do you support a Jew?

>Bernie is controlled opposition
He's not even controlled opposition. He's plain opposition.

>pretty sure he's dual-citizenship and it's against the law for him to occupy the office tbqh
If his original citizenship was to the USA, he is allowed to run for office.

Not that Jews should be allowed in White nations regardless, mind you.

>old white man

Pick one.

I’m with him