One of the most famous stories ever is about a ridiculously hot chick that keeps her army of beta manlet orbiters...

One of the most famous stories ever is about a ridiculously hot chick that keeps her army of beta manlet orbiters around as providers and then goes literally for the first tall chad she sees.
This is a cautionary tale.
It's supposed to teach short men not to feel like a human being.

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Your wank fantasy story is shit. Nobody wants to hear of it.

>cautionary tale
Uh no its not, its full of hope and happily after and no woman must settle.

Except that those are fantasy dwarves. There are female dwarves for them.
Just like people IRL with dwarfism rarely marry people of typical stature.

This is perfect

They ALL wanted to fuck snow white.

That's a funny spin on that children story. Kek

Doesn’t matter. She’s out of their league and if they did get to fuck her it would be one sided. It would be awkward and she’d have to fake it like a prostitute.
It’s not a spin at all. Messages like this are hiding behind almost any movie you can name. The media programs you to believe a certain lifestyle will lead you to happiness. Call me crazy all you want but it’s true, they want everyone to believe love is the endgame and that everyone left behind just HAS to be miserable.

of course they did, they constantly made sure she "accidentally" caught them masturbating to virgin princess porn and play truth or dare and anal always would come up.

The moral of the story is "don't settle for the dwarfs, let them worship you but always keep them just out of reach.
A REAL man will show up inevitably and even then, you don't have to give up on keeping your dumb servants around"
The dwarfs are LITERALLY supposed to be beta male orbiters so that little girls would learn to only give it up for chad but still use their sexuality to keep useful idiots around.

What’s dumber is the fact that guys even orbit the really attractive girls. They shouldn’t be so naïve as to get fooled by some skank. If you’re providing for a girl that isn’t family, a dear friend, or a significant other, you’re stupid and deserve the suffering.

excellent point, stupid punk dwarfs

Little Mermaid teaches yourself not to change for a man.
Beauty + Beast teaches to love someone for their inner beauty and brain
Lion King teaches to avenge your fathera death and destroy your enemies
Mulan teaches to fight for what you believe in and protect your loved ones

And all you can focus on is an innocent girl getting murdered just being being young and pretty and and all she wants to do is sing to the animals. She gets help from dwarfs and cleans their entire house and then because she is poor she chooses to marry the man who saved her, and lucky it's a prince. she's a child and never once hurt a soul, if that bothers you then ph bpy the real world is not for you.

You should've been shot into a sock, not your mom.

The dwarves in the movie aren’t really stupid though, if you can look past the potential brainwashing that might be in the movie then they’re just cute dwarves. Literally not humans. Like fairies or something.
Have you noticed half of those are about romance? And the others are about violence. Really great messages.

Yeah because they are based off of grim fairy tales. Which is why it is ridiculously stupid to get worked up over it and just enjoy it for what it is. Dwarfs aren't human, they are folklore. Same with mermaids. Animals don't talk. Magic doesn't exist. Lion King is based on Shakespear and copied from a Japanese animation. And Mulan is based on a real person.

Get a grip on life and laugh sometimes.

Sorry last part is for op.
Who is gone already it seems.

>half of those are about romance? And the others are about violence
Romance the hot guy and violence the ugly ogres

Beauty and the beast kind of inverted that.

yeah right. she fucked every guy in her village and was run outta town and settled for a quiet life cleaning house for dwarfs. Notice she wears that big ass dress to cover the big ass flaps between her legs. Only reason the prince agreed to marry her was she was knocked up but he better get a DNA test for paternity.

But what about Beauty and the Beast and Shriek?

>Same with mermaids
and there are mermaids because some girl fucked a porpoise or something

The hell is wrong with the people in this thread. What a read lol. Gf and I thank you

>Notice she wears that big ass dress to cover the big ass flaps between her legs

What's her opinion on this?

shrek had a BGD and the Beast some thuggish brute that abused her and she was afraid to run

if you have to come to a random thread to act condescending and brag about a gf you neither have self esteem nor a gf.

second op has some extra chromosomes or they are super bored.

What's BGD?

Big Green Dick