Do guys mind if you have saggy tits?

Do guys mind if you have saggy tits?

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I really don’t find them attractive


I don’t care for tits and find girls with smaller ones more attractive. But not all men are like me. There are guys out there who will worship your saggy tits if you let them. They may not be the most attractive guys but it’s probably better than nothing.

yes cut them off.

Yes :((

Not if you are pretty and in shape

What if you're in shape but not pretty

Would you be open to breast surgery if the guy paid?

depends on what kind of men you go for :)) do you aim for the top 20% or the top 1% with your saggy tits? well then you have a problem! but nothing that couldn't be fixed with a little surgery

Just show us tits and well trll u how bad it is, jesus, sometimes saggy is ok sometimes not.

Something like this

Attached: tumblr_nk1au2TMhD1qcy09lo1_500.jpg (500x750, 80K)

yeah shuure

Pretty is subjective

If the rest of you is that damn fine, then fucking unf.

I don't have saggy tits

ok so you don't like the girl's tits but you like the rest of her?

I think this girl is attractive because she's like a fucking actress or sth lol

Nice mommy tiddies desu

Are you 13 or something?

She hasn't had any kids and she's 20 in that pic

No? why are you posting someone who is attractive because she has other nice features

No, I do like her tits because I like the rest of her.
But I can see the exact same pair of tits on someone I don't find attractive, and I wouldn't be thinking "Well at least her tits are not bad".

>posting tittays on a blue board

Shh. It's for a good cause.

I'd say it's educational.

That image is far from pornographic unless you’re 13.

yeah, it's definitely something we notice and probably won't be into but there may be a couple out there who don't mind

I posted an oglaf comic that had one scene where one of the girls exposed one breast/niple (a dot really) and got a two day ban. Just saying.

Western website, western prudence. Or autistic moderators. Probably both.

Those look about average to be honest, a lot of the perfect tits you see in porn or in ig models, magazines, movies, television media are either due to plastic surgery, push up bras or photoshop, larger natural breasts will have a natural "sag" to them, that's just how gravity works.

It depends on how big they are. I think most guys wouldn't mind a little sag for a D cup, but if you have saggy B cups, I'm sorry.

I prefer having no tits.

what the fuck those are average, normal looking tits

stop with the fucking baloon type perky porn tits they're fake, as one user said all natural tits will sag because of gravity, the bigger they are the more they'll sag

Attached: 46354753_255672715107123_2716082917934628864_n.jpg (960x939, 98K)

Depends how saggy. She will sag after years anyway it would suck if when she was let's say in her 20s she was already sagging.
A little sag isn't bad at all

Attached: 411_00015.jpg (640x484, 23K)

Which is why smaller tits often better.

Cant take as good pics of them though. With saggy tits you just need a sexy bra.

With nice perky B-cups you just need no bra.

I'm in my 20's and my tits already sag, they've always been saggy, even when I was a teenager.

Real life ain't as pretty and I think most guys are fine with that. Bras are like makeup for boobs.I'm just happy to be around some. Nut sacks aren't so great to look at either.

>Nut sacks aren't so great to look at either.
Ain't that the truth.


>Nut sacks aren't so great to look at either.
That's a false equivalency.

Literally not at all. Let's me know they're real.

How so? Unattractive is unattractive.

Because women aren't attracted to balls the same way men are attracted to tits

Uh, yeah. Because nutsacks are unattractive.

tit game for women is on the same level as dick game for men. egos are hurt because of porn and retarded standards set by people who are better off in those regards. the answer is the same for both of them. some people are drama queens over physical bullshit, and a lot of people will love you regardless. i have a friend whos a girl and loves her some small dicks. i personally love saggy tits, and i love pirky tits, but i will say my favorite tit pics are the ones that are insanely plain and maybe has some flaws. it feels
unique and human to me

...But... that's why it's a false equivalency.

That's the difference between a bad looking pair of tits and balls.


What don't you get?

Yes, those are less attractive than perky breasts.

No they aren't a deal breaker.

They definitely aren't winning you any points though, and when the guy first sees them, he has a bit of slight disappointment. Life is cruel.

The difference between unattractive tits and unattractive balls is that they're both unattractive? This somehow makes sense to you?

I never said that, I said

>women aren't attracted to balls the same way men are attracted to tits

It's like comparing bad tasting pizza to bad tasting (literal) shit, which is what makes it a false equivalency.

Apples and oranges

If the pizza tastes like literal shit, I'm not going to eat it.

I don't think we're on the same mental wavelength here.

My wife's are a little saggy but damn, they are huge so it's expected. They are beautiful with pink nipples. I think I'd hate if she they were dark brown or too asymmetric. You can find men that like smaller/perkier/saggy/bigger or whatever boobs but a girl with tits like the pic would be weird.

Attached: FB941A27-6854-4EDF-BC10-3E798DD3CF30.jpg (306x821, 25K)

Because you think comparing balls to tits is a false equivalency but comparing balls to fecies is not.

>girl with tits like the pic would be weird
You mean Shay Laren?

>Because you think comparing balls to tits is a false equivalency but comparing balls to fecies is not

No - once again that's not what happened. I compared the the taste of pizza (tits) to the taste of shit (balls).

No matter how bad pizza is, it's really not all that bad.

Even shit at it's best is still shit.

Get it now?

Attached: vbGrRs2[1].jpg (2560x1440, 274K)

>No matter how bad pizza is, it's really not all that bad.
Not if it tastes like shit.

All you're managing to do is arguing for why no woman should ever be together with a man, ever.

>All you're managing to do is arguing for why no woman should ever be together with a man, ever.
I don't see how you're making that connection

because every guy has a nutsack and not every girl has saggy tits. not saying it's a bad thing, is incredibly attractive in my opinion

>because every guy has a nutsack
I don't see how that mitigates the problem.

> is incredibly attractive in my opinion
I agree.

She is not the norm for 20 year olds. Unless you live in America where everyone is a fat fuck


All men apparently have the equivalent of a turd hanging from their crotch. That's enough to turn anyone lesbian.

Tits are tits. You know the saying, "you seen want to see the rest of them."

Seriously though, it's okay. Saggy tits are fine, firm bouncy ones are fine, giant fat ones are fine, tiny tits are fine.

Saggy titted women are like short men. Some will put up with it, some won't, but pretty much no one prefers them.

Just wear a good bra that makes them look round during sex. Xev Bellringer has flapjacks, but they look pretty decent in a bra.

Can't tell if expert level trolling or actually literally retarded.

>Tits are tits. You know the saying, "you seen want to see the rest of them."
That is so incredibly untrue it hurts. Every pair of tits is an exciting new adventure.

It's abnormal for breasts to elbe unattractive while it's abormal for balls to be attractive at all, sagging or no.

Oh no, my tits look a lot like Xev Bellringer. Does that mean I can only be attractive wearing a bra?

Saggy with huge areola and scars from PCOS fucking them all up reporting in.

No one's ever mentioned it, but I'm sure they've been horribly grossed out. Guys are horribly simple though. I probably have one of the most disappointing bodies on earth, being that it looks quite good in clothes and a like a trainwreck without them. Never stopped me from being in relationships

Honestly if a guy is in a position where your bra is off in front of him he's not going to care much what your tits look like. Having tits like Xev wouldn't be bad either, they're probably a lot of fun to play with.

I prefer shorter men
But they can't be below 5'6 cause then the height difference would be kinda weird

Attached: uwu.jpg (396x385, 105K)

How tall are you?
Why do you prefer short men?

I've dated a few girls with saggy tits

I'm talking like two socks filled with oatmeal with some quarters at the end saggy

One was about 30, the other girl was only 22.

It's definitely not ideal but it didn't ruin sex. It's like anything else; when you start to fall for someone those little flaws don't really matter too much.

Have you actually seen the results of breast lift surgery? It doesn't look good.

that's not saggy, look up african women

Is Scotty here? I love her tits on /soc/

I'm more of a dominant gal and would rather pet a guy's hair and shit.
Plus I feel bad for shorter guys. If short girls won't give them a chance that means we taller girls have to.

saggy tits = (probably) will still bang (depending on the rest of the package) but definitely will not marry/procreate with

Didn't expect to see Emilia fart here. But no, not really unless they are nipples to the floor sag

Except that's wrong. I'm sure the only images you've seen online are from botched surgeries or 20 year old procedures. Shit is pretty good now.

These tits looks perfectly normal for their size. They're a bit asymmetrical, okay, but that's normal too. Honestly I find the woman in the pic really beautiful, and this is a genuine pose, not some Instagram warped angle.
If this is what is considered "saggy" to some men, well, good luck. I've seen 16-17 years old teens with this kind of breast, especially when cups get this big. I guess I've seen some tits in my life.
In short, you're fine.

>Honestly I find the woman in the pic really beautiful
Duh idiot she's a model, OP definitely doesn't look like that

I don't see how that mitigates the problem.

>If this is what is considered "saggy" to some men,
The pic was posted by op, who is presumably a woman, as an example of "saggy".

OP here, yeah my tits have been like this since I was a teenager. Thanks for the reassurance.


I've looked through hundreds of before and afters. There is no actual lifting surgery for breasts, they cut off excess on the bottom and staple what's left down. They cut off the nipples completely and reattach them in a new place. About 95% looked better before, the afters look very strange and not natural. They look mutilated.

Compliment seeking whore. At least hide it

Yes but its not a deal breaker for everyone I'm sure

It's more important that you like Denver, the last dinosaur. If a girl doesnt like Denver, thats a deal breaker for me.

yes, they're disgusting. girls with saggy tits should wear bras at all times

That's as close to my mistress' body as I've seen, and darn it if I don't absolutely adore her breasts.

The thing about judging pic related is you can't feel what it's like to push your face into, and although you've gotten positive replies to this, you are on a very virgin website. Take it with a grain of salt what the experts of Jow Forums tell you about perfect bodies. Most have never even touched a boob, and can't appreciate anything beyond the visually pleasing.