Quick ways to die without commiting suicide?

Quick ways to die without commiting suicide?
I don't want to live long since I'm gay and I don't feel comfortable about it but I also don't want to commit suicide because I believe hell exist or at least I'm afraid of it.

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>but I also don't want to commit suicide because I believe hell exist or at least I'm afraid of it.
Homosexuals go to Hell either way, and God knows you're wishing for death. Why do this to yourself instead of repenting and living a happy life?

I don't want to be gay but I'm a creep as well I can't help looking at people's their private parts

Consider this: Do you think God is an autist? Do you really think they're going to keep you from hell on a mere technicality? If you're intentionally seeking out death, I hardly think it will matter whether it was by your own hand or not.

You have no willpower, but that's okay because you can develop it.
Unironically dude I think you might be the ideal candidate for a gay conversion camp.

Look at this faggot, he thinks he’s going to outsmart God...

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Go backpacking to morocco or try to convert some muslim extremists to christianity.

>I don't want to go to hell
>so I'll choose an indirect way of comitting suicide
Lmao, do you think you can trick God like that, sinner?

Pick a fight with a gang member.

Drive to any city and frequent sketchy corners at night

Stupid reason to not live. Being gay does not makes you useless. Just stop focusing on yourself and find purpose of living. Try make world a better place not only for you but for other beings. Dying without serious reason is lame

You'll be dead soon anyway you fruit.

> Even if you’re going to live three thousand more years, or ten times that, remember: you cannot lose another life than the one you’re living now, or live another one than the one you’re losing. The longest amounts to the same as the shortest. The present is the same for everyone; its loss is the same for everyone; and it should be clear that a brief instant is all that is lost. For you can’t lose either the past or the future; how could you lose what you don’t have?

>Our lifetime is so brief. And to live it out in these circumstances, among these people, in this body? Nothing to get excited about. Consider the abyss of time past, the infinite future. Three days of life or three generations: what’s the difference?

> Everything derives from it—that universal mind—either as effect or consequence. The lion’s jaws, the poisonous substances, and every harmful thing—from thorns to mud . . . are by-products of the good and beautiful. So don’t look at them as alien to what you revere, but focus on the source that all things spring from

Read meditations

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>lol NPC you can't kill yourself suicide is extremely illegal in judeo christian philosophy "many theologians believed it to be an even deeper sin than murder, as it constituted a rejection of God's gift of life"

do you know how rude this is you are rejecting your gift of life

There's a lot of good you can do in the world instead of killing yourself, if you really are religious why not devote your life in serving god this can be done by volunteering, giving blood, looking after the poor, feeding the hungry you know stuff like that.

Honestly you'd go to Hell for trying to slide out of suicide on a pedantic basis. At least, that's where I'd send pedants.
"But I didn't do it myself!"
No, but you certainly sent out the invites, set the table, hosted the party and made sure everyone was waited on before you sat down...

try not looking at porn and masturbating all the time you degenerate fuck.

also, don't kill yourself. death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities.

You’re a piece of garbage and a HORRIBLE Christian. All sins are equal and homosexual is just a disorder that most of them can’t help. Sex with a man as a man is literally as bad as sexual thoughts about a person you aren’t married to.

Gays should not be shamed for orientations beyond their control, they should just pray for forgiveness. You’re an awful Christian and should never preach to anyone again.

Suicide is not a sin.

Op I know everyone else already btfo you but I'll give you some adv.

1: go full flamboyant faggot mardigras style sucking cock in the street
2: go closet gay lifestyle but still have relationship with dudes
3: stay single / don't bang anyone but masturbate in gay ways (maybe buy yourself some toys or shove things up your ads)
4: get a gf as cover-up but keep jerking off to gay porn and hating yourself
5: repress homo lust for your whole life; get wife and kids
6: other

Best keep working & thanking God for what you have and seek guidance / help to do the right thing. Personally I recommend #3 and hoping you grow out of it. And do volunteer work for good-boy points to cancel it out

Gay conversation camps are literally just orgies.

God loves the sinner but hates the sin
He Will deliver you
A great savior for great sinners
You canalways be forgiven

Tell that to Dante.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>all sins are equal
So there's this guy Dante right, and he wrote a famous series of books about 700 years ago about how all sins aren't equal, and are in fact tiered and ranked. Lust is a pretty light sin, only second tier, while Sodomy is a tier seven sin. This is pretty basic stuff user you really should know it.

Keep on living...