ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm an insecure/suicidal/anxious person who doesn't leave home
Watch these and follow these channels:

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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This will be my tombstone:
1987 - 2050
Never got a date. "Just bad luck, I guess."

Girls, how do you feel about this?

What should I do in the case of liking a girl that mentions not liking relationships while chatting casually with her friends?
We've hung out at uni for a while now and I feel we are pretty close to each other, we usually talk out of class about w/e bullshit we come up with, we have plenty of moments of "physical intimacy" (can't really think of a less awkward phrasing), and we usually spend a ton of time close to each other when we are in a group of friends.
Am I looking too deep into it? should I give up and move on? or should I ask her directly about how she feels about me? I've got the romantic awareness of a slice of bread and I don't want to fuck this one up.

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Does using sex toys can fuck with your clit’s sensitivity? I’ve been using a vibrator to get off for a good year or so before finding my current boyfriend. However when he went down on me I couldnt cum, even though I could tell he’s pretty skilled. Now I’m scared I wont be able to enjoy oral sex at all.

>never found chasing girls, teasing them or whole dating thing interesting enough to actually participate in it
Am i mentally ill?
t. 26 khv

Low T

Have you tried flirting with her, or at least gently teasing? If no, try that and see how will she react.

I didnt have any interest even in puberty.

I saw my first real life girl's breast yesterday.
One of my friends was wearing a low cut top and for a time the angle from where I was sitting at I could see her nipple. I sort of mentioned offhand that her dress was kind of low but I don't think she understood what I meant.
Thank you, that is all.

I think so. Just as us guys can ruin our dicks with death grip. Stop using the vibrator for a while and learn to enjoy yourself naturally.

>never found chasing girls, teasing them or whole dating thing interesting enough to actually participate in it
What's the problem, then?

Where do I find nerdy girls? I just can't connect with people deeply unless they're dorky enough to be into gaming, draw cartoons, browse Jow Forums, or something. Most of these girls don't go outside. Where the fuck do you find these people?

Since you're here, you're either a nerd yourself or have friends who are. What do they do? Where do they hang out?

Guy here, I exchanged numbers with a co-worker before we both left the company a couple of weeks ago. I did not get to interact with her much during work, even though i really wanted to. I had a couple of online chats with her, mostly about what we do now and me asking advice from her, which she seemed to enjoy, but I don't know how to gauge her interest. I initiated all 3 convos until now. Should I just ask her out or would it be a better idea to wait the holidays out and see if she initiates a conversation? I'm kind of afraid that I may confuse her helpful nature with genuine interest.

You should mention your age when asking this. These things can vary with time (e.g. in high school)college it's easy to notice those groups in classes, but at work you may not interact with any of them depending on your field)

Not him but I'll be 27 in a few days.

26, never even kissed a girl

this would raise some red flags in your head if you noticed my lack of experience right?

We tease each other a lot and we do flirt every once in a while, we are pretty playful about it and we've never gotten to the point of doing something more intense than holding each other or lying down together. I'm scared that I might be seeing something that isn't really there, It wouldn't surprise me if she didn't want a serious relationship since her last one ended rather poorly, but I don't want to miss this chance to make someone I like happy.

If you’re just...really shy, it wouldn’t put me off. If you had other off putting reasons that no girl ever wanted to kiss you, such as hygiene, bad attitude, creepy...that’s a bigger problem. But this is Jow Forums so let’s face it, the 2nd issue is probably the real reason.

Dating new girl and her younger sister added me on snap and asked me to help her with homework, so I said yes. That day just two of us in her room and she wore a really loose shirt that I could literally see her tits a few times, this has to be intentional right? I'm considering the possibility that she might just be that oblivious that she didn't know when she bent over to look at my note I could see everything under her shirt.

Not that user but I just never had the time and I had family problems that kept me busy mostly.

Not a creep just lack of time and experience. Can’t remember a day in the last 5 years when I wasn’t stressed about my financial situation or grades or life in general.

23 y/o khv

STEM dorms, hobby stores (TCGs, board games), cons, video game tournaments... dont pretend there arent any options

>What's the problem, then?
I have no idea besides me being severely mentally ill. I mean everyone gets laid nowadays.

Ok so your situation does suck, but you do need to find a way to deal with stress. It’s
Not normal. I’ve also been in your shoes and sure college and life is stressful. There’s probably things you need to cut out of your life at this point.

5 full years of stress doesn’t make us want to kiss you. It shows in your face and demeanor at this point. You can turn it around, but you have to stick to it.

>bad attitude
now thats interesting what you mean by that

>hygiene creepy
well, i was never a looker, but i didnt care a whole lot about my looks and stuff
always extremely introverted tho i spent most of my life playing vidya and barely having social contact. Variety of reasons, between shitty parenting, attending school outside of my city etc.
only somewhat recently i got Jow Forums, got better clothes haircut etc

I also have barely any friends currently, which is apparently big yikes for females.

Suppose I meet a woman whom I’m really into. She seems to reciprocate, but then snubs me. If she was just teasing or using me, should I hack her into tiny bits, set her house / apt / condo building on fire, or just cut the brake lines on her car?

casually rape her
that will show her

Dude, don’t sweat it. I was even older. It doesn’t mean a thing. Don’t buy into the propaganda.


Not that user but how it wouldnt raise any red flags? On average people reach all the bases by the end of HS

That’s by today’s standards. Today’s standards are bullshit.
The New World Order is turning everyone into passive sheep. So they employ SEX as a way of keeping people fat, dumb, and happy. And every form of indoctrination works best if you “get ‘em while they’re YOUNG.” Trust me, if you don’t want to be a zombie, DON’T BUY INTO THE PROPAGANDA.

also on top of that i was dealing with alcohollic father, mother working abroad, in general it wasnt ideal family lightly put, so ive grown quite a bit resentfull, and pessimistic
Im trying to be happy and shit but its hard given my previous experiences, so im creeping most people out by my face. Like sometiems girls asking me why am i so angry, if im just at work, focusing at task at hand and not thinking any negative or positive thoughts, just figuring stuff out.
Then once in blue moon im able to brighten up if a cute girl looks at me, we smile towards eachother.

I guess im just mentally scarred to not ever be happy because its vicious cycle of

->not happy because of past ->no one wants to be near not happy people ->not happy because alone
Im also not expecting anyone to come and fix my life, its my responsibility, but im tired of the daily grind.
So damn tired. Maybe i just need to change jobs, environment, everything


My ex-gf told me after i kised her the other day that she had the feeling my kisses have changed, from kinda feeling "desperate" to very self confident

is that an actual thing?

Ask her if she was smoking crack both times, or just once.
No, I guess it could be real. Women pick up on these things.
Tell her your dick is a lot more confident too.

Well, i guess the dick is more confident part is something she also picked up on
She's the one texting me a lot, asking me what i'm doing and so forth
Funny how something like a kiss can send different signals in the way you do it

im no girl but i can imagine

just like you can subtly stroke someone or carefully poke them, you could also forcibly grab them and induce pain

sorta same thing i guess, just different action

Guess so yeah, weird that i myself didn't notice that i suddenly kissed with a different intention behind it
Nevertheless it does feel really good getting that kind of validation


Is that a british term for someone being..?

Inupt from both genders is appreciated,
In a previous thread someone indicated that having sex with an inexperienced guy with a big dick would be a particularly unenjoyable experience for the girl. As a virgin with a little more than 8", what should I do to be as not terrible as possible for my hypothetical partner?
>tl;dr how 2 use big pp?

>8 inches

based lad
im 6 and half and i think im small

So... i spent the and the 2 days before that with my ex

What now?

Sorry maybe I'm just uninformed, I thought average is like 5.5 inches?

Average is like 5.2 x 4.8

So how is 6.5 small?

Its just humblebrag

yeah but its matter of perspective

im pretty large man, not huge but well above average height, large hands and feet, in comparision it looks small, especially flaccid

i was actually very insecure about it since elementary basically

I’m 6.75 and I think I’m average even after being told I’m big by a few internet girls. Am I a retard?

apparently we both are

Can anyone give cunnilingus tips? More specifically, the actual motion and actions of my lips and tongue when i’m in the heat of it?

I’ve read only to stick to the clit, but some sources saying i should lick all the way down the labia and back up the clit. opinions?

there was some good video on it posted on /gif/ in 3 part webm, all explained and shown by female
it was really good but i dont have links

also theres apparently a book called "she comes first"

Yes it does. Use vibrators very, very sparingly. You will go back to normal but put that thing away for a couple months.


Why would you ever, ever, tell your ex hat he was the one you made sex enjoyable for you again?


that sounds bad
also, dont you ever fucking mention your ex, i swear

My Ex told me that the other night and tried to tell me that that was a good thing...

yeah i get it, it was meant towards females i entire thread

Ah i see, yeah, it really is not a good thing to even think about telling that

I don’t have much of a visible bulge in my pants so most girls assume I have a small dick. My flaccid dick isn’t very big so that might have given me a complex.
I’ve only eaten pussy once but my Chad friend gave me tips and she fucking loved it and told all her friends later. Basically lick the whole pussy first, from the bottom up until you reach the clit. Then tense your tongue muscles to make your tongue hard and pointy, and move it in circular motions around the clit, switching directions and sometimes flicking it back and forth as well. Apparently different girls like different things, and the moaning will tell you when you’re doing it right. The girl I did it to didn’t like the little tongue flicks I did every once in a while. Basically your neck should be exhausted by the time you’re done.

Bad attitude can be being rude, getting mad or upset if someone says no...generally not being a kind human being to others.

Yeah if you don’t care about how you look, it probably looks really bad and maybe you smell.

And you having barely any friends (rightfully) makes people think you have issues and that’s why no one wants to be your friend. You do have issues, but at least it’s just you’re too introverted and unsocial. and not that you’re a mean person. Keep getting fit and taking care of yourself. Ladies want a man who cares about himself. If you look like you want to live a long and good life, that’s attractive.

ive read somewhere that for females most attractive trait in man is when he is able to juxtapose into 2 very different archetypes of men.

For example, focused businessman that as a hobby does gardening or some other traditionally feminine hobby.
Or a big muscular man that could rip another man head off bare handed that just happens to take care of little kids and playing with them in most sensitive manner.

Would you find that attractive?

Its not like i want to tryhard and appeal to females but im wondering if i fit into this archetype and which side of me i should nurture more for growth.
From one side im thick, muscular meathead type guy (thanks gym) that you wouldnt accuse of ever reading a book, but im actually very much into intellectual, metaphysical talks, progressive music, even singing (not that i do that well, no no)


Fuckin bump, I'm in the same situation. I wanna know.

Why would a female ex text you merry christmas like four months after you broke up?

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I want a man who is himself and comfortable with it. You will fail by trying to become some ‘masculine’ ideal or other. People can tell when you’re hiding something or being someone you’re not. It makes us uncomfortable when you do that.

It is really so simple. You men always think it has to be more complicated than it is. Just try to be the best version of yourself. If you have such low self esteem that you think you have to be someone else, you have bigger problems.

why would you

>People can tell when you’re hiding something or being someone you’re not. It makes us uncomfortable when you do that.

They can't. Women aren't that perceptive.

Ok, then continue to do what you’re doing, be someone you’re not, and tell me how that works out for you

you missed the point
its not about faking your life and becoming someone you arent for few hours and then going back to your own rituals when no one is looking

its about actually enjoying and BEING both sides at same time.

i am myself even during parties, silent most of times, i speak only when i have actually something to say. Most of times i listen to others and if they have opinions i strongly disagree i might speak up. Or perhaps i wont.

I definetly can ACT like im talkative jokester person. But im not one.

For example i have few men that i look up to in my life, father figures one might say (the one i lacked good example from when i was young)

They do have traits from both intellectual / feminine sides and also physical / masculine side.
For example one powerlifter guy that lifts massive weights, oftentimes even injuring himself while doing so.
But he is actually highly educated intelligent engineer as a side hobby. Just decided to pursue path of lifting as his main passion.

I weigh around 110 and I'm a 5'4 f

My hip bones stick out and I'm just generally boney, do most guys think it's gross to feel bone when cuddling and stuff or is it based on preference?

We already have a date set for Friday. Should i just avoid flirting or just take it like 5 steps back? Im a dry ass texter if im not flirting and dont wNt to bore her with "hows your day" shit but i also hate the thought of not texting her the next tomorrow or thursday

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theres a reason STICC and THICC meme exists

I like most bodytypes,but im personally gravitating towards girls that do have "assets"

Its just about finding that perfect balance of nice curves but not fat.
Unfortunately it doesnt only mean losing or gaining weight, bone structure and inherent genetics for fat storage are huge.

Like my coworker girl that stores her fat exclusivelly on butt and little bit on belly, but is thin otherwise. When she wears high waist jeans it just makes her insanely hot.

If a girl is very skinny it just makes her look like skeleton or a boy, which is a nono.

Cant go wrong with athletic body though, so do some squats and deadlifts at gym.


Not gross, but I do like a little bit of meat on her. I wouldn't worry about it though. Underweight is probably better than overweight, as far as attractiveness goes.

I prefer a little bit of thiccness, but as long as you're healthy it's fine.

>me: what's more difficult, finding someone nice [for dating] or defeating a Dark Souls boss?
>her: finding someone nice, for sure
Tell me something cool to say to her. We're messaging on OkC.

Guys, if a girl wore a body con dress paired with a cardigan to the movies would y'all see that as trying to hard?

It’s preference, I’d say a slight majority of guys aren’t okay with it. I don’t mind it at all personally, and it’s a thousand times better than being obese. Chubby is fine but one of the few physical standards I have for women is that they aren’t super overweight. Other than that, a girl’s personality alone can really make her way more attractive than she looks at first glance, as cheesy as that sounds.
On a side note, you actually weigh more than my sister and she has a bf so there’s that.

Dude you’re way overthinking it. You sound like a killjoy at parties. No one is looking at a dude and going ‘wow i’m amazed he is such an intellectual when in fact he powerlifts so frequently’ . This is your problem. Not because you need to tap into your intellectual side. Chill out. You being an ‘intellectual’ and lifting is not special or super amazing.

You should be very careful, gentle and attentive to your partner.

that implies i go to parties

i avoid them because i tend to get too drunk, and while most people enjoy my company during, i tend to also overdo it

Do I just look too retarded to date or hang out with?

I did get a haircut and all and no I don’t wear that dusty hoodie 24/7 it’s just a pic I took that I look decent in.

Some opinions from femanons would be really nice. What kinda vibes do I give off

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Men genuinely dont care. Dress in the thing that you'll feel most confident in.

im male, but are you slightly overweight, you seem to have chub face

Lose few kg's and your facial aesthetics will improve

you dont look half bad imo, also that haircut could be little bit more tame, right now it looks like "it just grows there"

are you implying we know what those words mean

Not retarded, maybe style the hair a bit more, can't 100% tell from the photo but it looks like you might have a unibrow. Defiantly shave/pluck that

Long story short, for unforeseen causes, my car has no mufflers and its loud as fuck. I have a date tomorrow and shes expecting me to pick her up. So now, not only does my car look ghetto as fuck, it also sounds like a generator. Girls, how much of a red flag would this be? Would it be better just to have her meet me at the restaurant? Pic related my car

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What would you think if you found out your significant other was (occasionally) viewing porn?

I would feel insecure.

i dont see the ghetto aspect of the carm it almost looks like an enthusiast level car, like youre interested in that stuff
i had one girl that liked it when my manifold went out and got loud, but most probably wouldnt care. just tell her what youd tell your dad if he asked

Personally, I have no experience. But my sister was saying she got upset because she felt like her s.o was cheating on her by watching porn

depends what kind of porn

if it would be some fucked up shit, then id be worried
if it would be some >blacked id be worried but for different reasons
if it would be some vanilla artsy stuff then meh, who cares

It's just a car, hardly a red flag. If you're otherwise fine, it might be just sort of cute that you have a stupid, loud ride. At least it has personality.

Male. Style your hair some more, lose a little weight, I can't really see it from this pic, but you better not have neckbeard, it looks really nasty when you have hair coming out of your neck, regardless of you having a beard or not.

>Do I just look too retarded to date or hang out with?
You won't look like a retard unless you go around wearing ugly pop culture clothing and shouting references to vidya/Tv. Clothes can have a huge impact on the way people look at you, make sure your clothes fit nicely and that you have a nice pair of shoes, not fucking converse or some other brand that's popular among teens, get proper shoes.

And don't forget to smile, everyone looks better with a genuine smile on their face.

I just assume that all guys watch it these days, so no big deal. It only becomes a problem if he choses porn over me.

Generic vanilla. If you had no idea it was happening, would you want to be told, or rather it be kept to themselves?

Interesting advice, thanks will work on that. I don’t wear converse, it’s either just regular sneakers or professional shoes (depends on if I’m at university/work or just outside for a walk).

Clothes I mostly have shirts and jeans that I wear. And a jacket if it’s cold. That’s pretty much my clothing style lol

I have lost some weight since I took that pic, still working on that.

Dark Souls is easy. She probably thinks you’re a scrub.

Confessed to some dude and he said he didn't want a relationship. Week later he had a gf, does he just not like me?

could be occasion to talk about things someone would like to try, but have to be carefull around the entire topic.

Im a male btw

maybe he just wasnt attracted to you
i feel you, happened to me aswell

Obviously. Why do you even care anymore?

Would it be weird if I asked her? Shes sort of introverted so it's not out of the question that she wouldnt like getting attention in a loud car. I can always just borrow my neighbors car or something. Probably overthinking this desu

Idunno, only guy I've ever liked, I'm not broken up about him not liking me. More that he lied instead of just saying that he didn't want to date me ya know

I hang around this thread so I can talk to girls. How sad is that?