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Kamala is fucked.

Jussie betrayed his own brother in 2007
no doubt he'll snitch on Kamala.

but guys they caught a white nationalist terrorist, ignore this child who told a fib, hes under a lot of pressure from being gay and black in trumps america. noone should have huge stockpiles of 15 guns and massive amounts of ammo like 1000rds.

>faces a decade in jail


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When this is all over, and the dust has cleared, I think we'll all admit Jussie brought some important conversations to our national discussion. I, for one, applaud his courage, however misguided. I think most of /pol agrees with me on this. Ignore the shills. They're all going to prison.

Here is footage of actual attack... Hope he gets free of charges.


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Source? I gotta see this. I hope they fuck booker over, too. He better give them his twitter DMs. Pretty boys like him don't do well inside.

When do we hear about the Democrat role in pushing the anti lynching bill with Jussie's hate crime hoax? Never?

>important conversation
not the one he wanted, but true


Jussie Smollett Indicted On Felony Charge of Filing False Police Report

This fag will get some community service and a fat fine.
if the media is successful with sweeping it under the rug he'll ride Empire till it dies.

Fuck this gay earth

Kamala should be the priority, Booker is too bland and forgettable to worry about. He was a literally who? until late last year when he threw fits at the Kavanaugh hearing.


Guilty plea of probation and a large fine is more likely, unless he's a fucking retard that pleads not guilty.

he won't get a day in prison...never mind that he nearly sparked a full bore race war.

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big oof

white racists paid the nigerians to stage it and frame me

-Jussie probably

he dun goofed

>Jussie Smollett Indicted On Felony Charge of Filing False Police Report

Dont use google amp user, its googles way of centralizing, controlling and cataloguing your news consumption.

But why is TRUMP such a racist?

if this guy doesnt go down hard there is no justice

fuck yeah he's gonna roll on harris.
if he were facing like 6mo or so he would probably just take it.
10 years is a death sentence for his career.

Fake and Gay.

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>Fake and Gay.

MotherFuckers stop Fucking jumping to conclusions!

Let dude have a chance to meet with police and explain his side of things! That's how this took off in the first place, cats is jumping to conclusions.

Let it get sorted out! I want to hear Jussie speak and his side of things before I form an opinion on what happened here!


And he honestly shouldn't.
The millions of dollars wasted on investigating Trump have produced nothing.
When the fruitless investigation finally ends, those who pushed so hard for it, or supposedly had evidence proving Trump's culpability, will just fade into the background.

Why even bother with this nigger, when the bigger crooks, guilty of the same thing, will walk.
One justice system for all..

Then again, none of this shit matters.

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> Why niggers shouldn't be allowed on the imterwebs

kike rat detected

Jessie brought the lynching epidemic that's being covered up by the media to the forefront and should be respected for that.

Admit it, how many of you americans own a clothesline aka noose?

i don't have a clothse line but i have dental floss is that a hate crime?

they couldnt even be bothered to youtube how to tie a hangmans knot also a good fishing knot.

I think his career is over anyway. Part of the motive was to get sympathy roles.

>English: Clothesline, washing line - used for hanging knickers
>US English: Clothesline, noose - used for hanging niggers

2019 is shaping up to be a pretty nice year

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I say we all just forgive him. What he did is not even that big of a deal.

he's not on the show anymore

its a felony, one that carries like an 8 year minimum.

More importantly, he sparked a dialogue our nation desperately needed to have.

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>none of this shit matters

It's why I dont vote. Fuck it. Trump/Hillary it's all the same gay shit. Different promises that will NEVER come true.

Pizzagate 2: Electric Boogaloo

hang the nigger...and for real this time

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Nah chicago is corrupt as fuck. Kamala will call the DA and jussie and they will work out a deal. Jussie goes on probabtion and pays back the cops for the time wasted.

if numbers, he offs himself by morning

hang that uppity nigger faggot

He's on the run!

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If numbers, he enjoys prison so much he tries this again when he gets out.

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Felony disorderly conduct? wtf does that carry?

We need to beat the A.I and the Satan-Grid system!!! How can we??
>Subscribe to CHN
He is the most Based Voice we have!
Nobody else gives the anons credit for their hard work! Hes had on many based anons from anti-EUROPOL pedo hunter anons to operation Lazarus!
>he supports Drumpf but isnt afraid to criticize or even make a video claiming trump is a Mason
(((Mason))) videos attract CRAZY comments

His last live stream from today was Epic! First real one back where he was in his element. Topics were SMOLLET and other fake race crimes, but also rothsxhild news and montana being sold to canada to pay off debt, too much to remember it was fucking fluid like rants and bants

If your not a shill, faggot, tranny, mod or sharblue check him out
>YES he names the jew
>YES he names sabatean Frankists
>YES hes a based Christian channel with very good bible studies

Long lik I've Terry Davis

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His father was an Asheknazi

Must run in the blood.

>George Washington
>even in that room
fucking retards

Not really... seriously how many people do you actually see getting lynched in the current time? I’m not saying it’s okay but for fucks sake that’s not what this is about at the end of the day. It’s about a guy faking a crime to help his Democrat buddies out and to raise racial tension in the country even more. Its fucking disgusting somebody would fake a crime like this and for such shallow reasons.

What kind of name is Jussie? Is it like a. Nickname for Justin


havent been completely up to speed on this, what's the link between Kamala and Jussie?

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>important conversations
about how niggers fake attacks to deny that american is great since Trump took over?

hopefully he's holding a cell phone or a BB gun when they come to arrest him.

Can I get a quick rundown? I stop paying attention for 1 week and all the happenings go down.

And he would have gotten away with it and been canonised by the (((media))) as a modern day civil rights hero, if only the surveillance camera he staged this stunt by had been pointing in the direction that he thought. With the "totally real" footage playing on a loop on the electric jew, Chicago would be on fire and it would be politically impossible for the police to mount a serious investigation.

Leftists will try this shit again, and soon. The only lesson they've learned from this hoax blowing up in their faces is to plan the next one more carefully.

You must have no idea how the system works. He will get nowhere near 10 years. Maybe 6 months but I suspect a plea deal with no time.

Don’t they make us whites go to some type of politically correct Counseling class. It’s taught by some African American studies major with a drug problem and real biases and hatred for all white people in general.

They should make Jesse spend 4 hour everyday on pol for 2 years as his counseling.

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plz quik rundown

Jussie smollet a nigger actor on the Show empire claimed he was attacked last month by two white guys wearing maga hats who beat him, poured bleach on him, and tied a noose around his neck. National outrage. Now the police found out he lied and fabricated the whole thing so hes being charged with a felony.

He's a gay nigger who probably felches nigger nut out his own butt, so he devised a plan to get sent to jail so he can be the jailhouse whore.

Kamala, tho?

How fucked is he?

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d o n ' t d r o p t h e s o a p せ っ け ん を 落 と さ な い で

At least he'll get to enjoy the ass rape

About as much as usual probably(in the ass)

Please yes. End the fake news.

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She expressed support for him and said along with Cory booker that this is why their should be a Federal anti lynching law

dude is going to be the blowjob queen in jail LMAO

before or after hoax? if before, then so what?

He will plead down to a Misdemeanor. Liberal judge will probably make a point about why victims need to be believed regardless blah blah blah.

>when i see what you did there

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Before. Its just hilarious dude you act like there has to be a point to everything. Enjoy whats happening and stop questioning it.

Maybe if he rats out Kamala

>Black Jew Nigger Actor sends poorly drawn letter threatening himself to his workplace.
>Barely anyone pays attention to it which makes him butthurt.
>He hires two Nigerian coworkers to pretend to be Trump supporters attacking him.
>At 2:00 A.M.
>In cold as fuck weather
>In Chicago
>Anyone with a brain was skeptical about the even and he of course called anyone who was skeptical a racist.
>Various politicians, journalists, and celebrities cried about the false flag.
>Chicago police almost immediately proved he was lying by checking the security footage, and by finding the Nigerian brothers.
>Almost everyone who started crying about the event started to do hard damage control without directly disavowing the faggot.
As of now he has been indicted with a felony for lying to the police. MAGA!

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If his lawyers are competent in the slightest, they'll request a jury trial. You think 12 people on a jury in Chicago are going to unanimously find him guilty?

I thought Cohen’s lawyer refused to represent him.

>mfw with federal charges it's 20-30 years and he'll 100% roll on someone higher than him.

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Reminder that he has a prior for lying to police
That makes this case a lot more interesting

Kamalla Insane Far Legt Californian Harris and Spartacus Booker won't recover from this.

Blacks hate queers and jews

>that channel
One of the cringiest things I've ever seen. When will le feels man maymay die?