Boomers get to enjoy this tech. You don't

Unless you want to end up like a Wall.E creature. Screen-culture age which correlates directly with short attention-span. And brains, like all body parts, atrophe. And your brain is a use-it-or-lose-it job. Boomers can die with this exponential boost in technology bringing new products, knowing the will be dead before any consequences manifest.

>If you buy this or entertain your children with this, your brain will atrophy.

you have been warned. Remember that the decisions you make have lasting repercussions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I WAN TONE....laptop and cell phone oh boy oh boy...fuck you Apple

spending $1,900 on a smartphone


Why are people so obsessed over these damn soul draining devices?
The modern phone is literal cancer.

poor faggots are the worst...whats 2k for a laptop and cell phone

some cancer is good...not all cancer is bad.

your post is bad cancer

Boomer here, guess who's getting a new phone?

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Can't wait to see poor people on welfare walk around Walmart with one

I will be getting one to replace my iPhone Max. This is way beyond what Apple has been doing as of late.

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that screen is going to snap so quickly.

This thing is gonna flop so fucking hard. Also, the guy giving the press conference is a massive fag.

The leaf is right it's a gimmick.
Also, fuck off into the right board faggot

What's your bank account balance right now?

focusing on screen culture (what they use to keep people asleep) while they inject everyone's food with feminizing poison and paint the world in low-t sperm-destroying estrogen (which they use to make sure no one can fight back) is pretty stupid.

tree fifty

Like all new technology it's expensive at first. Give it time and maybe it will be the new standard.

>Why are people so obsessed over these damn soul draining devices?
>The modern phone is literal cancer.
My theory: because they're not getting punched in the face when they rudely pull it out in the middle of your in-person conversation.

*THIS* is one thing where violence really is the answer.


Now at the convenient price of 2 grand.

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We need to beat the A.I and the Satan-Grid system!!! How can we??
>Subscribe to CHN
He is the most Based Voice we have!
Nobody else gives the anons credit for their hard work! Hes had on many based anons from anti-EUROPOL pedo hunter anons to operation Lazarus!
>he supports Drumpf but isnt afraid to criticize or even make a video claiming trump is a Mason
(((Mason))) videos attract CRAZY comments

His last live stream from today was Epic! First real one back where he was in his element. Topics were SMOLLET and other fake race crimes, but also rothsxhild news and montana being sold to canada to pay off debt, too much to remember it was fucking fluid like rants and bants

If your not a shill, faggot, tranny, mod or sharblue check him out
>YES he names the jew
>YES he names sabatean Frankists
>YES hes a based Christian channel with very good bible studies


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your da would do it. image related is your da. income/savings, born at a time when computers took up the size of a room.

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Jamal your prized BVLL?

Get a life. If youre worried about this, you arent going to survive whats coming.

>waaaaah, I can't afford the new foldy whone that will break in 3 months.
fuck i hate my generation.
just a bunch of entitled douchebags who measure their own self worth by the crap they own because they have no culture or identity

Dumb as fuck, just get a samsung note if you want a phone/tablet type of mix.

This is beyond retarded and overpriced.

>b-but if technology help then get dumb
no it helps so you can do more of other things simultaneously, when an athlete drives to the track instead of runs, they have more energy to put into training, same analogy with automation, robots to stuff so we can do other stuff
did you watch the video?

>Browse Jow Forums
>Use apple products

Choose one. Choosing both just blows my fucking mind, does not compute.

its fast & modern humans have lost the ability to delay satisfaction

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>poorfags mad as fuck ITT

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>>Dumb as fuck, just get a samsung note if you want a phone/tablet type of mix.
No, you want more firepower: a Galaxy S7...

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see that is Poe's law in action, for me. iPhone Max sounds real enough that it gave me pause.

based cunt. only thing stopping that was a cell jammer

My current chink brand phone is fine and I will use it until it dies.

people on welfare always have iPhones (last gen iphones tho)

>foldable phone
get on my LVL nigger

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until planned obsolescence claims your phone's life

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should I get the s7 or s8? I've had the s4 mini forever and am looking to upgrade to a model that is a couple years old.

cannae fit that cunt in your pocket, though. and also your Note will now be limited to a certain amount of OS updates until it obsolesces 5 years into it's life.

>Until it dies
No you won't. Unless you break it chances are it will be long obsolete before it dies. I just found my old Nokia 5230 from 2009, charged it up and the fucker still works. I used it from 2009 to 2014 too. Wasn't until 2014 that I got a modern smart phone as we know them today.
Interestingly enough, the 5230 is an old take on a smart phone, touch screen and everything.

Android gets more and more bloated. Not sure if it's planned or if jewgle pajeets are just lazy/shit programmers. Probably a little of both.

Can we just have smart glasses and helmets, phones are the same dogshit over and over again. This shit is just a small tablet.

nigga we out here making smoke signals foh

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Quite frankly, this gave me a boner.

I just despise how inefficient touchscreens are myself. There must be a better way.

programmers do what they are paid to do. and yes expect your phones to have more & more bloatware app packages that run at boot and are impossible to turn off or uninstall without wrecking the entire GooglePlay service framework. and FDroid will take ages to optimise for this hardware. nightmare, really

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Screen cap?

Smart glasses could have been that way, but no one wanted to do it, Helmets are on the way though an user leaked by q4 of this year we should have them.

there always is

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I know you are just shilling this shit. I admit its cool. Do I want it? Maybe. Do I need it? Hell no. Holy shit that price tag. It well sell on some level I think but your right it totally is boomer tech. No normal person can blow money on that.

Fuck... I actually want this. Tablet in the packet is my dream. Combine that with a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard and it could replace my phone and laptop.

give it 5 years an they will be worth 20 quid on ebay.

>Phone = $1k
>Laptop = $1k
Math works for me

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neck yourself techfaggot

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That's way less efficient.
Oh, sarcasm.

I like it. But I ain't shelling out $2.2k(taxes and data plan). Maybe in like 2-3 gens and the tech being cheaper plus they iron out the double chances of battery exploding.

dw you'll get glasses that will recognise what you look at every day & automate your advertisement regimen without user interaction. coming 2030s.

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Why not just buy a 100 dollar phone? Shit these days you can get one for under 100 and still be able to browse the internet on it. That's 99% of what matters (other than it being able to call or text obviously). Everything else isn't important enough to justify blowing away that much money.

I'm getting the S10+. The 2k $ one with the biggest storage.

Poorfags on suicide watch.

literally all apple fags.

fuck samsung. fuck those chink cunt fucks. fuck the effect phones have on society. fuck facebook.
>we need books, shitfuck.

I swear.

Honestly I am probably a special case since my work gives me $500 a year + $20 per pay period to keep a "modern" phone and phone plan.

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Its too fat and long. They are trying the apple strategy of making something premium priced.

The end product is clunky unlike apple.

This is going to bomb, but the technology will be used in the future when the screens and thickness are smaller.

nerd neck for life. stolen 3 years in, all your phone-exclusive content gone. Out nearly 2 grand. stop acting like a twat

*sips now this is what peak phone design looked like.

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i'd rather spend my money on a PC or something useful beyond what my current PC and cheap phone can already do

this is a meme like 3D was

i hope it gets stolen 4 days into its new life with you. that'll teach you to blow your money on such profound brain-activity-killing shite. you could use that money to plant some trees, user.

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Buying a $100 phone instead of a $2000 phone every 2 years will literally save you $150,000 in 30 years. That is a huge amount and zoomer scum don't understand that.

i was thinking it was a bit chunky. And attention-span killing


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they don't even try to hide it now. stare at a screen, all day long. Three simulataneous apps going. We are nothing like our forefathers.

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>iPhone Max
Is that the one with ginseng?

Samsung and Apple are poverty brands. Stop being poor.

My coworker had a Huawai phone that leaked battery acid through his pockets while he was operating a skid steer.

Anyone who buys this is fucked. I have no pity for them. It's a fuckin investment and their brain will rot with their attention-span plummeting to sweet fuck all

Kekd and checkd paisa.

How cringe was it when he announced it and no one applauded?! Hahaha fucking kek

>Been using the same phone for 5 years
>Can program anything I need for it and I use it to make my work easier since everything gets shredded after the office people scan it
>We have these shitty chrome tablets nobody uses in our work area; they are useless because of how slow they are and the network always has intermittent outages
>One day a boomer at work hears I'm computer "savvy" and wants me to "code" for automation because the office staff wastes lots of time scanning documents and manually converting them to ascii to put them in this terribly organized database that makes searches difficult because network is always down
>How much are you willing to pay?
>Pay? It will make your work and everyone else's work easier that should be enough, also consider how much the company gives you in benefits.

I'm still working on stuff, but never anything I'll release publicly, whatever makes my job easier, they pay a foreign scientist big money to make us more efficient but since his arrival I haven't seen anything he's done and he has never personally talked to anyone on the production floor. I hated math when I was still in school but with what I do now I can't help but record numbers and try to make graphs I can use to calibrate my machine. I wish I could use my laptop to do it but then I'd get unwanted attention, so I continue using this dated phone and tell them I'm using a calculator/stop watch whenever the come around.

Modern cell phones are utter shit.
They have more features, but the email protocals are worse than the blackberry days, batter life is only good because they put huge 3,000mAh batteries in them, the call quality is ass, and the cameras are really overrated.
>t. former mobile phone salesman.


screen-culture != teen culture

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That not a fucking laptop you retard. Also laptops are fucking gay.

Lol no
The hinges on those broke regularly and they had a tendency to fry badly, issues with the motherboard.
The LG Octane was much better, but by the time it came out smartphones quickly replaced it.

>you can build a godlike PC for 1 grand
>pay 2 grand instead
>for a fucking phone

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wanker I don't want one. I'm out here trying to stop a problem from happening

Cant speak to that particular model but it is a fucking travesty that modern phones don't have physical keyboards. Last good one I can remember was the Blackberry Priv.

This desu

>but it is a fucking travesty that modern phones don't have physical keyboards
There's a reason why most of them don't.
The sliding models have a tendency to break if the phone is closed improperly.
The hinge designs aren't highly damage resistant.
The only stable design is the blackberry bar look, but that increases form factor so it's not common as screen space is given priority.

I have a oneplus

i'm still using based button nokia 3310
battery holds up 5 days

it's more a micro-computer. Designed to keep you looking at the screen so the camera can consolidate .face files to analyse your face through the camera.


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Motorola Droid 4s rooted with custom roms are still pretty great.

you tell 'em! killem dead!

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Socrates said the exact same thing about the new information technology of his age. It was called books.

Don’t forget the iPad you no longer have to replace either.

Pretty cool I guess. I don't play with my phone enough to bother with it though.

>it's more a micro-computer. Designed to keep you looking at the screen so the camera can consolidate .face files to analyse your face through the camera.
That sounds really gay.
Motorola had a design about 8 years ago called the Atrix, where you could plug the phone into a smallish laptop style dock. It was a good design but the phone was too underpowered for it to work well.
>Motorola Droid 4s rooted with custom roms are still pretty great.
The Droid 3 had a better design, it just lacked the hardware it should have had.