Stop following Drumpf

Can’t you see he’s just a Zionist puppet?

Attached: AE93CD0B-6227-4B37-B7EF-B6EB0EC0F500.jpg (1200x675, 102K)

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>Can’t you see he’s just a Zionist puppet?
That’s a good thing!

Attached: 1537376021078.png (621x602, 371K)

Just because Trump kissed a wall and gave Israel $400 billion dollars doesn't make him a zionist.

But his daughter is a converted jew and his son-in-law is the moshiach. He also moved the US embassy to jerusalem.


they're all zionist puppets
every single one

Attached: die for israel.png (607x791, 426K)

>$400 billion

Attached: US economic aid.jpg (676x454, 46K)

What year was that?