Stopped fapping

>stopped fapping
>stopped getting high and drunk all the time
>stopped procrastinating with my studies

Why haven't you taken the christpill yet, Jow Forums?

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dont forget stop eating goy poison food

bsed and redpilld

like what?

How's that going for you? how long has it been? What changes have you seen? What have you been able to get accomplished that you had been procrastinating?

I'm stuck in a rut and need to make some changes but not sure what so i'd appreciate hearing how its been going for you

>MFW I see heathens in the thread

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as long as it's real christianity instead of this modern judeo-christianity i fully support you user

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You can do all that without your sky zombie

You're just too fucken stupid to know it

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God forgives anyone who repents and calls on Christ alone, heretic.

why you spell it that way have they filtered based and redpilled?

christianity is bs today
most women are "christians", but they don't follow any fucking principle in the bible.
being a christian today is almost the same as being an atheist, religion is dead.
everyone worships the god of hedonism.

a traitor is anyone who rejects Christ and calls any fake god for their entire lives

i'm trying, but the more i believe it, the more i think becoming a real believer means giving up Jow Forums, which is ironically much harder than giving up fapping or any other degeneracy. this place is poison for the mind, even with all its positives.
like fucking everything

Based and Jesus pilled

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Not true

don't judge christianity by fake christians. don't judge the scientific method by owned shill scientists. don't judge philosophy by gay post-modern philosophers. don't judge logic by gay modern modal logic. seeing the pattern? it's because you're thinking like a brainlet.

>muh no true scotsman

you can do those three things without being a christcuck

I just drove to Walmart and purchased a KJV bible, then prayed and asked God to forgive me for my sins. Wish me luck. I have considered myself a pagan for over 2 years and before that I was an atheist.

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Gay commie weeb

I believe in God but I dont need a cucked religion to cultivate my relationship with our creator.

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I really try but porn and fapping is too good. I do need to quit though and also cut back on alcohol. Besides, I tried to be a devout Catholic that even went to a Latin Mass. The whole pedophilia thing makes me hesitant to remain Catholic. That and the Catholic Church seems to be in bed with the globalist.

Right now I'm looking into Orthodoxy. So far it's pretty interesting but the services are way too long and the Catechism Class is extremely boring. They get too bogged down into details and go on way too long.