Catholic Church = Globalists

Why the hell would anyone want to be part of a universalist religion that elevates niggers and is overall less than 33% white?

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Other urls found in this thread:!G3oSBQ4b!iUtvCyV6HJKIFi_SFb63Wg

>God discriminates based on the concept of race
I wonder (((who))) believes that salvation is based on race???

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The only way to beat Jewish identity politics is with white identity politics. Counter-signalling identity for white people is Jewish tactics.

People who want salvation and Godliness.

But God made white man superior to all others.

name [[[them]]] (catholics)

Sure, but Whites are still nothing compared to God.

>God would only give souls to white people
why would a religion be univeralist? because the above doesn't make any sense. if you think it makes sense, you're thinking like a kike.

Because race and everything that is physical/materialistic is meaningless to the spiritual. If you knew anything about religion you would certainly know that

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sometimes i think brazil is going to save the world, when they clean all the filth out of their country.

This man understand the TRUTH.
If you place your identity in your body or your appearance, you will eventually despair, because you will get old, or get sick, or die.
If you place your identity in your race, you will despair, because one day your race will be no more.
If you place your identity in your nation, you will despair, because one day your nation will go by another name, as all nations have.

You must place your identity upon a ROCK which will not change with the direction of the wind. Only then will you find peace.

>Catholic Church = Globalists

Dominicans, Franciscans, Benedictines aren't globalists

Romans 2:5-11

that guy is based

btw its because ((((jewish)))) culture that west is dying


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catholic literally means globalist

catholicucks are some of the dumbest people on the planet

You niggers ever notice how Christians and Muslims actively try to convert, but Jews don't? Maybe learn from that.

but niggers and shitskins aren't the same species as white people, user

>claim to know the universal truth
>have no desire to spread it
>actively try to keep it to yourself

yeah that sounds really benevolent

Why would anyone want to adhere to a "universal truth" that promotes one world government and race-mixing?

No shit. The Catholic Church is the first globalist organization.

The Jews don't care for they believe they're already saved, but they keep to their tribe and admit there are multiple ways to salvation. This has kept the Jewish race more or less pure even when they are such a minority that one would think they'd be destroyed genetically through miscegenation.

>Why would anyone want to adhere to a "universal truth" that promotes one world government
If you think the kingdom of God is a worldly kingdom, you're not paying attention.
>and race-mixing?
Because the preservation of ANY race is an exercise in futility. If you cling to your skin color as your determination of worth, you're going to become very bitter, very soon.

Literally doing the Jews dirty work for them. Good goy.

>Literally doing the Jews dirty work for them. Good goy.
Yes, yes, it's all a huge jewish conspiracy that human populations migrate over time, and nations eventually go by different names.

Everybody should stay where they are forever right?

>Your race isn't even that important goy, worship our desert (((god))) instead
Kek, you don't even try to hide it, shameless.

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Honest question.
Do you think your race is going to exist forever?

"globalism" was actually one of catholic's stonger points imo. when you have a mass that is virtually identical anywhere in the world, then you have a great legitimacy in the christian world of total, complete consistency. but catholicism has been total co-opted garbage since the vatican ii. so fuck them.

leave out last 2 parts

>using literally the same argument as nihilists and degenerates
Lol I'm going to die anyway, so better use a lot of drugs and fuck while I can, ain't I right?

Cardinal Sarah is far more based than you are, faggot.

You didn't answer the question.
Do you think your race is going to last forever?

>Yes, yes, it's all a huge jewish conspiracy that human populations migrate over time, and nations eventually go by different names.
this is disingenous. when we talk about migration today we're talking about a systematic destruction of peoples and cultures that is being forced onto the constituents of countries who routinely poll against it. and all that does is create more animosity and hatred between people in the end.
>Everybody should stay where they are forever right?
total strawman.

Catholics will turn racist, and fascist, just wait until an Irish American Pope comes along. Calvinism is the sanctifying doctrine of Christianity in the modern setting, and the only stable form of evangelism. I’m coming, and the lord is with me and assures me!

op is a mason jew

call it out every damn time

they are all homosexuals with infantile anti christ syndromes masked as superiority complexes

>when we talk about migration today we're talking about a systematic destruction of peoples and cultures that is being forced onto the constituents of countries who routinely poll against it

As opposed to in the past, when everything happened totally naturally and everybody agreed all the time, right?

You oversimplify your history because it makes you feel better. It makes you feel like you're grounded in something.

I'm telling you that unless you are grounded in God, the shit that makes you feel grounded has not always existed, and will not always exist (race, culture, nation, etc).

It's totally your choice, and you are free to make it at any time.

>catholicism has been total co-opted garbage since the vatican ii. so fuck them.

what is it with this site that attracts fucking losers? what a pussy attitude.

Unironically, traditionalist Catholics out of Africa will one day save the west from itself.

op is probably a black homosexual “freemason”

or maybe that’s in the others threads

>muh based niggers

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In the Bible, God says that the nations should be kept separate. Nationalism is moral. Leave the niggers in nigger countries. They want to stay with their people. We want to stay with ours.

>As opposed to in the past, when everything happened totally naturally and everybody agreed all the time, right?
>you should accept your """democratic""" government forcing foreign hordes onto you, because it's really no different than wars, invasions, and mass rapes in the past
fuck outta here, strawmanning faggot.

Here's a fun experiment.
Stick your head out your window and take a picture of the "invading hordes" and send it to me.
Don't forget to include a time stamp.

>catholicucks waiting for the nigs to save them from damnation

>what a pussy attitude
>staying with a progressive faggot church that fucks deaf kids
LOL, if you're not actively working to schism and fork catholiscism to being faggot free, you are the pussy. and not just a pussy, but a pussy under the leadership of kid fuckers.

>Stick your head out your window and take a picture of the "invading hordes" and send it to me.
imagine being this ignorant when you have endless videos of """refugees""" literally invading europe, and spics actively invading muttland. shut the fuck up.
welcome to the bottom of the rabbit hole

Don't let it worry you. Your line will be extinguished after you die.

I noticed you didn't take a picture.
What "culture" are you really trying to preserve?
Be honest, what are you trying to save?

The Catholic Church at its best is a universal credo that allows nationalism.
Catholic France was not Catholic Austria etc. Cultures were always distinct.
Catholics also help people IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY and are not in the business fostering migration. However if migrants arrive it is our duty to see they (like all) are clothed, housed and taken care of.

enjoy your halfbreed mongrels, mutt

Yes, we are going to exist forever. As long as humans live, so will the white race live.

>Catholics also help people IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY and are not in the business fostering migration
Is this a joke? The Catholic Church is probably the most pro-migrant institution in the world.

>Catholics will turn fascist
fascism and communism are the ideal forms of government for the vatican and it supports them both. what it hates is protestant constitutional republics

Unless you're having sex with your twin sister, literally ANY child you have is going to be a half breed.
50% your genes, 50% the mother's genes.
Like do you not understand how DNA works?

shitskin detected

This , heaven and hell are also separated

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it means universal, protty swine

Same thing. Niggers and whites are different species and don't belong in the same polity.

Where did you get race mixing from anything I said? Anyway, people should be more concerned with philosophy than skin color. But again, you're liberated because your seed dies with you. I have children to raise, and I want them to live in a world defined by beauty, love, and truth, not the decay of post-Christian western civilization.

>people should be more concerned with philosophy than skin color
If your (Jewish) philosophy promotes globalism, race-mixing, and cuckoldry then it's worthless.

Oops, you baited me. Well done. This is my stop, so I'm off. Or, in modern internet parlance, U R dum.

catholicism was the original co-optor of christianity. constantine converted in order to fill the church with fashionable "christians" and the first thing they did was kick out the real christians as they were too "fanatical" for their tastes. catholicism murdered more christians than any other institution on earth. literally forbade the reading of the bible. it adopted all sorts of occult practices from around the world, theres a fucking egyptian obelisk right in the middle of vatican city. it has 1700+ years of uninterruted political experience and has perfect the art of secret societies. it was simply the transformation and continuation of the roman empire and their persecution never never ever stopped

>fascism and communism are the ideal forms of government for the vatican and it supports them both.
How does it feel to be completely full of shit?
The Catholic church was one of the major influences in the destruction of communism and the fall of the berlin wall in russia. Just look at what pope John Paul II did.
Also, listen to fulton sheen.

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>endless videos of """refugees""" literally invading protestant europe

and lets not forget south africa and the protestant boers

>literally forbade the reading of the bible
This. A lot of people don't realize, the Catholic Church has been actively anti-literacy for most of its history. If the people learn how to read, then they might start realizing just how much the priests are fucking them over. It's a literal slave cult.

>based poland
>hurr duh nazis and commies were duh same

>catholicism was the original co-optor of christianity.
you realize that before Martin Luther sellout to the german royalty there was only the catholic church right?

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France, Italy and Spain aren't Protestant, dumbass.

>what is 1054

>hurr duh nazis and commies were duh same
They're the same in the sense that they're both shit, albeit for different reasons.

the cold war was a hoax. all the intelligence agencies of the world work together under the head of secret societies loyal to the pope.

and just as an example of how slick they are, tell me how nobody has even raised a wimper over the fact that catholics have been head of the house of reps for the last 14 years? so dems just took the house again and lo and behold, another catholic as speaker! and they ironically never want to do anything about the flood of roman catholic illegal aliens flooding into or country. hmmm

not to mention how catholics have completely taken over the Supreme Court.

>and they ironically never want to do anything about the flood of roman catholic illegal aliens flooding into or country
yeah all those roman catholics coming here from syria right?

Gee I wonder if OP is a fucking kike?

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from Latin American, retard

the Jews have the right framework, and their influence can only be broken by whites copying their tribalism.

its a war between good white people and evil white doesnt matter what uncivilized brown people they use against their enemies. its the white protestants and classic liberals that are the only threat to their power and their quest to return us to the dark ages where they were appointers of kings. thats why centralization of power is so important to the catholics, be it fascism or communism, for then they only need to control a handful of people, but protestant bible reading constitutional republics with a homogenous white educated population and a large middle class is something they cannot control. the removal of bibles from public school was a great victory for them

Definitely check out Fulton Sheen.

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Fulton Sheen raped kids

The liberals and the lavender mafia ruined the catholic church.

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Sauce? I doubt I've never heard of an out of the way thing he ever did or said.

He was a Catholic priest.

That's a baseless assumption, that's the same thing as saying all white people are nazis .

Thats even worse, but thanks for playing.

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