The Ultimate Redpill

Even if you wake up the entire White population across the globe, they won't do shit. Hell, large portions of the White population are redpilled on demographics, and it's like they don't give a shit. Sure, they don't know about the JQ but, on the other hand, Jean Raspail knows nothing about the Jews and he redpilled millions. I mean, he didn't mention the Yids in his book, so that would mean he knows nothing of their involvement.

Most White normies I know in College are incredibly blackpilled. They just cope by playing video games that aren't pozzed to hell.

My two conjectures on this are quite plausible.

-WWII signed the death warrant of our race by purging all the strong men.

-The hard times that create the strong men are still looming, and even the redpilled Whites are kept placated with bread and circuses.

The most optimistic scenario I can see is that once society collapsed and descends into barbarism, the inbred corpse of the White Race will pick up the pieces. Two things would have to have to happen: 1). the ZOG would have to collapse. 2). the shitskins would have to have a difficult time adapting to our environment without gibs, making them easy prey for the last Whites to purge.

This is why I don't care about any of the environmental alarmism. Why should I give a shit when my race will either suffer a population bottleneck or go extinct completely within 200 years or less?

If you look at our history, we've never had population bottlenecks before. The only races that have are Sandniggers and Jews and, well, they never recovered.

Attached: White Extinction.jpg (750x660, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:!G3oSBQ4b!iUtvCyV6HJKIFi_SFb63Wg

Read this book. It's much more realistic than anything Pierce has written. In fact, if you've actually listened to any of Pierce's broadcasts, he makes Devon Stack sound like an optimist.

Attached: The Camp of The Saints.jpg (540x891, 108K)

Bubonic plague, end of the last ice age, 30 years war, Spanish flu, countless typhoid fever outbreaks, and the year without a summer. Those are some major European population bottlenecks I can name off of the top of my head.

Don't take the blackpill user. War is the natural state of humanity. WW2 was only 70 years ago and the depression from not waging war is looming over us already. All will change again soon, not sure if for the better or worse, but this state is only temporary.

Is it a simplistic take to say that the historical trend has always been towards becoming more tolerant of others and being less exclusionary? It's hard for me to justify the notion that there will be an ethnostate for whites, especially when we live in a time we're interdependency. It seems to me that whenever the reactionaries are capable of returning to the status quo ante, the counter-reaction to that always seems to push politics even further in favour of the left.

Don’t doom
We have to try

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Whites will always exist, I have no idea why you think whites will go extinct within 200 years. I'd assume within 200 years we'll live in a post-scarcity society with readily available germ-line editing that allows for the designer babies.

While in theory we have faced much more dire circumstances, the main problem is that if you go into a city, all the men are effeminate pussies except at the gym.

I'd say the emasculation of the Western Male is 80% of the problem. If most White Men hit the gym, our problem would evaporate within six months. Sadly, it's easier for most to be lazy and fat, it seems.

>If most White Men hit the gym,
Using this logic, the political hegemony in the West would ideologically be far-right.

Most Whites I know who hit the gym are right-wingers, same with most almost any Native European with testosterone flowing through his veins. The reason why you see masculine men who are liberal is because if they step one toe out of line, they lose their livelihood. They just care about "muh career". At their core, they're right wing as fuck. Unless they're gay, that is.

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Our traits will live on but, because of the mixing of low IQ races, we'll be in a dark age until the environmental pressures that created intelligent humans comes back, which is unlikely for at least tens of thousand of years.

What's going happen is that the few Whites who racemix will be absorbed, and the rest will be slaughtered Rwandan Genocide style. Non-Whites hate us because they're envious. Plus, the Jews feeding them Marxism, an ideology based around envy, is not helping.

From an American perspective, anyone with a brain realizes that it is utterly futile to try and make America whiter or create an ethnostate. Let's say you want to Make America White Again: America has a population of ~320 million people. If America is 56% white, then that would repuire the death or physical removal of roughly ~160 million nonwhites and white leftists. That is utterly logistically impossible and would give you an even bigger mountain of corpses than literally everyone killed by Communism. If you were to attempt this, the white race would be ruthlessly genocided and hunted down to the very last man. What the fuck do you think happened to Prussia after WW2? The only way that you could feasibly make America white would be through an incredibly strict and long term eugenics program, and that would inevitably get shut down for human rights abuse. Say you actually do succeed in creating a white ethnostate: It would be a dystopian nightmare that's doomed for civil war. People who are "The wrong kind of white." would be treated as second class citizens because of Stormfag purity spiraling. When the issue of "Muh true white man's religion!" innevitably comes up, then Christcucks and Fagans will literally be killing each other in the streets. The grim reality is that cutting our losses and embracing Civic Nationalism is pretty much the only way forward. The white race may be in decline, but at least we can put the nonwhites on the right path.

I just want to kill all the jews. Everything will work out fine with them gone

I have a very hard time understanding "white nationalists". I fully support the eradication of your enemies but all this pretentious master race crap falls flat when you look at history and where it's taken you guys. Most of the culture you guys grew up with is -literally- Jewish propaganda, you have literally no class nor did your parents. It's likely that not even your grandparents had any class, most of them were almost surely poor immigrants coming from long lines of peasantry. History is completely fucked up whether it's been hidden or changed, and for the most part it has fucking nothing to do with you.

Put effort into other things, this circle jerking is so pathetic and only makes people hate you.

It only takes one guy to start a revolution. 80% of beta males getting buff wouldn't change anything, musclebrain. There would just be more men addicted to lifting and the vanity that goes with it. It's the media we consume that's holding us all back, there's no real sense of community. Even here on Jow Forums which is probably as good as it gets for mass conversation, we mostly hate one another. Even without shills and bots we would act the same way.

>Non-Whites hate us because they're envious.
People hate arrogant assholes and maybe the culture that raised such people. What do you think non-whites have to be envious about?

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I think you underestimate the indiscriminatory effect the Jewish propaganda, food and water have on all populations, not just whites. I see everyone of all races being weak and low test, I just now have begun treating my warehouse job as a workout and I notice I am getting a lot stronger, I eat a lot less garbage too. Anyways the gist of my post here is that you think in the event of a collapse it's going to be basedboys vs roided out niggers and muslims? Hardly, most of them are emaciated, then come here and consume utter garbage food and get soft.

Another interesting fact; when I got my gun liscence, all 30 of us in the class where white, obviously you'll have a lot of illegal guns going on but considering the 50% white demographic of my city seeing all white people getting guns was hopeful.

Most people actually are goys, serfs, peasants, etc. Good people who just want to live happily. No one really wants a revolution even if they know there are bad people in control. Even if they do want ar evolution the good goys and high level serfs known as the military and police will shut them down, people know that intrinsically.

god thats the most retarded fucking image ever posted on here, must be over age 20 to not laugh with scornful despise at the inanity of it.

"whyte man" give me a fucking break, haha, you micromind children are pathetic. So they just left a shuttle with tanks on the pad when the world ended eh? and it stayed in shape long enough to be covered by ivy and shit, god you fucking children are retards. If the "whyte man" is so fucking stupid to make an image like that then we deserve to be extincted, moron.

Found the kike.

-Self made man
-Founded one of the largest companies of all time
-Established a country with his private company
-Super imperialist.
-Anglocentric maniac.
-Did everything he could to disenfranchise Africans to spread civilization.

Attached: Cecil-Rhodes1.jpg (306x423, 19K)

Dude you're fucking dumb, what's the point of this thread?

Of course you don't reply to any of my posts. Fucking actual kike.

This was good

Yeah, you're correct. Problem is, I live on Vancouver Island, a place full of chinks. I treat Chinks as a much greater threat during a race war, as they're almost on par with Whites in terms of intellect.

Yeah, I noticed that our water is polluted as fuck. Problem is, there's much higher levels of that same pollution in Third-World shitholes, and they still multiply like fucking locusts—despite it.

The problem with processed food is that it's all empty calories. You don't get protein or anything that maintains your muscles or bones, you just get an over-seasoned snack. That should be consumed in moderation, if at all.

Vegan diets are also bad, as they just don't contribute anything. Carnivore diets, the diet made for Whites, is one of the reasons why Whites thrived in the cold, barren waste of Europe.

Will it though? We'd just find some other boogeyman because we'd rather be victims than actually fucking go out and try to improve our lives. The Alt-Right is no different than the SJW left in this regard.

It wouldn't because the eternal anglo and the vatican would still be around. After them, chinese and russian jews.

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I'm not centrist, just blackpilled.

Yeah, it's really hard to not be blackpilled these days.

user, you're an idiot, leave and never come back.

Why is he an idiot?


But you aren't even having a discussion you fucking faggot.


if you put the 30 years war on there you may as well add WWI & WWII

You know why we don't do fuckall about you filth? Cuz we know there are consequences to our actions, and the consequences you have inured to yourselves are terminal.

We don't have to do shit for you to eliminate yourselves from the genepool

Actually fuck with us, OTOH...

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Dude you don't understand CRISPR. Genocide is coming, because people will choose for their babies to be white as soon as they can.

We'll have to leave wild niggers in parks just so our posterity can see why we hated them.

Every single race chooses white sexual partners preferentially. The stupidity inherent in shitskins will be edited away, along with their nasty odor.

It will be white men that conquer the galaxy, because when offered the choice by CRISPR, no one will have retarded babies, and within a generation only whites will be left.

Mankind's history is filled with violent conflict. To assume this period of peace is the final period of peace is stupid. Once shit gets bad enough, it will happen again and with today's tech along with the reliance on functional infrastructure, the bloodshed and death will be on scale beyond most peoples comprehensions. Just like when everyone thought ww1 levels were the height and then ww2 happened. Then Mao and his regime set the new record. Just like how they all thought their major conflicts of those times were also "the end times" It's cyclical, study history and you will understand. New tech ups the kill count as it gets better and better along with the fact of higher populations. You will simply have more "enemies and combatants"due to population density alone without factoring in the advances of tech.

>Every single race chooses white sexual partners preferentially.

You have zero comprehension of history.

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>they split they atom
I think you mean (((they)))

asians are extremely racist and cold blooded. they're also extremely sexy. come home white man. breed the cuck out of the west end of asia.

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the leaf is spot on, the vast majority of all people in history never fought in a war or a revolution.
white people are largely consensus accepting servants, particularly now with the last few generations of dysgenic breeding and world wars.

>Christian Rudder, the creator of OkCupid, published in his book Dataclysm, which reviewed metrics of multiple dating websites, that white users are more likely to be messaged or responded to than their nonwhite counterparts and that black women and Asian men are the least likely to be messaged or responded to. In fact, 82% of non-black men have some bias against black women. Asian men get the fewest messages and the worst ratings of any group of guys.

Replace the left with corporatism and that picture would actually make sense.
>Zero Comprehension of History
Like pottery.

same thing. the corporation is the ultimate communist.

Spoken like a true faggot degenerate.

Something's off about this girl. She should be attractive, but she isn't.

this is why asians will rule the world

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>This is why I don't care about any of the environmental alarmism. Why should I give a shit when my race will either suffer a population bottleneck or go extinct completely within 200 years or less?
That's funny considering whites literally invented the ideology of progress. We industrialized and then handed over the technology to do so to the "less developed" nations. Post-industrial society has been nothing but one spectacular disaster. Fuck your moon, fuck your spacenigger fantasies, and fuck your technology. Europe's golden age was when Germans were still shitting in woods. Varg is unironically right. Blaming the Jews is blaming the symptom. Technology is the problem. We've become deracinated and communities have been destroyed as a result. We deserve to go extinct unless we radically change. I'm convinced this is divine punishment.

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Corporatism isn't right or left.
They sponsor both of them to argue about meaningless bullshit so they can keep fucking us in the ass for eternity.
How are you so fucking brainwashed you don't see this shit?
Nice argument fuckstick.

post ww2 uber loser buttblasted nazi fanboy detected.

i think she's an absolute knockout.
maybe you prefer girls with penises?

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Surely you aren't that ape like. It's not that I don't know history, it's that it's unreasonable to assume in this golden era of information that the US will chimp out and start a bloody civil war based on nothing but racism, that would achieve literally nothing but death for all parties and it would make whites even more of an enemy to the rest of the world. This situation doesn't make a lick of sense.

The world we live in now, with all the technology available to us, is completely sustainable if leadership was put into the right hands. Fucking everyone knows that. "Master race" niggers just need to execute a coup, civil was isn't going to happen. At least not in the dumb ass way you're implying it will.

>Surely you aren't that ape like.
I take it back, this poster might be an ape. Are you really implying the right is going to start slaughtering ignorant students and other such retards because of the Jewish brainwashing? How fucking edgy and retarded are you? Or maybe the US really is that bad, I'm no expert. You niggers might as well be muslim if you really think murdering people for no gain is cool.

>fucking dating websites
Look at birth rates globally you ignorant retard. Every race on earth prefers their own. Some people have preferences but that's an extreme minority of people and the relationships don't last.

Yeah, war sux. When life is good only deranged niggers can't repress their homocidal nature.

When SHTF, though, it's a different story. As a bong that needs a license to buy spoons, you simply cannot comprehend what red-blooded American men will do to end the threat.

There are more firearms in private American hands than most national militaries. That's not gonna change anytime soon no matter how many faggot SJWs whine about it.

In my opinion, I think we need to use the Jews strategies against them. As I've noticed before, most Whites are animals with no free will and need to be manipulated.

If you look back at history, Whites are just as good if not better at subversion than kikes. Problem is, our empathy prevents us from doing it—even if it means our very survival depends on it.

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>i think she's an absolute knockout.
but why does she have a cock?

because she's actually a he with fake tits.


But the East Asian oxytocin deficiency isn't a disease, and you can't catch it. It's the result of being oppressed by savage barbarians for three thousand years, and every last vestige of humanity being bred out.

You don't want your slaves caring about anything but your orders. The Chinese are the result.

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WASPs in power are just as bad as kikes. They don't give a fuck about other whites, only their own pockets and Satanic ideology that is modern Americanism. There are no political solutions. Say it with me. THERE ARE NO POLITICAL SOLUTIONS.

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Where is this defeatism coming from, user?

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i love how idiots are trying to figure out how to make a working fusion reactor like it's a good thing.

>The world we live in now, with all the technology available to us,
>Surely you aren't that ape like
Confirmed coddled idiot who thinks the Ipad will still be charged and online. The world we live in is dependent on all that infrastructure I mentioned, which can be brought down rather easily. Your access to the net will be one of the first things to go dipshit. This is without pointing out state efforts are already online to stifle the flow of free information and compartmentalize their nets much like China. Your theory also depends on the empathy of the masses A: being ignorant of the situation in the past and B: them suddenly intervening to stop the bloodshed because they suddenly understand whats going on. They knew back then, and they didn't stop shit. Communication was slower in the past, not non existent you fucking moron. This is without pointing out that inciting mob violence is easier than enforcing law and order. I love that you call this the golden era of information when China has already showed you that era is over and coming to an end. You are definitely an idiot, whether that's due to ignorance and a naive sheltered life or delusional, I dont know. You live in a fantasy world that takes all around you for granted, along with what is needed to maintain all that around you. You live in a city don't you fucktard ?

Not if we subvert the populace into dethroning the kikes Bolshevik style.

>There are more firearms in private American hands than most national militaries.
theyve done you a lot of good so far havent they?
you have the worlds largest population of jews, more spics than spain, more niggers than all of europe combined, more debt to jewish banks than the rest of the world, have more men dying for the jewish ethnostate than any other country, the worlds most pozed education and media networks and food so poisonous its illegal to sell in europe.
the point of this thread seems to be to highlight that white people will never be pushed to the point they fight back, which we see everywhere, in formerly white european cities, in south africa, all over the US with its many civilian guns even.
white people just want to move and move and move, they want to grow old and die, nobody put a gun to their head and forced the opiod abuse or for white kids to lose themselves in vidya or capeshit, the white people themselves are begging for the distractions as a surrogate for taking fucking responsibility.

what event will trigger a white backlash in the US? everyone sat back and watched a black president hand over trillions to jews on wall street, theres regular threads on here showing entire maps of pedo dens that nobodies ever attempted to shit down, every other month some new law is being enforced to disarm people legally and nobody has ever risked their life to protect their right to bare arms

checked Satan.

Regarding slaughter, when the chimpouts come because the kikes crash the economy, what do you think is going to happen?

It won't matter if their ignorant if they're threats.

As to global birthrates, they're meaningless, since those races are stuck with what's available, and populations that face cataclysms are just more corpses.

How are the Africans gonna survive an economic collapse when no one sends aid anymore? Hell, Zimbabwe is starving now, and they are practically on SNAP.

None of that is my fault. It's also why replacement theory is merely an irritant. When SHTF, the shitskins die off, and competent people are the only survivors.

Take the time to read the link. Or keep gargling cocks. I don't care. I know my family has the ability to persist extinction level events preferentially, because I taught them how. I am surrounded by people that did also, and they're almost exclusively white.

You're just larping like a faggot now lol.

>You're just larping like a faggot now lol.
Kek good response, we haven't even gotten to good parts, just debunking your " the mobs and masses will save us from ebil goverment becauze da internetz" part. They say ignorance is bliss and you certainly prove it.

Nice doomsday scenarios. You have a pretty big ego but it's not settled in reality. You think the kikes can just flip a switch and throw the world into utter chaos, that isn't how the world works. And you for whatever reason think people like whites when obviously that's not true for the most part.

All those things are annoying, but life is damn good. Irritants are tolerable until they're not, and then they're dealt with.

None of the disarming you mention has amounted to a hill of beans. When troops or cops come to doors to take guns, people die though.

That's not gonna happen in the USA. So, we are gonna be armed and ready when the plague, or economic crash, or Toba popping off, or whatever cataclysm comes next.

Just be competent to get shit done and teach your kids to be. Cumsipping faggotry will reward itself.

>just debunking your " the mobs and masses will save us from ebil goverment becauze da internetz" part.
I didn't say anything even remotely close to this you dumb nigger. You're literally larping and propping me up as a strawman. For the record I'm the polar opposite of what you assumed, I didn't even read the rest of your post.

Go back to building your bunker.


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the evil government is a product of the ignorant masses, and will only get worse as we go full mouse utopia

the evil govnermnet is a product of government

Think about this. There has never been more white people on earth than are alive today. Not in any point in human history. Even half of the white population would be greater than the entire worlds population a few centuries ago.

White people are ontop right now, we are sliding down, but thats happened before. Think about the fall of Rome, they fell and a new white empire rose from the ashes. This is the dynamics of history and we are experiencing nothing more, the collapse of the modern western civilization will likely evolve into something else, and what rises from the ashes will be stronger and more powerful than what came before it. White people have had global world empire rising and falling since the indo european expansion in 4,000BC.

The ice age is coming very soon.
Interglacials last 15,000 years, our started then. The younger dryas was a meteor induced hiccup.
We’re past the 15,000 year mark.
Be ready frens, next decade, two at most.

Ice ages are the ultimate pleb filter.

>cope by playing video games
found your problem.

Goyim used to hang out on the street all day and spread redpills. Goyim would riot, lynch, and burn the globalists down all the time. Now we are distracted by the vidyajew and kept disenfranchised.

>but life is damn good.
now youre getting it, nobody wants to risk their petty comforts for a greater goal or for a better future, hell people arent even willing to risk what little they have now to fight for the world their grandparents grew up in. this includes you, explaining away the slow creep of tyranny as annoying, i guess it is pretty annoying to have about 4 corporations own all the pharma and food supply of your country.
and who can blame somebody for taking a back seat when they look around to see everyone else doing the same thing, people can always vent online or cast a vote every few years for whomever the tribe decide is next, it absolves personal responsibility.

The upside is huwhites are designed to survive

not too far off the truth

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You're ignorant if you don't know that preparations have been undertaken for decades to crash fiat and replace it with some DLT.

Fiscal prudence be damned when the present goal is to concentrate as much equity in the fewest hands so that the crash will be as profitable to the wealthy as possible. Read up on the Great Depression.

It's just pollyannish to ignore that pretty major cataclysms happen with dismaying regularity. The larger the scale the less frequent the event. It's been about 13kya since the Younger Dryas erased what civilization had arisen and flooded it under 100 meters of sea.

It's about time for another one.

Shit happens and intelligent, competent people survive preferentially. Be ready to survive because none of the shit in the news today will matter one bit when it does.

>golden era of information
>with all the technology available to us
This is the really good one
>The world we live in now, is completely sustainable
The current rate of consumption of earth's resources is not sustainable in the least. Conflict is inevitable without population reduction, and unlike in the past, no new regions to exploit exist. It's space or an inevitable war at this point. This is all assuming nukes never fly as well, if the nukes fly we are all fucked kiddo.

woah woah woah woah woah woah WOAH !!!
did pol totally transform itself over the course of a month or something???


wtf do these terms even mean?

I was going to reply to you seriously until you started talking about literal doomsday events. You guys are fucked in the head, CIA has you spinning.

Until SHTF, it's profitable to maintain strength and readiness. Annoyances come and go, and you are aware of many of them. They're not the end of humanity, nor even Caucasians.

They're literally irritants. No one likes them. But they're not worth the risk and effort to end. Until they are. Then everything changes. The wise thing to do is keep your head down and shrug off irritants until you can't.

Then it's time to act decisively.

Sadly you're 100% right. There was a time when the white man realistically could have fought back and it passed generations ago. Most people have accepted the inevitable and are trying to ride out their lives as painlessly as possible. Some are still trying to build families and fight for the West but they're vastly outnumbered by the good goyim mindlessly walking to the slaughter.

I've tried thinking around this in every possible way and there's no realistic scenario in which the West doesn't collapse and we don't go extinct.

>wtf do these terms even mean?
are you kidding ?
fuck kikes

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Welp, you do you. Ignore the fossil record at your peril. We're entering a Grand Solar Minimum right now, and even a cursory glance at history will reveal that empires fall during minima. The magnetic pole is shifting too. This will have consequences, though nothing like the conspiratards prophecy.

Fact is that every 50 generations or so the Earth hiccups and a significant percentage of people die from something or other.

Shit happens, and the survivors are those best prepared.

You haven't considered much then. How many different scenarios have you posited in which Africa no longer receives foreign aid?

If the West collapses, what do you think happens to sub 85 IQ niggers and retarded shitskins that depend on gibs?

What does a a collapsed society have to do with extinction? How many societies have collapsed just in the last couple thousand years, yet we came out on top?

It's precisely the most dangerous conditions in which our advantages matter the most.

What could really do us harm is if we never get CRISPR and 3D printing in every home, yet there's no cataclysm to weed out parasites.

But, that'll never happen. Shit ALWAYS happens.

Stronger and powerful in what sense? More advanced technology? Hopefully not. We need to go back to the woods, unironically.

"We" didn't come out on top. Almost every bit of progress in the past century was to enslave us and you should know who was behind it all.

>hat could really do us harm is if we never get CRISPR and 3D printing in every home
Fuck off, kike.

Jesus. Reading comprehension is a thing. Look at what my points are. Think big picture, not five generations.

You're right that things can't persist the way they are. They won't. When they change radically, then our advantages shine.

Learning from the mistakes of the past. Applying genetic fitness to our own reproductive practices, a new form of government, religion and economics, again learning from our mistakes. Also yes technology will be a huge part of it, advanced technology not based on the jewish cosmology of Alfraud Einstein but tech that allows us to live in balance with the natural world allowing a return for each person to be self sufficient but much easier with the incorporation of tech that allows us to produce food and energy on an individual basis much easier without having to be dependent on a power grid or shopping at a grocery store.

This is all good. You white people jew'd the world first and now your time is coming to a beautiful end. Glad to see it.

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Go fuck yourself you ignorant slope-headed Luddite.

I was raised on an island in Alaska, and I can live off the land with nothing but what I make. I know whereof I speak when I talk about the advantages of technology. Ever since pointy sticks were invented individuals power relative to groups increased, and that trend grows more powerful the more advanced the tech.

CRISPR will doom shitskins to extinction, because they all wanna be white. When they can have white babies they will. No ethnostate savagery necessary.

3D printing means the means of producing the goods we need are in our personal hands. No need to slave away for kikes to get a salary you need to make jizya payments or usury to buy shit. Aquaponics means we don't have to eat chemically castrated food.

Fucking ignoramus. Go live innawoods for a couple years, and you'll fall to your knees and thank god for woven cloth.

City boys annoy me.