How the fuck do I deal with ADHD without using medication? This shit is literally destroying my life

How the fuck do I deal with ADHD without using medication? This shit is literally destroying my life.

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Wish I could help you, user. Bumping so someone might notice.

A friend of mine coped with hers by making lists.

Lists and post-it notes really help.

Why are you against taking medication?

Meditating will probably help a lot, but it will be a slow and extremely challenging process.

There could be therapy for that.

I took Behavior Therapy for OCD.

i make lists, that address what i need to do and where i need to go.
i also do my best to train myself to hyperfocus on schoolwork/regular work. its easier for school, but its tough at first.
i still catch myself completely losing focus on stuff, or just kind of "wandering away"

Did it help?

Let me help you user. I have the same problem, and after figuring this out, things improved. What you need to do is first try to lessen the things you are addicted to like internet. Use Your time app. Then Luminosity. Play those retarded games for your brain daily. Mindfulness meditation twice a day. Brain focus app for studying. Try to abstain from tapping. Let me tell you how this worked out for me.
>Day 1
>Finishes meditation, motivated as fuck, dreams of becoming a ubermensch, old me is dead, I think to myself
>Day 2
>Had a lucid dream, all of a sudden
>Feels better, thinks clearer
>Day 5
>Positive, thinks more clearly, helps classmate who previously helped me
>Much much much better at sports
>People notice I'm happier and better at sports, dumbfounded
>Am more confident
>Reads Nietzsche while waiting at doctor's, reads the book with absolutely no problem with comprehension
>Actually feel like an adult, things are going the right way... finally
>End of week
>Feel bad, am sick
>All benefits start to tear off
>Feels tired, less confident, meditation doesn't seem to do it anymore
>Still suck ass at studying
>Start to question wether this is helping
>Get aggressive, angry with everyone holding me back, as now I am above them
>More confident to bleep out utter bulshit which ruin my confidence and make me utterly embarrassed for the rest of the day
>No longer aggressive
>Spent too much time wasting my time
>Back to square one, posting this shit at 2:29 AM
Good luck, this may work for you longer than a week. I am cursed.

not OP but as someone with autism and severe anxiety, medicine is made to give you more problems then what it solves, so the pharmaceutical industry can prescribe you more expensive pills and keep the cycle going. This isn't tin foil hat shit, its been proven time and time again. I have to take so many pills every day its not even funny, if I go off them I cannot function like a normal human being, where I did fine without them before besides being kind of a sperg in public.

I have ADHD and I'm a chad. Be cool about it, realize when you're being retarded

Maybe because in some countries most of the ADHD mess are illegal and what aren't are pretty expensive.

If you're serious about it , you just have to wean yourself off the dopamine explosions of video games, social media, porn, alcohol, drugs, etc.

Of course no one will ever do this, consider it, or even pay attention to the fact that the suggestion was posted. Bottom line is that your brain isn't going to see value into putting in hard work for delayed rewards when you can click a button for instant rewards.

Realising is easy. Doing shit is hard.

Yup. My friend's adhd meds gave him anxiety and his anxiety meds gave him depression... So fuck meds

Made up condition. You hate what you study.

>ADHD is made up despite the fact we can literally see it on an MRI
ADD and ADHD are two different things buddy. You're thinking of ADD. ADHD is very black and white you-have-it-or-you-don't diagnosable and untreated makes the idea of conscious self control a pipe dream.

Adderall, OP. Shit saved my fucking life, or at least what was left of it by the time I got on meds. Got off it when I was 19 and the remaining impulses were and are still easily controllable.

Coffee. Drink coffee. Coffee is a stimulant.

ADD and ADHD are the same thing buddy. Just different presentations of ADHD. (PI Inattentive/HI Hyperactive Impulsive/C Combined)

I've heard about coffe helping a bit, but haven't tried it for myself yet. So, thanks, I should probably consider trying it.

If you ever seek a diagnosis and get medication they don't recommend caffeine with meds. You might not want to start down that path if you're considering treatment. It makes other stimulants not work as well, almost to the point of uselessness for some people.

Also caffeine is a very broad stimulant, it might help a little bit, maybe enough to be useful to you.

Good luck user, I'm trying to get diagnosed. I had always dismissed adhd because I was more the "inattentive" type which I had no idea existed until 2 months ago.

Haven't seen this posted yet so here goes.
Hobby's, books, etc. Find a few things you really love or are interested about. And focus on them.

>focus on them

Not sure you understand ADHD user. He'll read it for a few minutes then fuck off back to the computer.

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Yeah, unfortunately, that's how it usually goes. Find an awesome new thing, get extremely invested in it, gradually lose interest over a couple of weeks or months then jump onto something new. It sucks.

I know what you mean user.

Especially if you’re willing to work at it.