I have posted some stuff about Jews and niggers and day of the rope and shooting traitors etc just all regular stuff, wondering how bad it messes with my chances for good career in army or government?
I also have taken my phone in bathroom while I poop and shower to listen to music and there are probably lots of images of me they have naked or of my butthole.
I have also repeatedly told csis agents to go fuck themselves desu To any glow in dark niggers reading this, it was all just a LARP. I want to be a good goy now with a cutie gf and a respectable career.
So does this mean the jews will always have a trump card against me if I ever try to buck their control? they could release my anime girl waifu folders to make me look like some kind of creep if I don’t do what they tell me
Pls anons I didn’t know shit posting had consequences . I literally said I love hitler on YouTube comments using my google account
Lol, that's what happens when you're a racist bigot, loser.
Nolan Cruz
Nice slide dog fucker.
John Rogers
I had the FBI called on me for posting Pinochet memes I swiped from here on Fagbook. My commander didn't care once I explained the meme.
As long as you're not advocating for the overthrow of your government you're probably ok. While dont condone posting racist shit, if you do it use a vpn.
Logan Foster
i just applied for a job and they did a complete background check including my online activity. somehow, all m Jow Forums posts were included. not sure how. anyway, needless to say, i didnt get the job
Logan Richardson
Ayden Turner
Yeah, this. I'm about to go to Navy OCS and they don't give a fucking fuck if you shitpost on Jow Forums. Hell, some of the top brass probably know about this place.
Sebastian Roberts
Facebook boomers have no sense of humour do they
Well anons, guess it is NEET life for me from now on