>tfw you realize God exists
Tfw you realize God exists
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Best day of my life when it hit me!
You’re doing God’s work, OP
If God exists, he isn't any of the Gods in the Abrahamic religions.
Based poster
>my god
Where's the proof
You could always try preying for proof
Based oldfag
Based Christposter
Listen to some good sermons on YouTube user.
Accept Christ and don’t beat yourself up. He’s done it all, only thing to do Is believe
Are you alive? Are you on Earth? Did Earth appear out of nothing? Or did our Lord create it?
Nothing can't become something.
Earth appeared because of thousands of years of collisions between space rocks. Fucking go to school you troglodyte.
one day you will see
>Earth appeared because of thousands of years of collisions between space rocks
cool story bro.
How will I see one day?
brainwashed and lobotomised
Yes user, all the gods exist.
use this place as a tool, when you get silly comments like this you should look into what I'm poking fun at
learn for youself
or don't, I don't think it'll matter
Fuckwit, you can't even prove gravity. If you want scientific proof, you're literally retarded. If you want proof, look at the love and success that Christianity creates.
The proof is I'm gay and being gay is not legal in those religions.
>Earth appeared because of thousands of years of collisions between space rocks
Where did the fucking space rocks come from?
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. The named is the mother of ten thousand things.
oh that's easy, you just need to look into how this realm works and it becomes self evident. Right now you're relying on experts to think on your behalf, but that's just a passing phase.