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Other urls found in this thread:!G3oSBQ4b!iUtvCyV6HJKIFi_SFb63Wg

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The real truth is that drumpf contacted his Russian thugs who then hired two Nigerians to frame jussie. Then they sent their bots to 4chin to convince you fucking retards that a successful black man (who has more than any of you incels) would actually give it all up over something like this. Can't wait for you faggots to get btfo when they find out trump was behind it all.
2020 can you feel that burn faggots?

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TLDR :^)

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I just realized the fuck is wrong with the shoulder

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Qrd. Trump did this you racist will pay.

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>fuck is wrong with the shoulder
My dick isn't in it?

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T. Russian bot

the fuck is wrong with you user
>jussie tattles on himself

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Is Jow Forums claiming credit for this too?

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any info about the letter? did he not send himself the letter? that's gay then, he'll plead down the disorderly conduct and won't see any jailtime at all.

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He did send himself the letter they're including that in pic related
Its the shit they're taking in

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>magazine on bird cage
The stupid niggers kept the magazines they made the note out of. My fucking sides!

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>Class 4 felony, disorderly conduct, $25k fine, max 3 years
we are here
>federal mail fraud
>using the USPS in the commission of a federal crime
>transmission of possible anthrax
>prior suspended sentence for lying to the police in 2007
Basically, if feds charge him, he's completely fucked. Otherwise he'll get away with a $25k fine.

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turns out Ashkenazi IQ + nigger IQ do not result in a medium of the curve IQ

You forgot actual act of terrorism.


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He's a good boi, he dindu nuffin.

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They paid for it, the other pages are still readable

shouldn't hate crime be up there as well?

i know, i've seen that. but nothing's been released confirming that those things match the letter, just that they were seized to investigate them.

the comments are hilarious.

Attached: jessiescomments.jpg (1536x1890, 897K)

>gay nigger mails gay nigger powdery hate letter
>is this a hate crime???
Idk it's kinda hard to tell, now that we all live in fucking clown world.

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Spread it

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This single event will win Trump 2020.

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Fucking kek but its probably true

They should because he was clearly trying to put it on straight white trump supporters, and would've gotten away with it if he wasn't such a fucking moron.

Well, there you have it.
>two black guys said racist shit and beat up a white guy
I knew the truth would come out.
Nothing to see here, you can all go home. Forget this retarded shit ever happened.

Cut my life into pieces...

you're delusional if you think a single lefty will switch to Trump over this

Nobody will remember it by then.


look at this stupid nigger lol

i bet he's the same fag posting those "at least he started an important conversation" threads

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Hey Ron Pooman, you forgot about the part where you shit on your hands

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Hopefully he burns in the deepest pits of hell just wanted to add this.

rare footage:


Oh yeah little donnie, I just took all thecat shit out of the litter box and formed it like play-do into your face. Then I put it back in the litter box and took a shit on it. Then I put it all inside a MAGA hat and wore it around the house. Now I got shit all in my hair. Whatcha think about them apples hoss?

Get back to work

I unironically love these posts
more on the black opinion on Jussie

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Jussie Smollet

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D-dale is it you?

No it's a fine with a prison sentence.

That's great he's getting busted, and I hope they lock him up and let him rot for this, but real talk, if I read one more
>Smollet's an asshole because now people won't believe victims of REAL hatecrimes

comment, I am going to fucking scream. I've read variants of that a hundred times to day, and I'm getting real damn tired of reading about how black people are somehow the true victims when white people are blood-libeled.

>They paid for it, the other pages are still readable

Implying blacks can read.

That criminal mastermind.

This fact really warms my kekkles.

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Mugshot when?

The people's exhibit #1: most punchable face in America.

He dindindu nuffin.


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DEV comment is pretty good

Inaccurate. Pic related is. interestingly, also gay.

Jussie is scum and everyone should rightfully hate him... but he's a good looking guy. Hard to deny that.

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This is why you faggots lose all the goddamn time, its not about the entrenched leftists or magatards switching sides or being a "former" Trump supporter. Its about making the other side look unpalatable to the centrist swing voters. The morons on twitter who rushed to his aid denouncing hate and blaming Trump's America won't switch sides, but the slightly left centrist watching the economy get better and the democratic party sink further into pandering retardation and racism paranoia might. He goes to jail for this how many of the fans who bought tickets for his show after the event are going to be angry with the continual calls of false racism? Enough to lose interest in voting for the same faggots pushing that nonsense?

>bleach - awesome

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>be American
>actually have to pay for hate crime
fucking kek

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why are they trying so hard when people already hate trump for signing that deal? now i just want to vote for trump to spite you

Hate crimes aren't a real thing. They're just regular crimes with a special element of bias that allows for harsher sentencing.
You can't do it to yourself, and if you mean the Nigerian bros, my bet is they've already gotten a peek at the book and have turned states on old jussie. They've been arrested, then released. Pretty much only happens if you agree to testify or provide info. They will face charges as hate crimes if they don't.
There was no crime against trump guys here, so no, no charges to be filed for that.

>ywn fuck that latin bitchs armpit

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What the hell am I looking at?

he faked it

Niggers will always be niggers. What’s new?

None of that was interesting faggot

He has a perpetual smile but it's pinched at the ends and looks fucking stupid desu.
Hard pass


This one might actually see prison time for his fucking about with the legal system. Kamala Harris just got btfo on her presidential campaign

They'll only forget it if we let them.

Jussie is the nephew of Kamala Harris

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This. Though Harris is a common name. Kamala only has one sister named Maya. Keep digging though. This shit is only just starting. The state attorney revised herself from the Smollett case because she knows one of the witnesses. Pic related. What the fuck is going on?

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Will get fed charges. Roll for better deal.

That shit is smollett

Black homo democrat mafia

Kamala is fucking despised in the Bay, most people here hate her for literally renegging on every promise she ever made.

Nigger Alex Jones always makes me laugh

Why are you oppressing this black gay man so much? Just leave him alone

min 1 year right

>justie smollet

Christ, if it actually turns out that there's a blood connection between those two, I'm going full 1488.


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>despised in the Bay
Are you trying to make me like her?

No you're not.

Try me.

JUSTie smollett

the fact that all you see here is votes, is sad.
the ends justify the means for you don't they?
is there any crime you wouldn't commit to further your agenda?

An ashy darkskin raping your daughter in front of you.

no, algerians are muslims and actually commit hate crimes unlike white christian males

the joke is that he would have been too dead to write on the wall in his own blood

See, you didn't do shit. You're probably jacking off about it. Sad.

It's a hypothetical tho. What do you want me to do?