Is depression a real disease?

Is depression a real disease?
Since I became umployed I feel sick and tired of everything should I blame the jews ?

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It happens to the best of us, but eventually you fall all the way down and it inspires you to do better than you ever have. Isolation will break a lot of people down, just like not having a purpose as a man. Just try to find a purpose and work towards it. I spent a long ass time mad at the world, and still am somewhat, but it helps when you use that anger to make yourself better.

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nah man,
Yeah it's a real disease.
I get you.
Try to get your mind on something else.
get drunk, hire hookers or blame the government.
That'll help you

t. unemployed alot of times, heart broken alot of times.


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Go get some special K. It will perk you up

Get back to winning. I know that feel. While you’re not employed work hard at home. Clean shit. Fix things. Improve stuff. Work on projects. Don’t lay around or be idle.

At your low point you are no longer distinct from your fellow beings. You are not ashamed and do not regret it, since insofar as you live the life of your fellow beings and descend to their lowliness / you also climb into the holy stream of common life, where you are no longer an individual on a high mountain, but a fish among fish, a frog among frogs. ~Carl Jung, The Red Book.

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But why? What’s the point in making yourself better? Existence is pointless dude. Plain and simple. Nothing fucking matters.

For me it's going onto user boards to blame the joos for everything

It's as real as crippling fibromyalgia.

bad genetics bro kys

sometimes you'll do it because you are right and hate the ignorance of the world, and hten you'll do it for trolling. Perfectly acceptable. I want you both to be happy. You, as well as myself, didn't have naybody to guide us. I wish my dad was still alive to show me how to drink beer. How to work hard. How to deal with women. As Chuck Pahlaniuk would say; we are a generation raised by women. I hope I can be there for you to show how a real man should be. I have to support a family of 6 including myself, and be thankful to God for what He has provided.

uhh, you don't need anyone to teach you how to drink beer. That stuff will make you feel like shit and kys. What you need is someone to show you discipline and morality. Hard work is meaningless without looking forward to something bigger than ourselves when we die. Even the flowers in the field are living up to their purposes.

>uhh, you don't need anyone to teach you how to drink beer.
how much beer is the right beer? should I mix it up with alcohol or mary jane?
> What you need is someone to show you discipline and morality.
Yes you are right, and it's the main problem us mexicans are facing. Corruption is not a government's problem, but a culural problem. That's what Peña told us
I'm glad somebody guided you the right way. I had to learn this by myself the hard way and only after understanding Scriptures

Oy vey! My doctor says it's real...if it was fake, why would they have so many pills to sell me. Checkmate!

The big enchilada is that people force their shitty opinions about the purpose of life onto others when in reality God made us all unique and diverse. There is no purpose in this universe and nothing is certain except for the laws of physics and math the language of God. We must strive to find the purpose within ourselves and seek to know who we are inside, our strengths and weaknesses. To be humble enough to acknowledge the reality of our faults. Even the best of men have a hard time doing this with most of humanity are unhappy and constantly whining and bickering with each other over petty greed and jealousy. Once you find the reality of who you are and chase away all delusions, you can finally find contentment and time will melt before your eyes and you can travel back into time to meet your 5 yr old self and tell him everything will be ok.

If you won’t kill yourself then improving can make your existence more tolerable. Eventually.

gringos ( Americans ) are the cream of the crop.although you might have masonic foundations, you guys are the superpopwer and the iron fist of the world. I consider myself a pretty conservative Mexican with good Christian values. I understand we might be savages to some of you, but we are most the time following our instincts instead of thinking thourgh our actions. We are not your enemy. We are here to support you.

Nature is a natural anti depressant. Go fishing or some shit.

Studies actually show that people who believe they have a significant enemy (such as black people believing the white man is keeping them down) are much less likely to commit suicide. So you were actually on to something when you said you should blame the jews, OP.

I don't have allegiance to anything but myself and we need to find a way to tax large corporations so that mom and pop stores can compete again. There should be no incentive to become the bigger corporate whore on the street corner.

Depression can be genetic but is mostly a combination of a shitty mindset and shitty surroundings
Dont take anti-depressants it just ruins your fertility, instead make a plan to make things better and if you really need medication to help take anti-inflammatory as they have a better reaction to genetic depression

thank you based mexibro

you know, i dont think ive ever come across a depressed guy with a strong father figure.

Mom and Pop stores compete here even when wwe have oxxos and 7/11s. I think the issue is thinking this kind of jobs are denigrating

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learn to code buzzfeed cast off

>nice trips
No job is denigrating if you find contentment there. Millennials are too sensitive, it like a 5 year old telling another 5 year old that they are ugly and the teacher says "well are you ugly?"

Another problem is pollution where we are bombarded with lead, atrazene, flouride, drugs, and other industrial waste that has tormented the minds of the new generation. Bad Karma.

you are welcome, commiebro
>No job is denigrating if you find contentment there.
this is so true
> Millennials are too sensitive, it like a 5 year old telling another 5 year old that they are ugly and the teacher says "well are you ugly?"
so true as well. You guys gotta stop doing millenials bidding. You ( gringos ) and us ( Mexicans ) are suffering the consequences.
>Another problem is pollution where we are bombarded with lead, atrazene, flouride, drugs, and other industrial waste that has tormented the minds of the new generation. Bad Karma.
don't feel bad man, some of us love that shit. Don't blame yourself ever.

depression doesnt exist
stop being sad faggot

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Some drugs like marijuana and ayhuasca in moderation are ok but others will destroy your ability to feel pleasure in the long term. Always do your research. Tradition is mankinds version of animal instinct. Follow good traditions.

We try to follow The Creator and Jesus

My depression in my early life stemmed from a fear of mortality. The older I get, the less concerned I grow about it. I recommend DMT, as that really helped me evolve past my ego which was the source of my depression.

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>should I blame the jews
obvious jidf psyop thread is obvious

>I feel sick and tired of everything should I blame the jews ?
you should blame your faggot parents

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3 month cycles of .20 - .25 psilocybin mushrooms every other day...

i get really scared of mortality as well, is there anyway to get rid of it besides drugs?

>should I blame the jews
yes you should blame yourself