So you're telling me you don't want free college and free healthcare?

So you're telling me you don't want free college and free healthcare?

What are you afraid of?

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Other urls found in this thread:!G3oSBQ4b!iUtvCyV6HJKIFi_SFb63Wg

The kikes.


That thinking is unhealthy, anonbro.

Oh look we got an economist on our hand.

I already went to college, and I have healthcare.

What is your plan for making doctors and university professors work free of charge?

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My boss might not be able to afford a fourth vacation home if taxes are raised to pay for it.

Afraid of it not working and screwing everything up even more

Bernie Sanders is a tyrant who will siphon political and economic power to a foreign entity. Every single policy Bernie has ever proposed increases your taxation and DRAMATICALLY decreases your representation. Bernie Sanders will be destroyed.

Commies are legally barred from becoming President under 50 U.S.C. 841-844. My legal team and I would be able to REMOVE Bernie should he be voted into office. The case is open and shut.

More like free indoctrination.

Bernie was kicked out of a hippy commune because they thought he was too lazy. Some most powerful man in the world. Can’t organize nor impress a small group. But hey promise people free shit. That’s popular.

I'm afraid of people who don't have a basic grasp of economics voting because they are stupid.

The increase in my taxes will far outweigh what I spend on my healthcare in a year.

If you flood the market with degrees, salaries will go down and job competition will become a fucking nightmare.

No. I do not want free college nor free healthcare.

You have yet to demonstrate that it can work sustainably.

A system that overworks educators and doctors while paying them below what the average wage should be scaring them into the private sector and therefore forcing the nation to allow poorly trained migrants and politically subversive educators swamp our system causing unnecessary death and destroying our homogeneous society.

t. britbong that has witnesses this for over 2 decades.

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no because i paid for my own college and now have good health insurance through my employer

fuck off


Class collaborators get the bullet too.

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You know what's funny.

"Free healthcare" is essentially calling for slavery. Healthcare is a service, NOT a right. Dems want that service provided to everyone, "for free". Therefore people will be required to WORK "for free" (SLAVERY)



>money just comes out of thin fucking air
I know you’re just a shill, but some anons here may not realize it becomes taxes and a sinking economy. That or none of these promises come true.


>what is twenty trillion in national debt

I'll give the socialist Euro mutts one thing, they actually pay their bills. But to American Democrats, deficits don't matter. Weimar America here we come.

Free things lack value.

You're just regurgitating what michael savage says on the radio

Maybe this faggot should actually pay taxes if he wants all this. Nope, he pays almost nothing.

>What are you afraid of?
The killing fields.

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>it will work this time

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if everyone is han solo, then no one is han solo


the way boinie talks about trump like he's some evil overlord is the key factor here. are people not happy with the state of the economy or what?

How much I'll have to pay for the other shit you want to take out of my pocket and give to everyone else.

1. Free pie for everyone!!
2. Day one: We're out of pie
3. Day two: Kill the greedy piemakers!!
4. Everyone starves except the leaders.
5. Rinse, repeat, never learn.

they'll never bring that point up. rest assured trump will, and hopefully he shits facts about free gibs all over bernies face

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I already paid for college in full. Am I going to get a refund? if not, fuck yourself

>What are you afraid of?
Paying for it.

It just works.


Public health sucks dick.

Even as a poorfag, I don't use it. I'd rather pay for insurance and be able to choose whom I see, and where I go.

>The increase in my taxes will far outweigh what I spend on my healthcare in a year.

Unless you weigh 500lbs or have AIDS, you will LOSE with "free" healthcare

You’ve learned nothing from life

I prefer to select my purchases myself, thanks.

You can give me money though, and I'll spend it as I see fit. That's fine.

sippy bippy

He won't even make it to primaries.

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The people who vote for Bernie don't work or are government workers.

College is just more delayed adulthood. It's destroying our society and adds barely any worker value. Plus it's 50% or more pure socialist indoctrination.

i see those 11's, mr 11s

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>free healthcare
Who's gonna pay for it? It might be free to the person receiving the care, but how does the doctor get his wage/provide for his/her family?
>Are you forcing the doctor to work on somebody without any kind of compensation?
Isn't that basically slavery?
>Are you using tax money to pay his/her wages?
Why should the gov determine the cost of the doctor's labor?
Why should my taxes go to helping niggers and spics?
Does that mean my taxes will go up in order to pay for this?

>free college
Who's gonna pay for it? It might be free to the students receiving the education, but how does the college faculty get their wages/provide for their families?
>Are you forcing the teachers to teach for free?
Again, isn't that slavery?
How do you stop the teachers from not teaching at a subpar standard due to not being paid?
How do you keep teachers interested in teaching if they aren't getting paid?
>Are you using tax money to pay their wages?
Do my taxes increase in order to pay these wages?
How do you make sure the teachers aren't some political ideologue?

These ideas, while sounding nice on paper, raise so many logistical questions that the people proposing them either can't answer or have incredibly stupid ones (AOC), or incredibly destructive to the economy (Bernie).

Considering that it works in the rest of the civilized world, yeah it probably would work?

The healthcare would be low quality with HUGE wait lines filled with shitskins. I would have to pay for it AND for my own private healthcare that I'd actually be able to access.

As for the college, it's at best completely irrelevant from the skills you need to get a job, and at worse a leftist indoctrination camp. We shouldn't be talking about making college more accessible, but how we can burn the system down and start again.

It would be better for society if 80% of college students worked at mcdonalds instead. At least they'd be paying into SS and the vast oversupply of labor would become obvious

sad truth is most of those fags use their student loans to live day to day instead of investing it in their actual schooling then cry when they have to pay it back

yeah i want free cocaine too but that doesnt mean its economicaly feasible

>that kind of thinking is so unhealthy anonbro
You’re supporting the same style of government (democratic socialism) that obliterated the Deutschmark (during th Weimar Republic) which have rose to National Socialism.

You’re literally supporting a catalyst for the 4th Reich.

Actually. Keep at it. I’m fucking down

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Wait until you have a similar population of niggers in your country, Ahmed.

>What are you afraid of?
Politicians promises.

Jesus are we really going to have to put up with these retarded bernieposters for the next two years until he loses again?

Based and redpilled

There's no such thing as free. I don't want my taxes to go higher than it is

They're afraid of not having anyone to look down upon, like the marked good goy slaves they are.

If I get free college and free healthcare but my taxes double then those services aren't free, they cost twice as much and the government is forcing me to buy them. Why is this so hard for communists to understand? Why, why, why?

Taxes don't fund spending. Austrian memeonomics is a lie commissioned by Austrian industrialists so that they could feel better than the little people.

What obliterated the Deutschmark is war reparations. The way things are going in Venezuela, that may happen here yet, but not for the reasons you suggest.

if only this idiot and his supporters understood this:

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Kill yourself, neoliberal.

>not asking why education costs so much in the first place
>passing the buck to the taxpayer to fund the corrupt education business instead


>What are you afraid of?
That all that will happen is they will just make everyone as poor as the poorest people today with no hope to climb out of poverty

>So you're telling me you don't want free college and free healthcare?
>What are you afraid of?
How do you know 100% for sure a Jew is lying ?

Bastiat had daddy issues. That he couldn't conceive of a people ruling themselves without an adversarial ruling class is his problem, not mine.

Canada's taxes are already about on par with the USA unless you're in a very low tax state

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I'm pretty sure it means your county hospital would be free like VA hospitals are for mooching vets who did some bullshit 3 year tour and have mental problems because they saw a co-worker die.

The student loan industry is a surprisingly expensive component of the education spend.

The people can collectively decide what "enough" means. The need for a ruling figurehead is a character defect.


Nothing could be worse than Trump.

Lol people like this actually exist

Good doggie

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wrong. a jewish trump

Trumpf and alt-righters on trickle down economics?

So Shultz

Does he use a balloon to brush his hair?

My state already has free college.

Its shit.

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Why can't they pay their health care, car loans or college for their kids if they are doing so good economically?

>basic grasp of economics
Every single person who posts this lame ass jewish meme doesn't understand fuck-all about macroeconomics and needs to shut the fuck up, permanently.
You're just a college student shilling for the neoliberal jews. You don't even PAY taxes.
>he thinks trade school won't be covered
Shouldn't you kill yourself for thinking you're special?

it's not free, the tax payer ends up picking up
the tab in higher taxes and fees and prices.

Seriously, neoliberals need to be shot, not listened to.

Taxes do not fund spending.
Lern2economics you corporate jew

How could you be more Jewish than Trump? His family is Jewish. He makes money from leeching i.e. real estate i.e. not making any innovation only leeching.



>So you're telling me you don't want free institutionalized propaganda brainwashing and free waiting lines that you'll die on?

>What won't you OBEY!?

Paying 60% of my income in taxes

>So you're telling me you don't want free college and free healthcare?

Already got dat.

Das rite

Attached: trump socialism ebt.jpg (1080x2280, 545K)

Need dem free sale foams

>What are you afraid of?
Paying for it.

You can always tell the shills pasting from their talking point page because they use rebbit spacing. How's the weather at DNC central, neoliberal jewish shill?

Fucking lol, as if you will ever reach the millionaire tax bracket, you fucking larping NEET.

(((war reparations))) to be held by Rothschild's Bank of International Settlements, same people.

Has he done the math on this? Wouldn't that cost about 4 trillion per year?

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they tried this in some other countries. in fact, they not only provided free health care and tuition for students, but a $24k/year stipend as well. and that's the story of how norway turned into the dystopian hell hole it is today

Taxes do not pay for spending.

Works well in Europe.