T.R.U.M.P making a FOOL of himself Again

>Europe should take back 800 ISIS members
>What.. a US Citizen wants to return?
>Revoke her citizenship NOW
WHY CARE about some sand nigger?
Well First she was born in the US
If her citizenship can be deleted
>b..but she is a terrorist
has that been proven in a court of law?
Do you seriously WANT the US government to be able to accuse ANYONE of being a terrorist,
And then having the power to revoke all their rights & citizenship,
WHAT HAPPENED to the right to a fair trial?
A jury of your pears?

What you do overseas is OUTSIDE US juristrication
>Got to country where its legal to smoke pot
>Smoke some
>come home
should you now be prosecuted for smoking pot?
Of course not

IF she committed war crimes,
then probably the only place to trial her is in the International Criminal Court

It's been backpilling to see how cucked most mutts are....
You have one of the GREATEST documents EVER CREATED
The US Constitutions.
and you allow it to be PISSED AWAY
No wonder your all cucks to ZOG

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Other urls found in this thread:


Let it burn as a warning to others.

>birthright citizenship
pick one

I hope he bombs her
Obama assassinated a us citizen without ever being found guilty of any crimes, a blogger cleric for talking to fort hood shooter
Then he killed his kid by droid strike too
None of you faggets gave a shit and called us racists for bringing it up

She left the country for nearly 5 years. She is no longer a citizen if she did not file for expatriate status, which I doubt she had. What is the problem?


Trump doesn't mind importing millions of spics and chinks, but when its one muslim chick who was born in America. He'll outright deny citizenship. America is doomed and it will collapse with bloodshed.

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A Finial point,
ISIS has been a tool of US/Israeli/Saudi regime change.
So even IF she has been fighting for ISIS
that's literally on the side of the US
Who WANTED Syria couped
for Israel

UK white helmets have been caught doing multiple acts of terror
Same with the "moderate" rebels
They Still got HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS in funding
But some widow of the terrorists they backed
Now loses her citizenship

the fuckery you mutts let your government get away with...

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Christ how butt hurt can one person be?

Why do fags like you browse this board? Dont you have a dick to suck somewhere?

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>A jury of your pears?

Why the fuck would I want to be judged by a bunch of fruit? Please learn the language before attempting to shitpost in it.

>trying to redpill American on the danger of his own governments actions
>still doesnt get it

oh well
live under kike tyranny then

It's so tiresome too that these faggots complain about the US, while Australia has its own domain for the UN Global Compact agenda. God help us all.

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Australia for the win

yeah no way we want her and her sandnigglet back

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>wanting her
thats not the point
OF COURSE no one "wants" her
the point is,
Do you want your government to be able to strip all rights & citizenship, without even a trial.

one widdow isnt a threat.
all the kikes at the top funding this terrorism are.

Impeach Trump and Pence and put them up against the same wall as Pelosi after freeing the children from the secret rooms in hers and Trumps properties, and then install the rightful champion of the people of earth pic related

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one more

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Did I stuck a nerve among you spics? I’m sorry most people have realized America is nothing but a decaying shithole.

she gave all that up when she decided to leave and fight against her own country.

Fuck off, should had droned her stupid ass

>fight against her own country.

You don’t understand us law. She is the daughter of a diplomat, therefor she isn’t eligible for birthright citizenship.

>then he killed a kid with a drone strike

Jesus Christ I thought thats who you were talking about the first time lmaaoo

Oh noes how will he ever recover?

spook nigger here dont forget we killed american citizens in yemen

Ideally all children born to non-US citizens/legal residents aren’t US Citizens either.

>A jury of your pears?

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Wow. I used to be against letting ISIS fighters in our country until I read this post. Let them in.

That would be the correct interpretation if it ever gets back to the Supreme Court. The drafters of the amendment were pretty specific that they intended just what you’re saying

The choices you make in life matter. For example: If you go gallivanting around the middle east as a bride to literal terrorists you might not be welcomed back to the countries that you actively opposed just days ago. And that you intentionally left in order to specifically support a paramilitary effort against them. Live and learn, you know?

The droning of Anwar al-Awlaki and his scumbag son Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was totally righteous!
Screw you!

This. And its a fantastic precedent to establish.

>US Citizen
You mean a fucking traitor?
Yeah, I'm fine with that security risk not being allowed in.

>A jury of your pears?

Like pottery, sweaty.

Hey you Kike, this isn't removing her citizenship but refusing entry


>trump tweeting about this to bait some prominent leftist politician into defending her

it will work I bet

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Fucked up that ISIS guy probably received US tax money to help train him to commit terror attacks, maybe also weapons and ammo

She's not a citizen, though.

An Israeli general reported by Haaretz (now deleted hmm) said it was strategically advantageous to let ISIS "fester", meaning to fund terror and allow women and children to be enslaved by religious extremist (non zionist)

OP clearly didn't read what Trump actually said.

Trump actually said that Europe should prosecute the 800 ISIS members, because they're from Europe, not the US. Not that Europe should take them back as citiziens. Big difference.

It's really exhausting with you idiots.

If you're accusing Australia on being soft on immigrants you're really lost mate. Australia is the toughest western nation there is. Illegals are sent to a dead island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean until they agree to resettlement in a place like Cambodia.

I thought we had a law against that.

the hole between your legs is also decaying, tranny

Shut up you dumb Aussie cunt.

Oh so she still gets to pay US taxes, but gets denied entry.


Wasn't this a major provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), if the State declares a person as a terrorist or simply collaborating and/or colluding with terrorists, then their guaranteed rights can be stripped?

Obama signed the NDAA into law in June 2011, IIRC. Man I hope the lefties get up in arms over this so same people can bring up that Obama made Trump's actions legal.

They want terror attacks to justify their perpetual wars in the middle east. Understand, this is not a joke haha, they are fully willing to put tax paying western citizens in harms way in order to justify their 500 billion dollars/year war of the last 20 years. You're a palestinian living on THEIR land

Wow Trump finally managed to keep one Muslim out after running with a campaign promise to suspend immigration from Muslim countries. This is nothing more than damage control after he barred the Angel Moms from the White House to ignore thier pleas and sign the Amnesty bill. Fuck Trump and his Jew overlords.

stop stating facts to liberals, they will never listen.

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Obama drone strikes US citizens for less.

unfortunately TRUMP renewed it..
He's been (((their guy))) from the start


>has largest army on earth...
>most powerful spy state on earth...
>still scared of a widowed women
"home of the brave"
>Please take my rights to "protect me" government
>of the terrorists you created
*hand rubbing intensifies*

should we bring her back and hang her as a traitor?

>OP clearly didn't read what Trump actually said.
>The United States is asking Britain, France, Germany and other European allies to take back over 800 ISIS fighters that we captured in Syria and put them on trial.
pic related


So why isn't SHE being taken back?
where is HER trial?

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>where is HER trial?

nice blogpost bro
now go kill yourself because nobody cares

Sideways France is spamming this.

Im not against a fair trial.
So long as its not one of those secret military tribal kangaroo courts.
Would require actual evidence of her committing terrorism.

As US has no jurisdiction oversea's
I fail to see how she can be prosecuted for braking a "US law"
The international criminal court is likely the only place you can actually trial her.

>unconstitutional crap

>Revoke her citizenship
Father was a diplomat. Birthright citizenship does not apply. Thanks for playing.

>doesnt care about his own constitution
s.o.y chugging hyper cuck

Another idiot Australian chimes in, showing his degenerate breeding.
She's the daughter of a foreign diplomat. Birthplace citizenship SPECIFICALLY doesn't apply to her.

>born in the US
>has US birth certificate
>Has US passport
>"Not" a US citizen
so i guess neither are ANY of you mutts

Dont worry. Some idiot will file a lawsuit to challenge this to get this shit skin back out of their shit hole. And it's going to be fucking beautiful.

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Did you know Trump wants to remove birthright citizenship?

She was never a citizen. She was born in the US to an ambassador, making her a citizen of the country her parents are from.

She admitted it in legal documents, she left the country to do it. Case closed. He also said Europe should bring them back to prosecute them so they aren't just released back into their terrorist groups and pay for their crimes. Obama straight up dropped a bomb on an American citizen because his family member was a terrorist. This chick is openly admitted she married 3 of them and gave one offspring. Your argument is bad, and you should seriously go read up on some history, and then think about how actions have consequences for a longer period than a week into the future. This bitch tweeted about wanting lone wolf attacks here in the US. Why the fuck should we as a society want her back here?

For children of foreign nationals.
And that is BASED.
Even if successful,
it cant be applied retroactively
It can only apply to future births.

Shill. Sage.

>Not understanding how the law works

Thanks for playing

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Wow Trump won’t let an ISIS avowing sandnigger back into the country? I can’t believe this! That’s not what I voted for! #resist #bernie

Also, she was born in NJ...to a diplomat. Diplomat’s children to not have birthright citizenship. Look it up, fool. Peace.


also, where was the trial for the american that Obama drone striked because his family member was a terrorist and riding with him in the car.

Non-white people aren't really Americans any more than non-Chinese people are really Chinese.

>What you do overseas is OUTSIDE US juristrication
You can commit crimes overseas. Found this:
>Conspiracy charges in which someone living abroad conspired to commit a crime in the United States
>Attempt charges in which someone overseas attempts to commit a crime in the United States while living abroad
>Theft of federal property overseas
Counterfeiting American money or forging federal documents overseas
>Killing a foreign national abroad with the intent of facilitating a domestic criminal enterprise
>Money laundering

>If her citizenship can be deleted
I would expect it if I went to fight with the sand "people". Fuck that cunt, and fuck you.

Her citizenship was never revoked. She has been denied entry for committing treason because she's a national security risk. The terrorists who perpetrated the San Bernardino attacks left the country and went to Saudi Arabia and were let back in.

>amerifren n-no...

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Spicy shit post.

"So why isn't SHE being taken back?
where is HER trial?"

You still don't get it, do you?

Because the US is not going to make an effort (and waste more money) to return an Ex-US citizien who was dumb enough to fall for IS propaganda.

Trump also clearly says, as the tweet in your picture literally proves, that Trump wants that the EU (not the US) takes back their 800 IS fighters and put them on trial, since all these 800 IS fighters are actually, guess what, EUROPEAN. If you would actually read the sources, you would know. But you're too dumb for that, I guess.

He said they should take back fighters and jail them, not the fighters whores. Nice try.


Damnit when you say that......fuck man. I feel bad i honestly do.


You’re right, she committed treason so she should be brought back and administered the death penalty instead.

>Well First she was born in the US
>If her citizenship can be deleted
No, I'm white and this country was made for whites.
>inb4 you have no counter

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Yes, allow your constitution to kill you. At least you'll have your constitution though.

OP is a faggot. We all make mistakes and have to learn from them. You have probably been given too many chances yourself.

she's not an isis member. she's a traitor. big difference brainlet.

>First she was born in the US

Therefore what?

Trump should bring her back so that she can be summarily executed by firing squad.

Funny how the US and UK simultaneously have their own version of this story running, almost like its orchestrated to make a point and set a precedent.
Of course perhaps its just a total coincidence that, as (((ISIS))) is finally "wiped out" for the millionth time, it is some how newsworthy and relevant to create a media circuis about a few returning jihadis, its not like there have been countless returning jihadis to both countries for a decade.

Jewish terrorists?

His loyalty is to the crown, patriot. Shed no tears for him til he sheds blood for his country.

>not allowing a literal ISIS member back into the country is a bad thing
The discord trannies aren't very good at blending in.

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The only decaying shithole in this thread is your dilator receptacle