Tucker responds to getting BTFO'd


>My bosses at Fox don't tell me what to say, it was different at those other corporate networks but oh no not at Fox we have total freedom these are all my own thoughts goy


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I mean the fact that people think blatantly accusing someone of being corrupt or lying without any basis or evidence or cogent reasoning = "BTFOing" really says a lot.

It's the same as when Jon Stewart called him an asshole on Crossfire and then the left salivated over it for a decade and a half.

It's just "not an argument" and it's the same thing the left alway does. They substitute indignity and emotional accusations (Like "UR RACIST!") for arguments and points because they ultimately can't back up their positions with any facts, or reasoning or logic.

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Like do you know what I mean? It's like "just being mean to someone" does not = "BTFOing" and the left never seems to get that. That's why they think if they get a gang of antifas together and beat up some poor schmuck on the street they "won" something. And they never seem to realize it doesn't work that way.


Stay on The_Donald faggot, your bootlicking hero got owned. Fucking deal with it. Tucker is serving the Jew.

>Like do you know what I mean? It's like
Also fucking hang yourself

I had to turn all of my blockers off to get it to work. Using Brave.

>"Not an argument"
Sorry the truth makes you so uncomfortable tho bro.
I swear this is literally all you people can say. Also "not an argument".

No fucking kidding. That page is serving a ton of JS just to play a video and then the video drops frames all over the place. Guaranteed the Jews at Fox are hiring trannies, niggers, and women to do their coding. Also all that shit is injected to track your you too

It hangs up on the commercials if you're watching live too. It used to be good with an hour buffer, but now foxnewsgo is shit. I just tape all of the primetime shows from all of the cable news channels on my tivo and stream them that way. That way I get good quality video without having to watch ads.

>Like do you know what I mean? It's like

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>Unironically watching TalmudVision

The professor is a faggot, fuck him.

Replace him

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Yeah he's a hardcore open borders leftist but he still BTFO'd Tucker

"How would you prevent tax evasion"
"...Raise taxes"
Are these people fucking morons?

He was completely seething. it's obvious to anyone who saw the video that the guest got into his head and got flustered over it. No hindsight "actually it was the guest who was btfo" from him or anyone defending him can make the video go away.
i now expect it to see it alongside left internet alongside the jon stewart video.

Yeah, I keep it going in one of my monitors so I know what the hell all of you are jabbering about here.

Yep. The Chad Rutger, the Virgin Tucker.

All o this is a coordinated takedown because Tucker has gone as close to 1488 as you can on primetime TV, especially in the last few months. They know he's an actual threat who is NOT going according to his bosses' will, and they're going to take him down. Watch it happen.

*of this

You're a boomer aren't you

This is another attempt to discredit an alt right hero who constantly pushes the limits on asking the jq and has only put more gas to the fire since they attacked his family. he is the only journalist who pointed out Israel gets a wall but we don't? And while the idea fox doesn't censor news stories is nonsense (see Shawn Hannity Seth Rich case) Tucker is the most based man on television one of the few I will actually sit and listen to. The guy doesnt list any names, he doesnt say who tucker carlson answers to or who his supposed puppeteer is in the audio clip it's baseless allegations even the kushner is in charge shills have a name to point at. (Btw nice narrative adjustment to trump is a kike folks makes it more believable to those not paying particular attention to the damage hes done to zionist, israel, jewish PR in america but shifting to that narrative all at once in the past few weeks was a give away if you want people to buy it you need to slowly drip it into the culture like a leaky faucet not like an exploding water balloon.)

Tucker has gone lengths never thought possible for wooden Fox News hosts, he even invited the guy, but it was doomed to happen, just how it is when you want truth, conflict happens, that's natural, but sadly television news isn't natural. He apologized, but muh career still, it might eventually destroy Tucker, but then again why we like Tucker, even if we won't like him in future.

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First trump now carlson. The meme was is over and Republicans got btfo’d

How did he blow the fuck out of Tucker in any way? Tucker finally snapped at somebody who deserves a firing squad. So what.

By Jow Forumss definition, yes. I have no idea who half of the e-celebs you guys gush over are.

That smug dutchman was someone I never would have invited if I were in Tucker's shoes.

Luckily, he's pushed so hard that he'll find something else. He should run for president.

>who is NOT going according to his bosses' will
Hello Fox News shill. How's your shift going?

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Congratulations you have found the male european version of AoC, now go KYS faggot.

Tucker has his own following now independent of Fox.

He's only used to american "intellectuals"

I hate Fox. I hope Tucker does leave and runs for office.

This. Tucker lost his shit, sometimes I hate his screeching, but the other guy was a retard after being civil. So I act like a woman over a guy losing his shit once in awhile? I really don't give a shit.

He only btfo'd himself by being a smug little bitch

>I have no idea who half of the e-celebs you guys gush over are
K, let's begin, class. HW 1:


There was nothing intellectual about that dutch faggot.
No thanks, I don't really want to know about most of them.

Ur retarded tuck had Chuck Schomer's top aid on and basically said why does Israel get a wall but we don't. He's put the ((())) on screen over jew reporters before he's come closer to naming the jew on television than Alex Jones ever did on infowars

There was nothing intellectual about the smug asshole prof. He is a typical smug asshole leftist parroting boilerplate, hackneyed talking points who is devoid of substance. Heavy on arrogance, light on substance. Probably a dipshit just like you.

who the fuck even types it like this?

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This video is proof, that the right will lose the next election. Not even Fox News can defend billionaires anymore.

Short of a war or a terror attack say hello to president Kamala Harris.

Trump won the last time by promising to fix healthcare, he failed.

People live in the treets while billionaires bribe their way through life.

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For free trade capitalists who don't want to pay tax you really beg a lot for god and government to fix your shit.

Reminder anybody against tucker claiming to hate "globalists" is a faggot who wants the white race dead

Not if Trump's primaried by Ann Coulter, but thanks for your worthless nigger ZOG shill post from an American base in Germany.

>Cares about TalmudVision celebs
>Won't watch a Lauren Rose video
You don't belong here, boomer.

They will try to make it a big epic meme but it won't work because they can't meme anymore like in the Stewart days

How can we take a guy who is pro-open borders. Ironically he's the one doing the plutocrats' bidding.

I would say you'll never see a cock sucker in the white house but Obama has already been. and if you really think healthcare decided 2016 or is going to decide 2020 you probably have an iq in the low 50s

I like how Tucker completely if ignored the crux of the argument and what got him so angry (high taxes on the ultra wealthy)


Why don't those Republican billionaires create their conservative promised land? Texas sure likes those Latin signs, workers, food and drugs.

This doesn't just apply to Carlson though, the lot of them are full of shit and Leibowitz especially, just imagine how his career would have tanked if he didn't tow the Viacom line in everything. It's just a big corporate Punch and Judy show to distract from the absolute rape and pillage they're committing.

I've been here a long time son.

Who do you think is funding the agenda this "historian" is aggressively pushing?


tucker shits on Trump all the time wtf are you talking about

Carlson is literally the only person on Cable News to call Bullshit on the Syria gas attacks. When he says "my thoughts are my own", I think I trust him more than would I trust you if you said the same thing.

>I've been here a long time son.

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>hur dur you're scapegoating muh immigrants
>I wannnt democracy

Democracy is collective self-determination. When the people no longer have the right to determine who the people are, because Neo-con fucks and Obongo amnesty types give amnesty en masse to all of south america, it's no longer democracy.

I wonder if the people would be more willing to take care of one another if they actually had something in common other than the pursuit of money, which is one of the things that drives them furthest apart.

It must be nice to come from a small homogenous country where people have an interest in perceiving their ethnic identity and culture.

Fucking Dutch Faggot.

guy wouldn't let him talk and ambushed him with accusations. He wasn't interested in having an actual discussion.

Tucker is really comfy on television, like if it was a Jow Forums thread. People are generally getting influenced by internet's quick insult replying.

I don't disagree, Tucker should have pointed out that Futger supports open borders, and is a big fan of Soros dick. Why does he pretend he's an anti capitalist? He's an academic who gets invited to speak at Davos to be propped up as faux opposition to billionaires who love about 90% of what he's saying.

Healthcare was the top priority in the mid term elections.

Don't worry, he will probably get blown up by muslims and it serves him right

>When he says "my thoughts are my own", I think I trust him
How's the coffee in the Fox News breakroom?

No it wasn't

Moot got beard, what about hair on head? Is he trying to hide baldness in that picture?

Gov just takes money and wastes it.
Notice how all these rich people are dying with multi billion dollar fortunes? They are good with their money.
Yet government rakes in trillions every year, and we're 22 trillion in debt?
And the more the government takes in taxes, the more it ends up spending and borrowing, so there is fixing this.

Concentrated capital is required for an economy to function. It is our monkey brains that make us get jealous when we realize that another monkey controls that capital. We become envious. But it is entirely emotional and illogical to hate a successful monkey with lots of money that is helping the economy.

Tucker is so fucking cringe. Especially that fake laugh he always does, when he gets stumped and can't think of anything to say.

He's literally a non-nigger Jesse Lee Peterson.

Who is this Moot you are talking about?

How come Tucker's show is so ideologically distinct from other programming on Fox News?

He certainly isn't part of the status quo over there. The execs probably only keep him on because of the ratings.

Taxes should only be used for roads and military. Everything else should be up to the people. Maybe gov can trust bust every once In a while.

Yes it was.

Why do you think republicans ran around pretending to care about preexisting conditions suddenly.

>"Health Care: The Biggest Issue of the 2018 Midterm Elections"


cucker tarlson

Nah he's just doing his stretching exercises so that he's warmed up for all the luggage he has to move

Some faggot.

Did anyone else notice in the supposed "Carlson gets BTFO'd" video at 7:05 they show tweets about white South Africans getting their land taken? This is the dishonesty of the Left. WTF does South Africa have to do with Tucker or this debate? Nothing! This is done as a play to the emotions of the Left who want to believe that Africans aren't stupid violent niggers but instead angelic naive children who need special protection from anyone who doesn't espouse Leftism or Jewish Globalism™. This was put in there as purely an emotional play. "SEE SEE TUCKER IS RAYCICST" implying that anything he might stand for is wrong. This is pure Talmud.

Imagine getting BTFO so hard you stop wearing a bow tie forever.


2018 was a referendum on Drumpf

I also had to follow the link to the fox news website for it to play, couldnt watch it just clicking the video on twitter.

Tucker got his show immediately after Trump won. The Jews at Fox noticed the paradigm shift and quickly moved to monetize it. That's why it's different. Tucker is ultimately a shill working for their interests.

GTFO faggot

Tucker is great, not perfect, just great. This will have zero bearing on his career. May actually be a positive as it will bring publicity.

I didn't see a BTFO in that video you posted, just a disingenuous Jewish guy shirking responsibility

You should come join us in 2019

Glad I'm not the only one. IDK why he didn't just host it on youtube.

>the jew cries out loud as he strikes you

If you mean their interest is making money then sure.

But do you think the Koch bros like Tucker, Trump, and the MAGA agenda? Hell no

Christ Carlson did not handle himself well.

>tucker had to stop himself from calling the guy a small brained nibba

>I don't know why a controlled opposition shill would host the video on their own website where they could get ad revenue directly and track you with all the JS on there

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And I read his book and it is clear that he gets it.

CNN isn't any better. They hate universal healthcare. Corporate media just differs on the edges. The right is allowed to talk about immigration, the left is allowed to talk about homosexuals. But when it comes to real change, they're almost the same. Trump slipped through, but hasn't made lasting damage. Howard Schultz is running to prevent a left wing candidate from winning the presidency. Good luck.

>constantly pushes the limits on JQ
Nigga plz. Tuck don't push shit. He says what his handler says. And none of it about the JQ. So shut the Fuck up with that shit, shlomo.

Tucker got his show because O'Reilly got canned. The Trump win had nothing to do with it

Memeflag get rekked.

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I don't know, how's the coffee at shareblue?

This. Tucker has never named the Jew, not even implicitly. He constantly shills for circumcision.

>The Trump win had nothing to do with it

because they've been grooming him to be the o'reilly replacement ever since he got a show on fox. before he always got the drooling retard hippie liberal that he could easily stump while o'reilly got guests that could form coherent thoughts so they actually required effort in trying to dismantle their arguments (which o'reilly could do)

After o'reilly got btfo and ended up getting fired they gave tucker his slot and basically told him to capture all the viewers o'reilly had. that's why some of his commentary deviates form the usual Fox talking heads like hannity and rest of the gang.


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