The left can't me-


The left is currently winning the culture war

Attached: millionaire_funded_by_billionaires.jpg (700x450, 231K)

Other urls found in this thread:!G3oSBQ4b!iUtvCyV6HJKIFi_SFb63Wg

That's not "meming" though.


The fact that you think this is a meme is exactly why people say the left can't meme. They don't even know what the fuck a meme is at it's core.

Also Tucker calling this faggot a faggot is fucking based

There's no meme there you retarded nigger.

This video is proof, that the right will lose the next election. Not even Fox News can defend billionaires anymore.

Short of a war or a terror attack say hello to president Kamala Harris.

Trump won the last time by promising to fix healthcare, he failed.

People live in the treets while billionaires bribe their way through life.

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Keep it one thread. The board already has enough shit threads without niggers spamming the same thing.

The left takes themselves too seriously. That's why they can't meme.

>The left can barely even reach 2016 tier level cringe

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Imagine being this deluded. Tucker Carlson got totally destroyed with facts & logic and he then proceeded to cry like a bitch. There is no other way you can look at this.

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>thinking the Democratic candidate won't support billionaires

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Go get butt fucked by jussie "fake & gay" smutt

Hey, you forgot to shoehorn the word "bootlicker" into your post. Commensurate with your signed communications specialist agreement, you will not be eligible for full reimbursement for the remainder of this thread. Please refer back to the posters' rubric Ethan sent out to everybody this afternoon.

i haven't even seen the video and i dont even know whats going on but i already agree with this guy

>Facts and logic
>Bald cuck claims that even more republicans want higher inheritance tax
>claims the US could simply stop tax havens if it really wanted to while giving no solution of how, or the impact of doing so
>Brings up Trumps tax returns and claims he could be hiding billions
>Zero realization that it's the social programs which are unsustainable
>Zero realization that in a globalized economy if companies are taxes too much they simply can pick up shop and move

This guy had no arguments. Granted Tucker wasn't great here either, but anyone who casually studies economics in the world right now will tell you that this guy is a fucking retard.

>polls say people want higher taxes
There is no reason to believe any poll ever and to reference them as some sort of evidence or justifications is a tactic of Satan.

>lets tax everything goyim

You should read his retarded books for free, he is an idealist who has no idea of the real world outside his box of elitism. He is no different from the people he claims to hate.

After John Oliver, here comes another eurofag

>todays tranny discord shill campaign

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Oh please, tabloids are legitimate now? Into the trash it goes you deluded ideologue. Try again.


Like the guy pointed out we. The majority of Americans agree with the rich being taxed more. I don't really think it is a meme.

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>Trump won the last time by promising to fix healthcare
Lol! Wut¿

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What is a corporate democrat.

you are though and your impending suicide pleases me greatly


Tucker is a melting bowl of jello when he gets the tables turned on him

Absolutely BTFO, what a gigantic phony

just because tucker isnt retarded and didnt shut the cuck down instantly, it doesnt mean there was any sort of victory here.
as soon as the guy mentioned the 50s and 60s, then tucker didnt mention the demographics of the era (nevermind the nationalism or racism of the era) it was a spiral into absurdity.

is that Destiny?

>The left is currently winning the culture war
Well duh. How do you think right wing speakers are restricted?

Ah trying to distract from Jussie Smolett I see

Also Europe was coming out a recasting war that looked millions, destroyed most industry and divided the continent. How a historian cannot connect these dots is beyond me

Oh yeah and shits gonna be the same if not worse with that fucking gorilla in the Oval Office. Honestly, you people just want people in office you don’t have to think about and can just say “yes is okay” while they don’t do shit for anybody but filling people’s pockets that already have a ton of money.

>The left is currently winning the culture war
the real ideas war is between reality and idealism, one side basing opinions on facts regardless of what other people think and the other making stands based on what other people think regardless of facts.
'culture' is malleable and subjective, a culture war is an appeal to delusional retards who think they are living in the marvel universe, who want to be heroic and take down tyrants (but not real ones, just the vague conception of evil they attribute to others in their minds).
they dont have anything like the will or agency to ever lift a finger beyond twitter.

Imagine acting like economics is still relevant: conservatards take the bait every time.

Last I heard half of millennial women won't dare call themselves a feminist or believe in their ideals. I've also heard Hollywood has been destroyed lately due to its propagandist movies and that recently companies ranging from Nike, to Dick's sporting goods to Gillette have tarnished their brands by backing SJW policies. Red pill ideals over the last few years have been adopted by at least 20% of men and will probably reach half in the next 3, as well as a push for more traditional bonds but apparently we're losing the culture war?!

No, but if anything the tiny minority that espouse such beliefs and the shadow elites have entered their final form. Everything up to here including 2016 was just the warm up then and this is the real fight.

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This, this is well said.

Thank you, once again, for proving that the Left can't meme. The only people who need to say "we're winning" are insecure. Try again cupcake.

Literally who?

>both indian war drummer and black hole getting wrecked in a single month
>"but we're winning!"

Good point, lad. Respectable conservatives are indeed gatekeepers of the Politically-Correct establishment.

> Davos e celeb
> UBI, stop worrying about immigration like Drumpf, redistribute wealth Of the money kings
> trust me anons I'm a historian, it seems so obvious as a historian. Can't believe no one ever tried this before

Spot the psyop before it spots you anons. oh and let's get some rest enough internet for the night, no?

>majority of Americans

According to what rigged poll?

>didn't even remove Hillary Clinton


Gee, I wonder why there have been dozens of threads on this one nothingburger about a faggot and Tucker Carlson losing his cool over said faggot's relentless stupidity.

>Historian doesn’t understand how nationally aired TV personalities can be millionaires without the existence of political bribery
>Muh only money is dirty money
>Thinks globalism is a scapegoat for capitalism on the right, doesn’t think capitalism is a scapegoat for globalism on the left
>Muh false dichotomy
Tucker’s response was the correct one