The daughter of a close family friend loves me. The problem is that she is 14 and I am in my early 20s...

The daughter of a close family friend loves me. The problem is that she is 14 and I am in my early 20s. She has texted me that she loves and misses me after I moved to another state. Came back for the holidays and she texted me to have a beautiful day and that she loves me with bunch of heart emojis.

I was rejected when I was her age and that destroyed me, I still feel sad when I think about it. I won't like to do the same to another person and make them feel shitty. What would one do in this situation.

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not be a fucking pedo and tell her this inapropiate and she shouldnt talk to you like that then telling her parents?? Dude your in your fucking 20's do you seriously not know what to do in this situation? You was rejected when you were 14 and your still not over it? wtf grow up my nigga everyone gets dubbed.

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Block her number. Don’t feel like you owe her an explanation. Teenagers do stupid shit all the time, you don’t need to entertain their embarrassing behavior

Reject her

Talk to her parents. Ask them if they want to arrange a marriage for their daughter. Marry her in a state where 14 year olds can marry or wait til she is 15/16 and then enjoy your long lasting loyal lolifu marriage.

The fact that you don't immediately tell her you are too old for her and that being together is illegal is a bad sign.
Don't know what weird version of America you've been living in but no state like that exists.

She’s a baby brain minor and you’re a pedo looking for an excuse. You’ll get none from me. Your an adult. Act like one.

This. I highly suspect you've been reciprocating affection to a degree that others will recognise when she comes forward about this.

End it now and face yourself honestly before this mutates inside you.

It'll be alright.. just wait 4 more years

Thanks for the advise guys, I have blocked her phone number

will all the pedo and shit stuff going on, I still think it's cute and I wouldn't want to break her heart just blocking her. Explain the situation

I would hang out with her but not have sex with her because that’s illegal. But that’s just me. Young girls make me super happy for some reason. Not a pedo I swear.

ERRRR wrong answer user... the correct answer is Utah and Alabama allow 14 year olds to get married with parental consent

Still a pedo. 'Pedophile' isn't necessarily sexual, even thought that's usually the meaning. It just means "an affinity for children". Creep.

Younger girls are....very manipulative.
I was catfishing at 12.
Block her immediately.

Of course its the two retarded red states that's full of niggers and spics anyway that allows such degeneracy.

You're a 20 year old that didn't develop past a teenage/childhood trauma and now you're seeking to relive it through a family friend's daughter because she's the age you were at that time.
On top of that she is a 14 year old.
14 year olds are retarded, cut her off and screenshot any text conversations where she made moves on you in case she goes insane.

DO NOT go after her
Start socializing with people in your own age group.

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you know your gonna die alone with that attitude right?

Don't fall for the trap. You're an adult. She's a child. Make it absolutely clear that there cannot between anything between the two of you. Case closed.

You can hang out with her just don't make it romantic/sexual and be in group not one-on-one. Otherwise it's weird. Yeah yeah puberty, but wer

-re not just animals that fuck as soon as it's possible
Wee human beings bro.

Cut the crap. You’re saying everyone who likes kids is a pedophile. Some people even like them so much they base their career choice on them.
Not every teacher/nanny/daycare attendant is a fucking pedophile you dumb shit.