Why is JIDF so afraid of Tulsi?

I saw that this thread was shoah'd. Is she too politically incorrect for Jews that they need to memory hole her? She must be doing something right...

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Strange how even this image of aggregated jewish comments has been effectively blurred out. Why is she such a threat to jewish faggots?

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wtf I love jannies now

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>christians united for israel
wait, what? how is this good or bad for Israel?

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idk. media linked her with russia so if i were a dem she would be my girl

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Because she opposes war.

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>Open borders cunt
Fuck off with this shilling campaign you kike faggot

Fuck you kike. You've been spamming Bernie threads nonstop all day for the past 2 days and you actively suppress organic threads and users because you're pure evil.

yeah they're really going into overdrive to try and bury her very early on.
funny how they're really pushing Bernie the Cuck now, as if he didn't suck Hillary Clinton's ass in 2016 for everyone to see.

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It's not gonna work because her opponents are gonna be indicted by Robert Mueller.

you're the one deleting these threads, jewish faggot.
just leave.

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>She must be doing something right...
Or she's really awful and you gaytards are spamming her way too hard to make up for her her awful polling numbers.

>Shilling open borders candidate
>Y-your a kike
Fuck off schlomo. No ones falling for this gay shit

>polling numbers
fuck off, jew

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so why is she being buried? AOC threads are everywhere, is it because she's a massive retard and Tulsi is based? Hmm...

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You know she worships some weird guru in India and was raised as part of a strange cult, It would be the same as South Korea with a Molochian cult with an even better puppet

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>Unironically pushing for open borders and giving illegals citizenship
Funny how you are not addressing either of these positions that Tulsi holds.
Typical kike deflection

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>Anyone who doesn't agree with me is a Jew
You're a faggot
I hate her because she's a Pajeet nationalist and anti gun.

I'm asking the questions here, faggot.

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Nope. Democrats are 100% scum and Republicans are 90% scum.

ok, that's a start. .
but still, why is she being deleted when other niggers are being promoted? can't answer that huh?

Her parents are white tho

Trump was a democrat once upon a time too. why do you think dems can't be infiltrated? Still avoiding the argument of creeping censorship on Jow Forums.

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I don't know I'm not a janny
Why are you pushing an open borders anti gun candidate so hard is the real question Jewboy

>but still, why is she being deleted when other niggers are being promoted? can't answer that huh?

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Stop breaking rules and your garbage threads won't get deleted.

because you faggots won't stop shilling this card carrying member of the council of foreign relations gun grabbing open boarders globalist. but the really insulting thing is that you are trying to pass her support off as organic instead of the forced meme she is.

I don't know faggot.
How about not being a little bitch and stop spamming this dumb cunt.
>Her parents are white tho
Look, I know you're not white and can't tell the difference.
But she's half Pajeet.

>breaking rules


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not an argument

I'm not pushing her, just noticed this odd discrepancy and the fact that she is against Jewish faggot wars is good enough for me. You can see the Jews trying to shut her down. So Clearly I'm not a jew, I just want some fellow autist s to help uncover this.

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>She actually pretends to be a soldier.
Dude she's a dicksucker.
Her military career is so cushy she basically rode a chair when she wasn't riding dick.

A Tulsi thread is okay.

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>but muh polling
Remember that your only argument is based off of polling. classic jewish tactic.

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Well, yeah. You're one of them.


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thanks, friendo

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and this is a bad thing, why?

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Where did you get the idea that I oppose Tulsi?

Biased polling isn't the same thing as polling being bad.
The individual state polls predicted the 2016 election very well.
Seriously, she's a meme.
Single tour of duty, and no combat.
She either sucked dick to become a major, or she knows powerful people.

>I'm not pushing her I just make multiple threads a day for her!
Yeah fuck off
All Democrats are shit and she is no different. Actually, she's far worse with illegal immigrants then some of her contemporaries
>Immigrants shouldn't have to learn English
>Illegals should have quick path to citizenship
>Borders security fine as they are
>Welfare should be available for illegals
Hate to ruin your shill thread by bringing this shit up

I just wanted to know what all those jews and twitter were saying about her, then I found out that whole thread was deleted.
Have you ever heard of the Streisand effect, retard? I personally don't care too much about Tulsi, I'd rather just have Trump another 4 years, it just seems odd that the whole political machine is trying to bury her from the very beginning. you don't do much critical thinking, do you?

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Nigga the Democratic party and their minions bury people all the time, I don't give a fuck and you wouldn't either if you weren't shilling for this whore.
Btw I'm not bumping the thread so don't feel obligated to respond :^)


>they need to memory hole her
same with styx unfortunately. he'll openly mock her for no reason, never brings up bad points about her

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The jannies occasionally get off their fat asses to do their jobs and delete threads for the OP being shitty bait or spam. There's no conspiracy against Gabbard you mongoloid.

Exactly. I wouldn't care so much if they didn't try to bury her. Now she has my interest.

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>their jobs
false. mods truly are worthless jewish scum.

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Wow you're right! Thanks for the image!!1

Stop shilling this lady if you want her to make an impact. No amount of buzzwords will turn people towards her. In other words, the board will naturally turn one way or another, and any amount of overshilling will drive people away from her.

Trump was natural btw

quit shilling that open borders gun grabbing leftist whore. All fields, as usual.

Tulsi is jidf you mossad faggot. Knock this shit off.

Calm your hairy tits, tranny.

>Trump was natural btw
Trump was because he was an IRL shitposter who trolled the fuck out of his opponents.
Even the apathetic Jow Forumsacks were drawn to that.

i won't be patient i won't explain you are a brainlet and you should feel bad about it

>There's no conspiracy against Gabbard
There actually is one, outside of this board. DNC stuff.

>implying OP isn't jidf

Come up with a new strategy. It's not going to work this time. Do you know where you are? Passing in a sea of piss


Her cult ties are one major part of it for me

>Thanks for the image!!1
Just asking a sincere question. No need to be a rude faggot.

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being hindu?

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Fuck off.

I hate the word "shill" so much, but you are an actual shill. Lurk moar

take it, faggot.

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Check out Jimmy Dore's latest podcast on the anti-war voice, pretty informative.

>look at me I used the word "faggot" on an anonymous imageboard

She needs a chance.
Is it because she's Hindu?

>Open borders
>Gun control
>Expand welfare
That should be enough to stop any interest.
The only reason they are against her it's she is not a socialist or warhawk. Unfortunately every other policy of hers is shit.
Not addressing any of these things really not selling the "I'm not a shill!" Line you're pitching btw

>She needs a chance to turn the country into Mexico 2.0 by giving every illegal spic voting rights and leaving the border wide open
Fuck off Pablo

stay mad, faggot

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Nobody cares about her 'policies', pleb.
It's how she'll affect the campaign.

He is.
Your advanced Jew shilling will have no effect on me. The thing people need to realize is that you intelligence services will use any and all devices and tactics to keep people arguing about nonsense. Tulsi is a woman, therefore I will never vote for her. Mossad, CIA, DIA, MI6, etc.. want us all in a self imposed paralysis. The only power they have is being able to watch everyone. Fuck Israel and fuck ZOG.

this. the dems need to splinter as much as possible.

>advanced Jew shilling
>meme flag
nice projection there.

hes right
and i sage your shit lil shill thread

What now? Faggot.

>Because she opposes war.

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Look up the cult her parents joined and where she is “wreathed” by the leader as well as her personal commitment to their guru

All three Abrahamic Religions suck.

He switches IPs and then continues on about nonsense. Typical.

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She is some strange form of Hindu you foul Odinist/Atheist