I noticed a thread with this in it, think it was a gay hate thread. But regardless it got me wondering, if this is all true what does this mean for the gays, for all of us, and how can we change it. Didn't want to go to /lgbt/ for this, because all i'd get is "we need to be more accepting to gays" or some evassive bullshit answer like that, so Jow Forums will have to do.
What can be done?
Other urls found in this thread:
We live in a dying world. I don't know what can be done user, but just promise me, never, EVER stop being angry
> 28% of gay men have 1000 or more sexual partners
See, here's where you lost me. That's idiotic. The only reason I don't dismiss the image completely after seeing that is because I already knew a couple of these facts. But consider losing that one, it's absurd.
Don't argue with me, doing so is just retarded.
That is true, it's sad to see these kinds of things affect people that (while not all the time) live believing their lives are awful. Even if I don't agree with they are personally.
Read this book.
It details the propaganda they used and still use on us.
Yeah that part is complete bullshit, it's just the rest that concerns me
Thanks user, i'll have to look into this closer when I have more spare time. honestly it looks very interesting to sort of reverse engineer any kind of solution out of this.
Its not BS . I worked the counter at the local porn book store / theater . I saw on the monitor 1 guy in the theater going up and down the isles sucking anyone's dick who wanted it . Each dick counts as a sexual partner . I threw him out of course as was policy but how many did he suck before I noticed ? I worked there for 2 years , he was there every Friday and Saturday . I only saw him 2 days a week , how many more guys was he fucking around with ?
Even though I agree with you that this is largely false, I think you might be misunderstanding the statment. this refers to a survey held by Alan P. Bell, and Martin S. Weinberg, two american psychologists. In the survey they report that 28% of gay respondants (I haven't been able to find the exact number of respondants, I apologize) said that they have had sexual encounters with around 1000 people in their life time. I'm not certain if you knew this or not, but i'd rather be safe.
I did look further into this claim, and i've already stated my revised findings, but i'll have to ask you to take that case as an individual rather than the whole group. you can't take a single case of a cock hungry bum as an accurate depiction of all gays.