When is it okay to KILL an animal?

When is it okay to KILL an animal?

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when it exhibits signs of communism

When it steals your bike.

When you're hungry.

already sent all of your threads to CIDF. have fun in jail bughuman. nice apartment youve got there in toronto


>godamn glownigger ai bots are on point tonight

Thats faster than the euthanasia drugs. I figure the horse felt less with a bullet.

Hey look, at least he used a good caliber
You see these lefty fags posting industrial farming videos where they shoot them with fking BB guns or some shit.
A horse is expensive, I dont see why he would kill it for the sake of it

lol I remember this video. Right before he shoots the horse he says "to all you animal rights activist.. Fuck you"

When it's food or ending suffering or annoying

>the way the horse walks towards him before getting shot

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It probably had an incurable disease. What's way worse is when ppl can afford them and they slowly starve because peta made it where you can't slaughterhouse them for dog food.

>grievous, painful injury that can't otherwise be solved
That's about it, unless I missed some specific hypothetical circumstances

Will this be a one post OP thread?

asshole texan

Ik man. I wanna believe that it’s better for the horse to be dead but it feels bad man.

If it is in pain that is untreatable, is causing harm to other creatures, or for food. This would include things such as nuisance animals like boars, or animals attacking livestock, or animals encroaching on a foreign environment that they are not native to. Other things could also be the promotion of breeding habits such as killing to increase the number or decrease the number. It would probably be easier to define when it is not okay to kill an animal.

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Its okay, user. The horse didnt feel any pain. It was like a light switch. As far as it knows, the man loved it and truely wanted the best for the horse. Its in a better place.

Im back

Niggers stink enough as is.
I cannot even fathom the smell of that pic.

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snitches get stitches

shut up, nigger


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You would suck fuck that she-beast don't lie

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I would butterfly effect 2 the fuck out of your dog

It's always okay, humans are the dominant species.

>people ITT thinking you can humanely kill an animal

delusional retards, all of you

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>When you're hungry.

fucking tell me about it.
this is the 4th leaf thread with muh extreme animal abuse

I had to shoot my doggo in the middle of the road after he got hit in front of dozens of people.