Why aren't you a socialist, user?

Why didn't you donate $27 to Bernie?

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the government created most of the problems socialists complain about through corporate welfare, billion dollar subsidies, and regulations that strangle small business and benefit corporate america. They CREATED "wealth inequality" and "wage slavery" (specifically via an anti-union law known as Taft-Hartley) so when you tell me that the answer to the problems we have today is to surrender MORE of my rights and MORE of my liberty to the state, I consider you the purest form of sociopathic evil and the absolute epitome of "objective metaphysical evil".

I mean, IDK if your post is a satire or not, so maybe I shouldn't say "You" are objective metaphysical evil, but anyone who supports socialism or tells me to accept it certainly is.

Because I spent all my money on firearms. I need them for the coming race war. Without out them how will I kill spics, niggers, and kikes?

I don't have enough money to do that at the moment.
Wait until next week when I get my unemployment cheque.

but i am

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IV Reich when?

january 30.


what's his bench now?

I´ll wait.
Deutschland über alles!

if we fail, ill just come over.


Match me bro

Because socialism is satanic

Now in my heart.

I'm a National-Socialist. Gabbard 2020.

Imma make a fake donate to bernie fund after a "tragedy" of sorts to cash in on the emotions of retards. LIKE A REAL SOCIALIST

You know user, nothing in this is over

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>Why didn't you donate $27 to Bernie?
Speak for yourself, dude. I just cashed in my 401k and donated it. Get on my level.

>Why didn't you donate $27 to Bernie?
But I did

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because socialist are without exception also cultural marxists

There's no such thing as cultural marxism, dummy. That's something some uneducated right-wing nutjobs made up.

If you mean that we're inclusive of everyone, then yes, you would be correct.

No thank you. Warts and all, I prefer living with the economy we have now. Every socialist I have ever talked to tells me in different ways that the government will have absolute control of my life. I don't want that.

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