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What's wrong with having mixed race kids, pol?
Blake Perry
Jordan Rivera
>Half Jewish
>Half Nigger
>Full Faggot
Gabriel Brown
Do you know why they push interracial relationships so hard? The answer is retarded, but racist as fuck.
Jace Price
He dindu nuffin, goy.
Nathan Wood
Don't keep me in suspense....
Gavin Rodriguez
Colton Rogers
You'd have to whoop them all the time.
Cameron Lopez
they're born without souls
Jonathan Torres
Blacks are poor. In a world with finite money, the elites can control a larger portion if they have more blacks. They use a one drop rule to decide who is black so half black kids are black. They also count brown people as black so it is similar for half mexican kids.
John Ross
Nothing, they're rootless slightly stupider and don't care about their heritage, the perfect golem
Nathaniel Adams
They all become a bunch of attention seeking faggots with personality disorders. Half breeds are mentally unstable.
Luke Stewart
I do know but I'm not gonna tell anyone. I, like you, am a faggot.
Charles Martin
>hundreds of black people murdered in Chicago every year
>police don't bother to solve any of them
>one black guy commits a crime with no victim
>police put all their resources into prosecuting him as quickly as possible while leaking damaging information
explain this
Jose Johnson
Bentley Mitchell
shut the fuck up kike
Kayden Lee
>elites can control a larger portion
Non of that matters if your control group isn't productive in any way, as niggers aren't.
John Smith
Productivity is meme. Money is about control. Machines could do the overwhelming majority of jobs, but these jobs keep people busy with things other than paying attention to the crimes of the elites. Go to an average office work environment and just walk around like you work there. You will notice that it is just people wasting time.
Xavier Hernandez
>no snitch rule among blacks
>blacks distrust cops as it is
>blacks predisposed to criminality
>no amount of money and "dem programs" dumped into a bottomless pit seems to change this
>thug culture
Well gee Sam, I'd LOVE to hear YOUR assessment on the current predicament among our cultured Basketball Americans.
That, and your proposed solution!
Try not to strain yourself
Luis Hernandez
>finite money
How does this exist with central banks?
>implying lots of money makes people rich
Daniel Mitchell
Lmao the schemes of a jew but the execution of a nigger
Dominic Cox
>Machines could do the overwhelming majority of jobs, but these jobs keep people busy with things other than paying attention to the crimes of the elites.
Not true, work is important. Stop pretending people's lives are meaningless and it's arbitrary where the money goes, user.