According to BOFA, 1/4 lurkers on Jow Forums are newfags

According to BOFA, 1/4 lurkers on Jow Forums are newfags.

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The Sugondese people are an ethnic tribe that have been isolated from Human contact

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Could you stop?

Holy shit stop posting animal death what is your problem just allow people to talk politics in peace you retard

These lil furry niggas dindu nuffin :'(

Shoveldog was never good

this shit is old as fuck and literally nobody is shocked by it

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Dafuq is Jow Forums lmfao?

Haha oh wow I was not expecting that

It should be 4/4 lurkers because newfags should not be fucking posting.

I literally can't watch it


this kills the oldfag

Look im an oldfag but I don’t watch gore cause I’m not fucked in the head, would you mind stopping posting this all the time? Thanks in advance sweaty

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always a fucking leaf with these shit threads
fuck off

Me neither desu.
Necklacing? Good stuff. Dog cruelty? I break down into a quivering mess.

Lmao dude this one is hard to watch too. Literally cannot watch these xD

The one that always gets me with humans is the one where the Vietnam veteran kills the GA state trooper with a mini 14, dude picks him apart like a puzzle and you can tell the officer is scared. The god damn death rattle gets me every time

Kill yourself.

i'd turn 360 degrees and walk away

You came to the wrong board mother fucker

Saw this same post on LIGMA earlier faggot

Go back to

Kys underage newfag

Mods mods mods

It goes in all fields

Wew a leaf. Fuck outta here lil shit.

stale old shock-spam

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YouTube removed that one, but didn't remove other animals being eaten. So you can't say YouTube isn't right wing.

it kills the newfag

I'd necklace you vegan incel

no it kills people with souls
i would gladly to your kind what happens in these videos

Imagine the scrawny dude behind this post.