Career goals and how to reach them

Hello anons.
I'm a CS freshman and I'd like to get advises on how to prepare for my career post-uni.
The way I picture my dream job would be something that involve traveling a lot and coding on airports/plane. I don't really need much free time, because I already spend pretty much all of it doing computer science related stuff.
Any idea on how to reach this goal ?
Also as a choice of major, I'm hesitating between Cybersecurity and A.I., what would you recommend given my situation ?

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>coding on airports/plane
I couldn't think of a worse fucking thing. The only thing I want to do on a plane is wait and stare at the seat in front of me until it's over - good luck problem solving on a plane. It seems like you're a trendy faggot that just wants to be seen to code. I suggest buckling in to your room and getting cosy with your keyboard like the rest of us.

Is there something special about your situation? I don't get why you added that.

Anyways, the obvious answer is to do what you enjoy more. I don't know anything about IT or programming but maybe getting some security IT certs will be useful if you're planning to go into security. I heard a CISSP is highly rated in the IT world.

I don't really wanna live in a single place. Sorry, english is not my mother tongue. What I meant by "my situation" is "taking in consideration my goals"

Okay, thank you! I'll look it up

Try to get a job as a consultant with one of the big companies. As for traveling you're not going to be doing much of it or at all, until you have several years of experience.

Okay. Though I've heard that "consultant" was a very broad term and didn't actually mean much, so... Could you please precise what type of job that would be, and what kind of career path should one take to do that ?

You will travel on business which is on a tight schedule and not relaxing. If you go at all.

I think you forget that the job is not a valuable skill alone anymore as tons of people can do it. You aren't special and will struggle to get a job at all, and not a great one. To freelance and work abroad means having money to start with and having a unique valuable skills.

Even models who are sent abroad to work share small hotel rooms and make almost nothing. People sent with companies are expected to do a trip on the weekend to conferences and fly back in to work the next Monday.

Your dream job doesn't exist unless you are already rich or you are well connected.

Both Cybersecurity and A.I. are good to get into because both are becoming more relevant as the years go on. Cybersecurity is big now and will be big for a long time, A.I. is a fast growing field as well.

Lots of money in these fields if you can specialize in them as well.

Reach out to people already in the field and ask them how they got there and what its like - most people have a twitter now so you can pretty much get through to anyone.

>CS freshman
You are literally getting into debt to become a glorified factory worker.
Enjoy your co-living and shifting schedule too.

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My greatest asset is that I'm a student at one of the best ranked CS schools of Europe. That could help. (Each year about 25% of the grads go to either google or amazon, and 20 more percents go to WS or The City)

Great ! Do you know what would be the perks of one compared to the other ?

Thank you for the advice. That's what I'm trying to do.

Not in debt at all. School fees are affordable in the EU.

You don't apply as "consultant", you are right. That is an assignment that comes much later when you have more experience. For starters apply to a company like ibm for any fitting role. You can't afford to be picky right out of college.

Yes but you have a fantasy idea of what business traveling is like. You aren't likely to jet around the world coding. It's not even a reality unless you were successfully freelancing or owned your own business that operated more online than in person. I don't know anyone in these fields who really travels much. They are far too busy.

Okay, again, thanks a lot for the help.
And while we're on the topic of applying to companies, some say that working for startups/building your own startup is much valued in a resume because it shows that you can work a lot and handle projects. Is it true ? And if so, is it worth working for one instead of a big company ?

Okay, then could you please tell me more about what kind of life people in these fields live ?

You won't find a job after 30 because the companies won't raise your salary for you to pay food and rent for wife and kids when there's an ocean of teen retards doing the exact same for a quarter what you'd be asking.
It's more likely to get hit by lightning and aids at the same time then that you will invent something like skype and sell it for millions.
Anyone doing this meme shit degree will end up as a system admin at a large chain store making mobile apps on the side as a living.
Only top 1% of the top 1% will keep on getting paid in their 40s and that's because they are in a domain that can't be automatised yet and security tech needs lots of experience.

You seem bitter. If you've had any personal issue and wish to talk about it, I'd love to be there for you.

No I am mid 30s and make more with selling shit like a fucking Jew in Eastern EU than my ""smarter buddies"" doing coding in Western EU countries. Can clearly remember them boasting of 140IQ's just like cucks here on 4chinz been doing for long.
It's literally the same pattern irrespective of decade.
Intorverted virgin autist that can solve rubic's cube but can't tie his own shoes avoids people out of anxiety thinking he'll be rich from clicks and pixels on a screen while it's all about manipulating people and cheating on your taxes too, as it always has and will be forever.

not but agree. You don't need to be smart to make heaps of money.

All anyone needs to do to get heaps of money is master how to sell.

I do agree on that. And I honestly don't think of myself as smarter than the average Joe. That's very much why I'm collecting information. Then I'd like to ask you about how to master how to sell.

You sound very asshurt. Those introverted virgin autists you describe aren't smart. But then again neither are you. There are plenty of opportunities for talented people in their 30s and 40s and 50s. But you only see the world around you, which seems to be talentless hacks.

Mind telling us how much you make? Because in eastern EU living costs are much cheaper so you might think 2k eur a month is a lot.

Big vs small companies vs startups, for building a resume it doesn't actually matter too much, much more important is what you accomplished.

Okay. And how do we measure "accomplishment" ?

Something you can put down on your resume that shows you did things that added value to the company.

>responsible for project x, led a team of 5 people that successfully completed the project on schedule with a contract worth $100 million

Things like that.

Got it!
Thank you so much for your help, user.

a) start reading books on selling - go for the non-guru type books

Heres a couple

"How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling by Frank Bettger.
Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar. ...
Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness by Jeffrey Gitomer. ...
To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others by Daniel H. Pink. ..."

Now the second thing that you HAVE to do.... is PRACTICE CONSISTENTLY - find what works for you and what doesnt. Consistent practice is what seperates the people who succeed and who don't.

I'm not what I call a success, but I do know that consistent practice is what differerentiates the failures and the successes.

Just start a business selling something. Start tonight. Chuck something on ebay or gumtree - easiest thing to do. From there, its just finding out what works and what doesn't - you don't have to read books or watch videos, but it will save you making mistakes yourself.

I'm not rich, but I know why I'm not successful in sales. I read shit, but I don't put consistent effort into it (which I am changing as of this week)

>what would you recommend given my situation ?
Find jobs that sound interesting and exciting. Apply for them and pick the most interesting and exciting one that also gives you a sense will help you grow and learn, baring in mind that no matter how smart you think you are you don't have experience so you don't get to be too picky.
Work hard for the next 10 years, always take on more tasks and more responsibility if they're given, but remember to learn your limits. You can always give tasks or responsibility back, that's being humble, just learn and don't make the same mistakes again.
If you're any good by then you'll have a few papers or conference presentations under your belt. You should be able to figure out how to get into a role that sounds like your dream job from there over the next 5 years or so.
At least based on my experiences and observations. You might be able to get there earlier through a contractor route too.
In general, keep that as your goal. Its a cool goal. But focus on the short term right now of landing your first job. You need experience. Good luck.

Thanks for the book recommendation. I'm going to read them asap.
As for sales, I don't know much what I could sale right now, but I was already planning on writing few apps online that could get some (low) passive income, so I guess that marketing those apps would be similar to the process of selling.

I see. Not trying to burn steps indeed seems wise. Thanks for the support !
And when you say that papers and conference count, do you mean academic work like a PhD thesis ?

This shit wasn't made by me at all.I was poor af as a kid and when you are hungry, cold, desperate you'll learn wtf you need to do. There's no book nor class for it. Only fear and the real shit.
You are like a fat fuck wanting to be ripped and doesn't know it takes years of hardships and illegal roids.
>gimme the quick tricks
Kys, that's my advice. We're having a stock market crash soon, tech is a very flimsy shit.

Use your crystal ball.

>And when you say that papers and conference count, do you mean academic work like a PhD thesis ?
Could be, it depends on your specific area
It doesn't have to be academic, I was thinking more about conferences which are (usually) annual events where the latest work in a field is presented back to others in that field.
That kind of thing will let you travel and network which often will lead to more travel and networking which perhaps moves you closer to your goal.
But you have to put in the work first of course!

Thank you, your advises really were insightful.