What would you do if your friend told you he had sex with your girlfriend and sincerely apologized?

What would you do if your friend told you he had sex with your girlfriend and sincerely apologized?

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I bet he wasn't as sad when he was busting a nut on my gfs mouth

Fuck those pieces of shit, I would get them out of my life

He's a really good friend of mine though. I'm even kind of grateful since he's now showed me the true nature of my gf

Punch his face bloody and hers too.

>a "friend" uses you to have sex with your gf
>solely her fault

Cut them both you pussy. He isn't your friend. Friends don't try/get to fuck your SOs

That might not be in compliance with the law.

I'm actually not feeling that pissed as of now

I would cut them both off. They both have clearly acted without any regard for how you would have felt. Kudos that he told you but unless you're a cuck you don't need those people around you.

>my gf
Wait, she's still your girlfriend?
But these threads are pointless because you always make us fish for details. How did he gain access to her, had you fucked her recently, did he know she was your gf, were you exclusive at the time, why did he confess, why did he fuck her, etc. and so on.

Either way dump the girlfriend. Dump your friend if he understood what he was doing at the time.

Have sex with gf to make it even, than kick him from your life.

His gf*

Why do people think like this? If a guy does something shitty to you without provocation, it doesn't even the score to do something he doesn't care about and with provocation. To hell with that. What OP needs to do is forgive the friend and then fuck his mom for no reason at all.

You should cut both of them off

would you fuck your friends gf? thats crazy talk

but this man did.

its not like they randomly found each other in a room super drunk and it worked out. they were texting, they were flirting, they were giving signals, he wanted to take her, and she wanted to let him.

you cant forgive that, shes a whore, sure, but your friend betrayed you, thats messed up

OP, don't listen to these tards.

Good friends are hard to come by, and it takes a large amount of trust to tell you something as big as this.

Your entitled ato be mad at him still, but I'd definitely keep him if hes gonna tell you about that.

This would kinda make sense since a third party (the 'asshole' friend) isn't really the responsible one in this case - the girlfriend is.

Cuck advice. If he fucked your GF crearly he isn't your friend

How is he not responsible? Did she rape him? I don't think so

You can’t pin “trust” to him confessing and not pin “trust” to not fucking his girlfriend, for example.

OP, your “girlfriend” and your “friend” broke your trust. He was only decent for not hiding it, it doesn’t diminish the weight of their deeds.

Well, he's not the one who committed to a
romantic relationship with this guy.

>You should cut both of them off
that is probably best advice

1. Friendship over
2. Relationship over

>being ok with getting cucked

how is he a good friend you moron?
he could have chosen to let willy stay in his pants and continue to be friends but he clearly choose not to
it doesn't matter what he did afterwards

it's not like we talking about a 40 year old marriage that could get over something like that

Get a better friend.
Get a better girlfriend.

So 90% of people would just cut them both off?

Whenever I see these threads I am so grateful I have self respect. If someone betrays me I will not allow them to be near me.

Betrayal is a pretty major thing to overlook.

You're leaving out a lot of details. This depends a LOT on context, what the relationship between you and this friend is (How long have you known him/how close are you? Guy you've known for a year or so but aren't super close? Long time friends with a lot of trust and mutual respect, to the point he's almost a brother?), what the relationship between you and your GF is (how long have you been dating? was it exclusive? Fairly casual thing that started a month ago? Girl you've dated for years and were considering marrying?) and so on and so on.

Me? I'd be deeply hurt regardless, and almost certainly dump the GF. I've got one friend who I might forgive depending on how things went down/what the build up to it was. I've got several friends I'd tell to fuck off and block their number. The sincere apology makes a significant difference to me, but it still depends on how close the friend is.

TLDR: Depends on the context, and who you care about more.

>Long time friends with a lot of trust and mutual respect, to the point he's almost a brother
>Girl you've dated for years and were considering marrying

these. Apparently my girlfriend has been really frustrated with the sex we've been having and she happened to search passionate sex from the wrong place.

...didn't talk to you about anything to do differently or try differently at all...?
he didn't tell you she was coming on to him / she didn't tell you he was coming on to her...?
break contact with them both, and add him to your list.

No excuse for a lack of self control. Imagine being so KEKed to your id that you dance like a puppet on strings and ruin relationships just for the dopamine rush. Your crypto-prozzie slattern girlfriend and your '''''''mate''''''''''' dun goofed. Fuck them both off lad.

You're being sparse with details so I really can't offer much advise. This is clearly complex and you've got mixed feelings on multiple fronts, so talk, in person, to someone else you trust. It'll go a lot faster than strangers on the internet with several minutes between replies and no background knowledge whatsoever.

I'm assuming that your laconic responses are partially due to surprise/shock, which would mean things got bad enough that she cheated on you and she hid it, you didn't notice, or you ignored it. You've got bad communication problems, so something was gonna go wrong eventually. Based on what little you've told me, I'd talk to her and try to figure out what went wrong (how much of it was my failure to listen/let her talk about tough subjects, how much of it was her failure to express herself in a healthy manner) then end it.

But that's me, someone who has never actually been in this situation. Don't base your major life decisions on anonymous advice from Jow Forums. Everyone here either is or was severely fucked up at some point, or hopped on the 2016 election hate bandwagon. We're repeating what we hear from the psychologist's couch, not professional opinions from the chair.

Talk to someone who knows you and can be a sounding board. If you've got nobody but those 2, hit up a relationship councilor. Be honest with yourself and your listener, don't try to talk yourself out of being hurt, betrayed, mad, confused, depressed, sad, lost, happy, or just plain in denial about the whole thing. Get it all out there and go from there.

Had several friends that kept trying to fuck my gf and I am no long friends with any of them.

Furthermore, the gf of one of my other friends came to my house unannounced and without him and confessed she wanted me, nearly begging at a point. I told her no. It was not hard to do even though she is fucking hot. No pussy is worth that price and had I fucked her I would not expect his forgiveness.

Murder them if it didn't ruin my life.

wow so edgy

And this. It's just an indecisive piece of shit OP, or a guy roleplaying. Sage.

Kek'd before you corrected it.

Dude he fucked your girlfriend.

He didn't do it to be nice he did it to fuck your girlfriend.

what if she fucked your friend just to ruin your friendship. Woman do that.

So my best bud got a handjob from the girl who was actively trying to convince me she'd make a great and faithful girlfriend despite her nature as a slut.
That said, he was literally asleep when she started and he told me basically immediate and prostrated himself before me essentially for forgiveness. I gave it easily in that case.

On the other hand if he made a move in consciousness he might be a shitty person you romanticize

You should get back at her by fucking your friend.

OP, please provide context. How did it happen, flirting or a long process, or did he get drunk and get seduced? Did he try and take responsibility and legitimately apologize, is it something he clearly had immediate remorse for?

Fill us in man.

>>Long time friends with a lot of trust and mutual respect

Ahahahahaha dude. He fucked your girlfriend. He didn't warn you that she was asking for sex off him, for all we know he asked her first. He doesn't respect you, and you were clearly an idiot to trust him not to fuck your girlfriend that you've been with for many years, so I don't know how you can say there is mutual trust and respect.

Honestly fuck that dude, imo he is even worse than the girl, he's probably laughing about how he cucked you right now and you didn't immediately best the shit out of him. Cut him out forever.

Flirting for a couple days, then she asked him for sex, met at his house and the dude messaged me the next morning showing remorse, at least if he's speaking the truth.

Then fuck him. That's too much. Flirting is where it draws the line. It's one thing at night if he got drunk and she took advantage of him, and I have no doubt his remorse is genuine but that required some thought. Ask him why he would do that instead of letting you know. Make your decision off that.

Kill them both user, it’s the only way to restore your honour

Depends how long. If it was right after it happened you can think about forgiving him.


Listen to this op.

Forget about your relationship, friendship, and all of that dumb shit for a second. These are two human beings that had a sexual attraction to each other and had sex. That's the reality of the situation. It would really only bother you if any of those labels mattered to you.

Who cares if they fucked, your life shouldn't revolve around either of them. If it bothers you that much, then just stop talking to them and move on with your life. If it doesn't, then forgive your friend and tell them both you don't give a shit.

For real, don't stress yourself out over mundane bullshit like this. That's how you bald before 30.