Wtf happened to this board?

wtf happened to this board?

Attached: leftist_Discord_4.png (1506x718, 408K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Post the full list of usernames


Jews and trannies

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JIDF happened and now if you don’t shill for the most openly pro Jewish President in American history, you’re a jew. MIGApedes fucked this board into the dirt. Pic related is who continues shitting up this board.

Attached: 2FF6C30E-ADF0-412E-A03D-795461A111EF.png (944x4013, 662K)

That screenshot is over a year old


Imagine being so far behind the curve you think /pol was invented for Trump supporters

Nothing he said there is incorrect. Saz is based and redpilled.

Also, prove if you’re going to use muh Discord trannies as an excuse to label all criticism of your le epic GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE, you better prove it atleast instead of providing some shitty doctored screenshots.

Attached: Muh Discord Trannies.webm (945x646, 1.09M)


why don't these people have anything better to do

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>an entire team of hostile invaders tries to subvert Jow Forums
We need a firewall

We must be the retarded board on Jow Forums.

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Sigh... I hope your at least using a different computer for that spyware program.

>Trump is a neocon Jew angle

Attached: Trump.png (720x1229, 602K)

Jow Forums is a muslim shithole now

No, you just need to continually gorepost in (((/ptg/))) until the MIGApedes fuck off.

Discordtrannys redpilling themselves

2ND EDIT: 40/40/15/5
EDIT: 35/35/25/5
I think it's safe to say the breakdown of posts on /pol is in the 30/30/30/10 range:
40% are shill/bait/psyop original posts from organizations (ShareBlue, CTR, JIDF, etc). Telltale signs are softcore/anime porn, the "Why are [blank] so [blank]" posts, "redpill me on [x], /pol" posts, "1 post by this ID" posts, BMWF scenarios, meme flags, and anything following the Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook (mocking, name-calling, divisive, accusing, etc.)
40% are honeypot/psyop posts from organized alphabet niggers, sniffing out information people are willing to divulge, share, link out to (the "What do you really think about [blank]" posts), or to persuade, or to use you as cattle in their Google captcha, or to test their AI. Look for meme flags, "Does /pol really think...?" type of posts, "I'm feeling sleepy. Aren't you feeling sleepy, user? How about a nice little nap." replies, the "playing dumb" replies ("Someone catch me up on [x]"), dismissiveness, concern trolling, posts with no ID numbers,
>pic related
and, most frightening, getting called out by direct and insistent reply (you'll know this one when that chill runs down your spine, crawls across your skin).
15% are "normal people" like you or me, coming here for information, news, opinion pieces, the occasional happening. We look at /pol like a fun political weather gauge. Nothing more than that, but add the bantz. Toss into this 30% redditors, T_D fags, boomerfags, Qfags, summerfags, nufags, oldfags, Christcucks, commies, libertarians, Nazis, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, not to mention the thousands of people visiting from all over the world at any one time; and you've got a sewer of attitude and opinion and shitposting.
Then there's the 5% autists, the planefags, the arrows-on-images fags, the guys-its-really-fucking-happening-get-in-here fags, the redpillfags, the blackpillfags. Bless them.

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You are attempting to put Americans against both Trump and Israel and although I’m falling off the Israel wagon I know Trump is doing what he can. You are doing nothing beneficial and are trying to hurt America therefore you are a Jew.

And here he is.

Attached: 16B3D1ED-77DC-4507-8A76-BEBD938A60EE.jpg (960x947, 171K)

And scat.

MAGA trump 2020 I lost faith today but I found my second wind. You won’t win. I’ll stop you.


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This. Real top shills use IRC and Telegram.

>I’m a jew because I am not shilling for the most openly pro Jewish president in American history
Why did you ever leave r/The_Donald?

Every time obvious shills like you post I get a little stronger because I know we’re scaring you and we’re winning.

Based. Seems you got a little bit of German blood in you.

>repeating the same line twice
Media tactic.

i bet that discord is full of trumpniggers using this to discredit criticism toward their fat orange god

Israel will pay. You are human garbage for hating your own species and will burn.

literally this is the only thing that happened. 80% of current users came here during the election.

Has no-one noticed the stars of david are being crucified in that picture?


Funny isnt it

>yfw Jow Forums

A board on a shit show website filled with weaboos, shut ins and every day social drop outs- holds so much political and social power through its commentary that left wing political groups/radicals, law enforcement agencies, militaries and intelligence organizations have to have people monitoring the site 24/7 posting propaganda, anti-trump rhetoric, bait, anti-white lies, shills and disinformation.

Literally just a board on a kenyan watermelon trading chat room makes very powerful ((people)) on the opposite side of the fence shit their pants.

Imagine that.

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Yup. I just don’t know what all this winning feels like.

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We stopped globalism in its tracks by getting trump elected. The CIA guiding these useful idiots on discord can’t compete. Let this be another bay of pigs.


What happened is ‘they’ got scared of a autist bunch of fags that change political discourse. But what do I know... just some new fag here, that needs to lurk some more.


>I am jewish because I am not shilling for the most openly pro Jewish president in American history
You see nothing wrong with that logic?
What species would that be?
Woah wtf, globalism has been REKT EPIC STYLE with FACTS AND LOGIC? Dude, that’s like, BASED and REDPILLED man.

It got radioactive.

It just bothers me that so many Zoomers consent to the crazy shit that D*scord is allowed to do with their personal data not the mention the fact that it literally logs all data from other non related apps.

Like no shit that's how they make their money.

Attached: Minnie how bad things really are.png (850x580, 657K)

why is everyone using the same shot desu? It kinda seems fake if this is the only screenshot anyone can use. 1 group of shills and it gives retarded 12 year olds a scapegoat they think they can shut opposition with, seems too convenient...

they're truly the worst people. Have an insane amount of free time to only go out of their way to take down others.

At least Jow Forums neets are funny

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i'm just here for the bantz, straya
the clowns all hate our refusal to take them seriously

I don't have it sadly, its just apparent there's a flood of these dirtbags

You’re afraid.

>the most openly pro Jewish President in American history
Hyperbole much? How many wars for Israel has he started compared to the last few presidents?

Pretty good post user.

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>You see nothing wrong with that logic?
In his defense, you are trying to reason with a newfag that thinks a "firewall" is needed to protect an ocean of piss from getting pissed in.

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Trump is a kike
end of story

You are a nigger and a faggot.

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The answer is in your picture. Stupid ass.

>You are attempting to put Americans against both Trump and Israel

OYYY VEYYY, NOT ISRAEL, THAT IS SO NOT KOSHER DUDE!!!! go back you fucking plebbit

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Shills really did a number on this board.

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retards like you really wish we had r9k mode on so your post would get denied for being unoriginal

Trump is a neocon you stupid leaf

but who else is better? we lose either way

PIZZAGATE SUB IS BACKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ITS BEEN UP FOR 11 HOURS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's that anime?

Lol you dumb niggers think you're the only trolls.

I’m shaking in my boots rn. What will I do when confront by (you)? Pic very related, Shlomo.

Attached: 47E2E28B-5B02-437A-B3E8-542F9A90AA9B.jpg (2448x3264, 693K)

>haha look at this staged discord pic now you can't criticize le BASED alpha chad god emperor xD

no one really cares, you losers will die off anyway

fuck off back to tumblr

Thankfully, Iran will finally be liberated and taught to MIGA just like us, fellow pede!

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>You are attempting to put Americans against both Trump and Israel
HAHAHAHAHA why did you come to this board you boomer civnat (((patriot))) human peice of shit? kys.

>their pompous comms in discord
>hurr we produced discord for a few hours, WE'RE TEARING THEM APART

lololelolmao war is controlling chaos what do you think we do fag

Don't forget Venezuela, we need all the brown Venezuelan immigrants we can get!

Pic related. He literally is now.

Attached: 3835DB07-AD3B-4A6F-8E81-A2735A2AEB75.jpg (925x1086, 210K)

If you can't spot the newfags, that means you are one. This shit is clear as day to the oldfags.
Bitches don't know about the classics. Memekeys open the doors.
If the meme is newer than 2014, then so is the poster.


Nobody uses Tumblr anymore gramps...

>Not wanting to have the largest number of people come into the country, but LEGALLY!1!1
Hmm, sounds like someone’s a tranny from Discord.

Attached: 79EA3376-9F74-4765-961C-3AC66803196F.png (800x800, 327K)

Do you always congregate in a single thread? Or only threads in which your cover is blown.

>Read the file name
Anyway she's from and old three part series called 'Gunsmith Cats'. Literally a story about Jow Forums tier waifus fighting the ATF and Chicano corruption.

Maybe consider giving it a look.

Pretty much, any dumb ass who makes an account to go argue with them has pretty much fallen for the trap. Next they'll be black mailed and will have deserved it for well being retards.

Attached: Rally 1539991767926.png (757x568, 1.64M)

because Jow Forums invented raid culture and karma is real

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Just notice how certain son in law is only mentioned 1 in the entire catalogue.
Anyone else?

CNN fact checked that quote and (no joke), they determined that it is false

yep, my not wanting more fucking refugees in this country from ZOG wars is giving me a tranny pussy, where the fuck is my dilation station!?

I have always been pro-trump, but I can't help but admit that Trump is pro-israel.

And most of them are trannies lol

>when your bullshit is getting called out by too many people so you call them shills to deflect

"follow the plan" right, 'pede?

>Trusting CNN (((fact checking)))

are you fucking retarded?

Hey nigger how about you find this imaginary board and stop trying to astroturf my spooky trannies. Burden of proof is your

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MDE never dies

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I welcome them, if your resolve is so weak that you influenced by these faggots then you might as well be them.

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They recognized their true enemy and are trying to gaslight, consensus crack and D&C. All the chans are getting it now, turboyids spending hundreds of millions to control all high traffic online discourse now. Nothing to worry about. Wait until they start using AI's to have believable conversations. This might be one right now typing this.

Attached: THULE.png (1116x1331, 1.03M)

The trannies must be getting their beauty rest.

What these fags don't understand is that the primary movement Right was not on Jow Forums.
The Chans are the only thing they can get their hands on.
You know they're discord trannies because they think culture is created in culture, because that's all they know.
They think they can create it so they fear any media interaction that is not theirs.

But the truth is, this all happened in RL and the Chans are the symptom, not the cause.

They can shill/AI/D&C all they want. It won't matter because we all have to live in the shithole they DID create with their culture media tools.

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can't touch this

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>Implying Trump is NatSoc
What did Trump mean by this?

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Attached: DiscordTranny.jpg (1177x892, 296K)

Coping mechanisms to use when faced with facts.

>Slide thread
>Discord trannies