Oregon is proposing the strictest anti gun control measures in the country currently...

Oregon is proposing the strictest anti gun control measures in the country currently, they want to lower the voting age to 16 and now this what a ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((coicidence))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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jews were a mistake

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i can tell you us rural republican oregonians are getting fed up with the tyranny of eugene and portland, its widespread and dare i say, palpable

Future high school classes will just be holocaust and gay studies lmao. We were supposed to have computer science and Calc 3 in high school by now. What happened. I need to stop coming here I'm losing my mind.


Its the most shilled god damn thing in history class. Are there schools that don't teach it? Or is this because a lot of younger kids don't believe it happened? The increase in antisemites? If so their overreaction to younger generations googling shit and finding holocaust denier arguments is insane. If its to make antisemites seem more evil, they don't seem to realise people can believe in the Holocaust and still find Jew behavior disgusting.

Actually I enjoyed holocaust education.

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If I hadn't gotten endless holocaust education, I might never have noticed how absurd the whole thing is. Maybe I just got lucky that way.

I enjoy teaching it
>elie weasel every goddamn time
Those cunts shit on just about every Jewish figure to exist with zero remorse in my classroom and it warms me up inside like an oven

They will just move away and be replaced with illegals and Californians. This is what the Democratics want, Kate Brown compared republicans to a dog she had to put down recently.

Prozanski says gun bill is dead BTW.

can't they let go of the holocaust? it's been decades

Lol, no so many more being proposed currently, that aren't in the news.


For (((them))), it's passed down genetically.

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>when we all have our, dont need to take holocaust class liocences.
Who's laughing now bugers.

But seriously the blatant propaganda in schools is inane, think it has somthing to do with the Prussian system of education.
Think about home schooling your kids.

We already have this standard. You just feel weird and uneasy over the topic when younger.

So you can cast a vote to change the course of the nation but you can't drink or smoke? So basically you can't enjoy anything out of life, you have to just be a good little juden and do what your kike masters tell you too

>Holocaust education
What the actual fuck? How can this be anything other than strict jewish propaganda?

Even from a normie perspective... WW2 is one of the most significant events in this country's, and the world's history. No question it gets covered in every school in America. And of course the holocaust will be included, how can you even attempt to cover WW2 without mentioning it?

Even in a fake redpill classroom scenario, they would teach the holocaust propaganda and fake smokestacks etc. wood doors etc.

It would literally never be not covered. Why is this even a thing?

Also voting age 16... of course to get more blue votes. This is so stupid.

Based Jews destroying the minds of white children with guilt.

>Also voting age 16... of course to get more blue votes. This is so stupid.

Democratics have so much power in Oregon and the ORP is so cucked, that they just openly mock the conservatives in this state with laws like this.

I got banned for 30 days for posting this image on FAKE BUCH. Posted in a comment. They don’t see the humor in it? The younglings don’t know this is Captain Kirk?

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>voting for 16 year olds
Literally arguing your policies are for children.

I promised the kids Ice Cream for lunch if they would vote for me for their Governor.

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we are fucked here in oregon, it's like 50:40:10 democrat/reupblican/other yet our legislator is a fucking democrat super majority. Both our senators are giant democrat faggots and 4 out of 5 of our representatives are shitty dems too

we were a swing state when I was born, the fact this happened in my life time pisses me off, and it's all because of commiefornia refugees coming here and voting for the same shit that's destorying their home state

>Literally arguing your policies are for children.

Oregon SB 501 was literally written by children (((5 round mags 20 rounds per month, weapons license, one gun per 30 days)))


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Local secession committees of correspondence.

Although from what I understand according to all the main newspapers, everyone in Eastern Oregon under the age of 45 is actually an illegal Mexican immigrant.

Yep we are fucked and Sam Carpenter got fucked again by the ORP because they re-elected the same cuck to ORP chair who thought knute was a great choice to run for governor.

>under the age of 45 is actually an illegal Mexican immigrant.

California in the next 10 years.

Is that Ann Coulter?

I live in Salem and it fucking sucks here. Plan on moving to Virginia.

Are you serious? Link? Or should I just Google it?
I hate that fucking dyke.

Even our Republican officials are centrist faggots.

We shit on Ben for labelling everything, but it really is helpful

The entire state is ruined. The fucking Californians did it. We should have firebombed houses and gone full IRA but we tolerated it. Now my home town is full of shit brown people. This happened in less than 10 years, fucking unbelievable.

Good point.

Honestly how long are they going to keep this up?
It's been over 70 years already other genocides occurred not just this one,why is this particular genocide so important?

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Time to move or form the State Of Jefferson. As a matter of fact, it's long past fucking time for Jefferson. Even a lolbertarian utopia is better than this niggerfied commie shithole.

*Laughs in 3d printed magazines, buddies in other states, and a small stockpile of 80% lowers*

Barrels, uppers, handguards, grips and stocks aren't guns, children


>old enough to vote but not drink or purchase a gun/get married/fuck in some states

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It should have happened 50 years ago. This country is complete ass and I don't want to live here yet there really isn't anything better. I would rather go out swinging.

Seething incels ITT

The Weak should Fear the Strong

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you won't go out doing anything but weezing as you stuff more cheetos into your mouth

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Thanks dude. Holy shit, this bitch needs a bullet in her head really fast. Maybe someone should give it to her on their way out the door.

t. Gresham

You have to get with like-minded people. The best thing whites can do right now is dig in, network, stock up and build families while we watch the shit collapse. Once it's rotted enough, then we make our move.

Nice bait, dude.

oy vey thanks for your rocket goyim

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Sorry bud. While there is a sizable presence of neetfags and scum on this site, there's also a lot of hard-working people itching to garrote shekelberg when the dominoes fall.
Enjoy the ride while it lasts.

There is no strength in kike rats who deceive and manipulate.

There is no strength in crying victim as they do.

wouldn't it make more sense to teach what caused the war instead of a Muslim wet dream?

>jews telling the truth
All they want is to start up more wars and nation-wrecking.

She going to put a bullet in our heads first, I hate this cunt so much. Can't wait for the next cuck the republican party gives us for governor.

>"I don't think we should force gay sex on 12 year old boys we should wait til they are at least of voting age at 16"

>Willamette week: bigot governor says gay sex is a choice and the state should discriminate against it!

Enjoy hell, Juden.

Lower-end estimates include that byDavid Hemenway, a professor of Health Policy at the Harvard School of Public Health, which estimated approximately 55,000–80,000 such uses each year.[8][9]


Compared to

In 2012, there were 8,855 total firearm-related homicides in the United States, with 6,371 of those attributed to handguns.[9]In 2012, 64% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides.[10]In 2010, there were 19,392 firearm-related suicides, and 11,078 firearm-related homicides in the U.S.[11]In 2010, 358 murders were reported involving ariflewhile 6,009 were reported involving ahandgun; another 1,939 were reported with an unspecified type of firearm.[12]


Remind me again why these retards want to ban guns. Defensive gun use far outpaces gun homicides, even on the LOW END of estimates made by leftist college professors. These stats are gun grabber kryptonite.

There are 4 kinds of anti-gunner.
>The person who just doesn't know about the subject, so they just repeat whatever talking points they heard growing up
>The stupid person who has actually been educated on the subject, but it went in one ear and out the other
>The crazy person with an increasingly tenuous grip on reality that projects their insanity onto other people as a defense mechanism
>The evil person who wants disarmed victims
You talk to the first, ridicule the second, lock up the third and fucking shoot the fourth.

Anybody STILL genuinely believe that banning guns is going to help anything?

That's why kikes get black bulls to do all their dirty work

Communist revolution requires getting rid of guns. It's very simple. Anybody who is against guns is a communist subversive. Done an done.

i would have legit honestly enjoyed the fuck out of holocaust class if that existed back in the 90s.

hell, in sunday school we bullied the lady with questions like 'what bout dinosaurs?? huhuhuh????' till she left and got the pastor to answer our questions so i imagine if schools start having holocaust classes it will ironically just encourage kids to ask questions. like 'why the fuck are we having a holocaust class?' lol

stupid jews

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>Holocaust education
They probably want the holocaust to be a much bigger part of the curriculum. My only exposure to the holocaust in highschool was reading Night and maybe a couple of paragraphs in my US history book, that's apparently not enough for shlomo.

there was no genocide in the camps
no order existed to genocide anyone
the US national archive has all the SS death certificate records but they're Top Secret so they won't honor any FOIA requests.
only a lie fears being exposed and circles are doing their best to keep the lie alive.
>The Auschwitz Files by George S. MacAlister

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>can’t get the spics in to vote
>better lower the voting age so Timmy can vote for free shit instead since he’s a retarded 16 year old

Don’t forget Ashland. Though it’s not as big, it is filled with leftist scum

Because they get to win the oppression games

Methford balances it out if that's what you prefer

Back to plebbit faggot, plenty of people have been here for honestly too fucking long, grew up with it, started careers and family, you’re here forever, that’s just a fact

>enjoy the ride while it lasts
The ride never ends

virginian here, exact same shit is happening except the state will go full NY in the next 10-20 years because of colleges, DCites and gubment workers

have you guys noticed that people don't really talk about world war 2 anymore? its always just the holocaust.

No, nobody talks about the holocaust. It's only my old WWII grandparents who talk about what they'd seen.

Yep, because fuck everybody else, WWII was only about the Jews and everyone else that died in the war, multitudes more than muh 6 gorillian, is irrelevant

Except that students already spend like a month on fucking holocaust shit in world history. And US history. Every year that a public school student takes history they WILL cover the holocaust in detail for at least 3 weeks. With numerous assignments, essays, and stupid fucking projects. This is where I first started to question the holohoax.

Maybe, just maybe there's something about white supremacists murdering women and children on an industrial scale that sickens people to the core and makes them want to ensure history does not repeat itself. What do I know though?

german here, it isnt bad to learn about the shoa or others...

Voting age thing is stupid
Gun laws do not work(Chicago)

I think you whites are going to really really have to suffer before you wake up, if that ever even happens.
This world is truly a joke.

The communist democrats also want to get rid of the voting age to make it even easier to let the illegals who they want to flood in per the Kalergi Plan vote for them back into power. These are the kind of satan-worshipers that the kikes like the best.

>communism has never been tried

same people


I plan on moving to Virginia to find some work, then building a house in West Virginia. My girlfriend is there and I plan on building a house for us and our family while we wait out this shitstorm.

>aliens listen to story and horrors of the 6 gorgillion
>aliens send message back
>"In other news, Israel now demands that the alien race they recently discovered and named, the goyims2.0, must pay them billions in reparations."

The Jews getting their guy Trump into office has galvanized them in a way and to an extend we will probably never witness again. He is their puppet and they will try to take every inch they can get in every facet of society before he leaves office.

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No dude, it's Hillary after she got some rest and started eating healthy.

it's any talking head bimbo on any news station in the country

Most of the people voting for this and politicians that want this shit are actually white.

But old enough to get their dicks cut off. That's what matters.

That have been brainwashed by bullshit perpetuated by the kikes. Don't fight the puppets, fight the puppeteers.

nice thumbnail retard

Same thing in Washington. Damm Californians.

this is called getting KIKED

You cant be worse than WA. We have the worst senators and fucking Inslee's faggot ass

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You don't learn about the Holocaust in the US? No wonder so many of you morons think it never happened.

I live in oregon and it fucking sucks, liberal cesspool.

>hey guys never forget that one time we were faced with literal racial extinction
>never forget that we had it coming because we had pissed off the entire Germanic peoples by wilfully wrecking their society for fun and personal gain
>also never forget that we didn't really even do anything to try to stop it even though we were warned well in advance that we were in danger

I will never understand why the Jews must perpetually remind the world of their most humiliating defeat. Ever since I learned about the holocaust, I can't help but to think of the jews and Israel as some retarded kid who got bullied on the playground by the big kids, so an adult intervened and bought them their own little sandbox so they'd have their own place to play away from the big kids, but they have to share it with another retard kid who got bullied too (muslims), but they hate each other.

Nice play, user.
West Virginia is the best state. If I had a choice I would resettle there.
Godspeed to you. Go make a family with that based girlfriend and be happy.

Playing the victim has them in control of all our lives while the Western world is literally on its knees.

It works on your stupid, empathetic goyim brains incredibly well.

Fuck I need to leave this state

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