Strike and mike 52


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sup kike shill my paywalll buddy lapsed

Listening now. Sorry poorfags

I'm poor but at least I do IRL white nationalism. better then most niggers here

Gimme a sec I'm uploading it


I name the Jew to strangers (only men) that can’t judge me or fire me. It’s quite fun!

I'm part of a couple orgs and do weekly meetups.

Sue the Jew is a based idea

(Basically, a team has been assembled to be the ADL of whypippo and sue the shit out of anyone who talks bad about whitey.)

It’s based because even being sued wastes a heap of someone’s time and resources. Perhaps a quarter mill even. Whereas these dudes are lawyers who can do it in their spare time.

god I hope a pay posts it so i dont need to wait til wednesday

>being sued wastes a heap of someone’s time and resources.
Yeah. I would hate to be sued. On a personal level is also extremely stressful. Whites should also engage in lawfare. Fight fire with fire. The problem is, the SPLC, ADL, and the thousands of other Jewish organizations have unlimited funding. The SPLC is said to have around $400,000,000 - $500,000,000 in its war chest, and an army of Harvard trained lawyers.

sup ryan

I don't know if we can win lawfare, but its better than getting waco'd trying WN1.0 stuff.

Paylords please

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I don't think the guest knew what kind of show he was on. Around half way he does a strawman against fascism. Very strange

It's only ten dollars just pay for it like a normal person

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i am right about to go to gym



plz post plz plz

fuck you

>off-topic jewish podcast spam

Trouble is, any lawyer who becomes identified as a pro-white activist will be disbarred on some bogus pretext. Sure, go to law school, go $150K in non-dischargeable debt, and then lose your license on some trumped-up charge and go back to working at a convenience store while paying off your law-school loan for the next 20 years.

what's wrong with it?

Fuck you Fuck you dirty jew.

Do any of the links work? I hate getting "Rick Rolled" by Jews.

Why do you keep posting the same link

gib show now you niggers

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Was in thread earlier. Reposting.

Still works, it's a long show this week. almost 3 hours.

Thank you friend

Attached: 1498166908582.png (567x642, 288K) a mixtape link?

based nigger

have some mommy milkers

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no that was what was posted in the last link. I think functionally it is the same as mixtape. Within chrome it just starts should be able to past that link into VLC or whatever.

LAst thread I mean. but anyways.....should work the same as mixtape.

I was just sharing some bumper music until some payfag ponied up ;) jk-this nigga' was trolling :)

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What's the appeal of this show, I already stopped listening to kikelord pienovich, so why does this show even exist

> (You)
>Was in thread earlier. Reposting.

can someone please upload this to youtube, no way am I listening to a 3 hour show at 1.0x playback speed


bitch, can you upload it yourself? someone already provided a link to the audio. you convert it

>bitch, can you upload it yourself?
Ha aha! Correct response.

Hot takes, dude, and deep next-level thinking. How else will you know what to think?


If they haven't done anything now then they will never do anything later - they failed, they have shown everybody that even rioting is useless, the elite will just ignore you until your numbers dwindle and you all to back to watching the newest tv show

Ayo, gibs me Mike n Strike for free!

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