When will the Left and Right unite on climate change?

When will the Left and Right unite on climate change?

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>When will the Right buy into the Left's scam agenda?

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fuck off venti --- still waiting for full frontal

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when the left stops denying science

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when people realize its the sun, and taxing people wont change that fact.

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When you stop promoting hoaxes

until china, india and eastern europe unites as well its pointless

Never, I would go to my grave fighting leftists every step of the way and knowing I was right to do so.

Never, this is how you know it's a lie:
When something that seems like it shouldn't be political at all becomes a polarizing right/left issue (global warming, abortion etc.), that's a clue that one side (almost always the left) is majorly lying to you about the situation.

Global warming propaganda is tied up with many NWO features:
>green/science religion replacing God
>wealth redistribution from white countries to shitholes
>climate czars with marxist/leninist power and doctrine set to tax life itself and control all aspects of the global economy

The actual science shows that CO2 forcing is negligible at best, if human's influence is even measurable against natural forces (like the sun, cosmic rays, etc.). Meanwhile best estimates cost the world untold trillions of dollars to even have a chance at holding back a small amount of imaginary warming, versus simply adapting to any changes over the next 100 years. (ice cap meltdown is a SCAM and LIE and has been disproven many times)

Of course it's the sun, but green house gases are exacerbating the planet's heat retention. Whether taxes will have a substantial impact on gas output is debatable though.

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When the left stops following sarumans word

when we can actually agree on fucking ANYTHING, which we can't because the democrats have finally "graduated" to being America's exclusive minority-interest party

When they both stop being free traders.

Shortly after the sun explodes.

When we can finally agree to exterminate the third world hordes, the only thing that will actually save our planet.

I just tune out all the background noise and calmly let both sides know that nuclear is currently the only realistic solution.

At least Mini delivered. who ever the fuck that is

When it actually happens.

by now most republican voters believe global warming is at least partially man-made. there might be some disagreement over what if anything should be done in response. but the deniers are a minority of the country.

When I unite my face with Venti's tits

My rudimentary understanding is that carbon emissions creates a greenhouse effect and the heat from the sun cant exit the atmosphere back into space so earth becomes warmer.

i have 2 issues

1. I think it's really easy to manipulate people into gutting their own economy to achieve an insignificant change, while also crippling the US on the world stage

2. No way you can convince me that we don't/won't have the technology to adjust the carbon levels in the atmosphere at some point

Left and Right unite on climate change if WaterWorld happens,
or if Sun Nova bakes and floods the planet and kill half of humanity.
Anything short of that, go fuck yourself ecofaggot

When she takes her right titty and left titty and turns my dick into a boob hot dog.
Until then, fuck you.

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>2. No way you can convince me that we don't/won't have the technology to adjust the carbon levels in the atmosphere at some point

We already do, we can take atmospheric CO2 and revert it into hydrocarbon chains. It just takes more energy in than it yields. But a company's are working on it.

when the left and right unite they will see
the error of their gays.

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