Guys i can't get over the fact that my GF isn't a virgin...

Guys i can't get over the fact that my GF isn't a virgin, despite the fact that she only did it a couple times with her previous boyfriend and deeply regrets it.
Being one myself, I've been paranoid about the whole virginity for a while, almost obsessing over the idea of intimacy and exclusivity through sex. Because of that I'm having this crippling disappointment that is starting to make me a little depressed.
The killer is that I don't even think less of her for it, I'm just fixating on this one misstep she took like it completely changes who she is.
How do I overcome this problem? I don't want it to become a problem that will be a major point of contention down the road and I don't want to depress myself either.

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>Girl has consensual sex in a relationship, with her boyfriend
>This is somehow a bad thing according to OP

Never change, Jow Forums.

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I KNOW it's stupid, please advise me on how to change my mindset.

Don't settle!
Keep her around so you get some sexual experience, but don't settle for someone who has a history you're uncomfortable with.
Genetic material from her previous partners will have irreversibly integrated itself into her body and she is forever tainted.
Find a debt free virgin with no tattoos, it will be worth it.

You can't. The only remedy is a bullet to the brain

If you're seriously that far gone that you can't even deal with a woman who has consensual vanilla sex in a serious relationship before you, then shit faggot, I don't even know what to tell you. You are mentally damaged. Too much Jow Forums browsing in your formative years. Sorry, try again next life

Pic related, it's you

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Get laid desu. You only feel the way you do because you're a virgin yourself. Once you share that experience with her you'll be okay. You'll discover that you can still be intimate with her.

Realize that virginity is a social construct, and yeah I'm sure you recoiled seeing that but it is true. Also realize that she is with YOU and not anyone else. What is the point of dwelling on something your girl did before she even met you? More importantly who cares? If it eats you up then fucking leave. So she isn't a virgin, what's the issue? You're not entitled to anything, but if you want to get that "pure virgin" bs then go find a chick who is. Also realize people can lie too, so if you ever did find one there might be a slight chance she isn't, which should show you the insignificance and absurdity of dwelling in such a mediocre idea that virginity is everything. If you like her then be with her, because hell she schose to be with you so don't fucking blow it. Godspeed OP

>Don't settle!
>Keep her around so you get some sexual experience, but don't settle for someone who has a history you're uncomfortable with.

Listen to this gentleman

He’s just a baby afraid she’ll laugh at the way he fucks. So pathetic.

You could always try losing your virginity to some other virgin, then come back to your gf

Yeah you kinda have to do that to foreign dna if you don't want your immune system to attack and destroy every time it gets into your body. If women's bodies didn't do this babies wouldn't be born. I don't know why this little factoid is trotted out constantly, it's such an autistic thing to do.

>What is the point of dwelling on something your girl did before she even met you?
So you know what she will do in the future. Humans are nothing if not consistent. Blustering about how she "chose you" relies on a childish black and white notion of how reality works, expecting everything to be taken at face value reliably and if anything goes wrong then you must have screwed up somewhere.

Don't have sex with her, save your virginity for another virgin.

>she only did it a couple times with her previous boyfriend and deeply regrets it
>deeply regrets it
>I'm just fixating on this one misstep she took
I don't get it, what was so bad about her ex-boyfriend? Or is she just saying this to soothe your autistic insecurity? user it's not like she was a slut, she got into a relationship and it didn't work out. That happens. There are very few people who only have sex with 1 person for their entire life, you'd have to get REALLY lucky with that first partner.

This, men are such disingenuous little assholes. There isn't a shred of integrity here, he's just worried he'll look bad. Could you just imagine this basket case trying to raise a son? Nah man, there are enough useless violent socially inept monkeys consuming the planet's resources. DO us a solid and stay a virgin.

But in this case, her past behavior was having sex with one guy in a committed monogamous relationship, so... isn't that a really good sign for how she will behave in future relationships? What's the opposite of a "red flag?"

Accept that you will most likely never end up marrying the first girl you bang. The odds are highly against it. Odds are you won't be a virgin by the time you meet the person you will marry. If this is true for you, accept that it will end up being true for most other people, women included. For the most part, assume that any future potential romantic partner has already been intimate with a partner. It isn't the end of the world. It is just part of adulthood and life. People don't wait around to experience sex. For the most part, people find a romantic partner they love, and then they bang. It is completely natural.

yes listen to this and be alone forever with your idiot fantasy.

yeah he ruined himself mentally by falling for the false sense of belonging and superiority by incel.

Kinda motivational, thanks user

I usedd to do this. Just keep telling yourself it's in the past. It hurt me too but I think that's normal. It's just jealousy dude, you love her. It makes sense.

ITT: deflowered roasties trying to drag OP down to their level

OP here, i know myself and that's not really the case. put it the realest way. Maybe just getting over it and fucking her is the solution

Look when you’re all alone an 37 years old, this will be a meaningless concern when some girl finally says “hi” to you in a bar.

this thread definitle attracts some ROAST presence

Man, I didn't realize this was such a big deal. I'm thankful that I lost mine condomless with my virgin ex. I still suck with women though.

You're a cuck OP. Hate to break it to you. It's ok. Some men enjoy other men fucking their significant other. Nothing wrong with it. It's not like you have to prep the bull or anything. Just accept that you're the inferior man. A superior man took your gf's virginity, you can keep her around or not. Either way, you're still a cuck.

Awwww what did your Mommy tell you when you told her?

It's funny how incels on Jow Forums will only accept virgins when they are literally bottom of the barrel in the male hierarchy.

>DO us a solid and stay a virgin.
OP isn't that enough motivation, do it just to spite

Yes actually

You only feel this way because you're a virgin. I felt the same way. Get laid and you'll realize sex isn't some magical thing

This post is obvious satire.

Get real, virginity is a made up bullshit concept used by religious nuts to shame people for fucking outside marriage. Its completely arbitrary and should have no impact on you or your relationship

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I can't fathom settling with a non-virgin. It's like eating a sandwich that already has been licked and expired.

Listen OP, women imprint themselves on you based on deflowerment. If you don't pop the cherry, chances are great that you are nothing more but a notch in her long belt of seeking someone better.

What you experience now is your primal being that is throwing up huge red flags, society and the thots in this thread are merely trying to get you to lower standards. Believe me, you will never feel at peace if you settle for used goods. I'm Arab muslim btw.

You can tell who the roasties are in this thread

You can tell who the incels are in this thread

Same advice as the last thread.
The person you love is the sum of her parts. She's who she is because of what she went through.

I'll bet she cherishes the shit out of you, because she appreciates what having a more caring boyfriend is like.

Why does she regret fucking her boyfriend?



these anons probably love themselves some cum dumpsters

she's just saying that to soothe OP's autistic insecurity

it's normal for girls to badmouth their ex as some fucking villain but in reality, they're just putting up some shit to hate

fuck her..break up... then the next time you will be normal

You're not upset about her non-virginity, you're insecure about your own, and being with someone more experienced than you is causing that to flare up. And I don't mean sexual insecurity, but relationship insecurity in general. The fact that she's had feelings for someone else, the same sort of feelings she now has for you, and it didn't work out. It's like being reminded of your mortality, you're experiencing these feelings in a real way for the first time and the unknown prospect of them dissolving and repeating for a different person is foreign and scary.
Of course, nothing you can really do but get over it.

>Being one myself, I've been paranoid about the whole virginity for a while, almost obsessing over the idea of intimacy and exclusivity through sex.
This would have been a legitimate worry if you were saving yourself for marriage, but I'm sure that's not the case. You want to plow her before you marry her, because waiting for marriage makes your penis sad. You want to have degenerate sex, but you want to pretend that it's pure and special for some reason. "Exclusivity"? You get that if you both save yourself for marriage. Do you want to marry her? I doubt it, you most likely want to fuck many different girls before you settle down.
You can't eat the whole cake, you have to choose between degenerate premarital sex, or intimate and "special" sex.

>irreversibly integrated
Yeah, like her father and mother's DNA
People are made out of stuff. Shocking.

>don't settle for someone who has a history you're uncomfortable with.
This is true though. Problem is *what* you're uncomfortable with, and failing to understand that this is something you should set to change.

>deeply regrets it.
This is a lie meant to protect your fragile mind. Learn to accept that her previous experience is a good thing, because causation means the two of you wouldn't end up together if it wasn't for the fact that she's had all her exact past experiences.

Learn to let go. If you got a problem with what you've got, either lose what you got, or learn to see them as positives. It's really all down to how you speak to yourself about your issues.

Just speculating but maybe cause you're a virgin it seems like some kind of special status that matters a lot. Maybe after you have sex it won't seem so special anymore.

>Find a debt free virgin with no tattoos, it will be worth it.

I just watched that video the other day lol